最新资讯 (2024-10-26)
Data released by the Ministry of Finance on the 25th showed that from January to September this year, the national general public budget revenue exceeded 16.3 trillion yuan. In terms of expenditure, from January to September, the national general public budget expenditure was 2.01779 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2%.

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This event is guided by the State Film Administration and co-sponsored by the China Film Archive and other units. It is the only film screening event in the country with the theme of restoration. Among them, the opening film "Born in the Sky" is a 4K restored version that has just been completed by China Film Archive. It will lead the audience to experience the charm of light and shadow and the spirit of China scientists in the completely new images.

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Fruit is rich in fructose. If you consume too much, the liver may not be able to effectively metabolize it, which may lead to an increase in uric acid levels. In severe cases, it may also lead to malnourished fatty liver. The nutritional value of the fruit is only reduced but not increased by the juicing process, because juicing will lose vitamins and dietary fiber in the fruit, and may easily lead to excessive sugar intake.

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为协同发展注入“强活力” 横琴口岸合作快捷通道扩大通行人员范围
On the 25th, the Zhuhai Border Inspection Station issued a notice that starting from 0:00 on October 28 this year, the Hengqin Port Cooperation Express Channel will expand the scope of traffic.

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中国对外投资总量有望“蒸蒸日上” 为促进世界经济可持续发展贡献力量
China Export Credit Insurance Corporation, my country's only policy insurance institution, released the 2024 "National Risk Analysis Report" on the 25th. The report pointed out that global national risks will be stable and changing in 2024, with 8 countries having increased risk levels and 17 countries having reduced risk levels. China enterprises have generally strengthened their overseas investment, and the total amount of overseas investment is expected to accelerate growth.

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迎政策利好 商业保险年金助力多样化养老保障
Recently, the State Financial Supervision and Administration issued a "Notice" requiring further expansion of pilot projects, vigorously developing commercial insurance annuities, and optimizing the supply of personal pension insurance products. So what is a commercial insurance annuity? What are the differences between commercial insurance annuities and social pension insurance? How to choose a suitable commercial insurance annuity? Let's take a look at the reporter's report.

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津冀辽鲁因大雾关闭289个收费站 预计今日中午恢复通行
The reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that as of 9:00 today, due to the impact of heavy fog, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, and Shandong have closed 289 toll stations (involving 42 highways, the main line is accessible), and traffic is expected to resume at noon today.

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中国钢铁行业展现强大韧性 前三季度出口量保持增长
The reporter learned from the third quarter information conference of the China Iron and Steel Industry Association on October 25 that against the background of global market fluctuations and changes in the international trade environment, China's steel industry still maintained export growth in the first three quarters of this year, demonstrating the industry's strong resilience and ability to actively respond to new challenges.

记者10月25日从中国钢铁工业协会 三季度信息发布会了解到,在全球市场波动和国际贸易环境变化的背景下,今年前三季度,中国钢铁行业仍保持出口量增长,展现出行业的强大韧性和积极应对新挑战的能力。
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According to the report, as my country's economic performance recovers, the scale of the general aviation market has steadily expanded, development momentum has continued to increase, and the scale of drone applications has continued to expand. In recent years, the annual growth rate of the economic scale of my country's drone industry is 10 percentage points higher than the annual growth rate of traditional navigation, and has become an important driving force leading the development of low-altitude economic industries.

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数据透视前三季度钢铁行业亮点 高端化、绿色化、智能化发展按下“加速键”
The reporter learned from the third quarter information conference of the China Iron and Steel Industry Association on the 25th that against the background of global market fluctuations and changes in the international trade environment, my country's steel industry still maintained export growth in the first three quarters of this year, demonstrating the industry's strong resilience and ability to actively respond to new challenges.

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The reporter learned from the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region that since the beginning of this year, Inner Mongolia has comprehensively launched the "Three Norths" project and has completed an area of about 19.54 million acres of desertification prevention and control, which is about 113% of the total annual task of 17.3 million acres, exceeding the annual task. Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Li Yunping According to Ma Qiang, deputy director of the Forestry and Grassland Bureau of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, this year is a critical year for the comprehensive launch of the "Three North" project.

记者从内蒙古自治区林草局获悉,今年以来,内蒙古全面开展“三北”工程攻坚战,已完成防沙治沙面积约1954万亩,约为年度总任务1730万亩的113%,超额完成年度任务。新华社记者李云平 摄 据内蒙古自治区林草局副局长马强介绍,今年是“三北”工程攻坚战全面展开的关键一年。
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美疾控中心:已有75人因食用麦当劳汉堡患病 1人死亡
A reporter learned on October 25 local time that the latest data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on the same day showed that the E. coli contamination incident in McDonald's burgers has caused 75 people to become sick in 13 states in the United States, including 1 person died and 22 were hospitalized.

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According to foreign media reports on the 26th, according to an official notice issued by the Iraq Civil Aviation Authority, Iraq closed its airspace on security grounds.

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从“硬核”数据里看以旧换新政策落地显效 消费市场释放积极信号
The reporter learned at the special press conference of the Ministry of Commerce held on the 25th that since the beginning of this year, innovative measures in Hebei, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Sichuan and other places have promoted the exchange of old consumer goods for new ones to achieve greater results.

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Kazan, a thousand-year-old city on the Volga River in Russia, has witnessed another important moment in the development process of BRICS-the first BRICS meeting after the expansion." At the subsequent "BRICS +" leaders 'dialogue meeting, President Xi Jinping emphasized: "As the first phalanx in the global South, we must demonstrate collective wisdom and strength and shoulder our responsibilities in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

喀山,俄罗斯伏尔加河畔千年古城,见证了金砖发展进程中的又一个重要时刻——扩员后的首次金砖会晤。” 在此后的“金砖+”领导人对话会上,习近平主席强调:“作为全球南方的第一方阵,我们要展现集体智慧和力量,为构建人类命运共同体挺膺担当。
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The still water of the Volga River flows deep, like the meditation of the years, deep and tranquil; the Volga River rolls forward, like the trend of history, and is unstoppable.

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On the 26th local time, a reporter from Iran's Tasnim News Agency learned that people familiar with the matter said that as previously announced, Iran is ready to respond to Israel's aggression.

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On the 26th local time, the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization announced that it would suspend all flights in Iran until further notice.

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General reporters learned on the 26th local time that Israeli Air Force fighter jets have attacked dozens of strategic targets in Iran in the past few hours, including missile factories, drone research and development and production facilities, and missile launch bases.

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以军对伊朗打击将持续一夜 暂无以人员伤亡、战机受损报告
ABC reported on October 25 local time that according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation, Israel's attack on Iran is still continuing and will last overnight.

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