最新资讯 (2024-10-25)
Gunnik said that he is proficient in Chinese, Russian and English and can serve as a bridge to help young people from BRICS countries establish closer ties and promote "Greater BRICS" cooperation.

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Civilization is colorful because of exchanges, and civilization is enriched by mutual learning. China and Russia are connected by mountains and rivers, and cultural exchanges have a long history.

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近距离丨俄金砖专家:中国保持开放 着眼长远
The reporter interviewed the public and experts to talk about the future of BRICS and China's contribution.

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Today 74 years ago was a special day, a day worth remembering by every China forever!

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尺素金声 | 中国农村公路总里程可绕赤道115圈,一场驰而不息的跋涉——从十个新数据看中国经济高质量发展底座⑧
As of the end of last year, the total mileage of rural roads in China reached 4.6 million kilometers, equivalent to 115 circles around the equator; rural roads accounted for more than 85% of the country's total highway mileage, and all qualified towns and incorporated villages have access to hardened roads.

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万鸟翔集奏响生态交响曲 多种珍稀动物频现勾勒生机盎然画卷
Recently, as the weather turned cooler, the Tanghe Grand Canyon in Lingqiu County, Datong City, Shanxi Province ushered in a dazzling and beautiful autumn scenery.

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From the 15th to the 24th, the China Xinjiang Cultural Exchange Group went to Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan for cultural exchanges, explaining to local people from all walks of life the Communist Party of China's Xinjiang governance strategy in the new era, introducing that Xinjiang is in the best period of prosperity and development in history, and sincerely inviting all parties to visit Xinjiang for exchanges.

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This year, my country's early summer grain harvest has been achieved. The output of summer grain is 299.56 billion kilograms, an increase of 7.25 billion kilograms over the previous year, the largest increase in production in the past nine years; the output of early rice is 56.35 billion kilograms, stable at more than 56 billion kilograms for four consecutive years. The area of autumn grain has increased steadily, and significant results have been achieved in increasing yields in large areas. As of the 24th, the harvest progress has reached 82.5%, making it another bumper season.

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Recently, 15 central inspection teams provided "one-on-one" feedback to the 22 central and state agencies and the party committees (party groups) of 12 medium-managed financial enterprises during this round of inspections. According to the central inspection work arrangement, each central inspection team informed the main leaders of the inspected party organizations of the outstanding problems discovered during the inspection, and provided feedback on the inspection to the leadership team.

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凝心聚力 推动“全球南方”国家共同迈向现代化——国际人士积极评价习近平主席在“金砖+”领导人对话会上的重要讲话
International people pointed out that a series of important concepts put forward by President Xi Jinping have contributed China wisdom and China solutions to promoting world modernization. China's modernization has become the "global South" and injected vitality into the common development of the world.

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“数”里行间汇聚信心 中国经济将持续暖起来、好起来
The Canton Fair is a big stage for small and medium-sized enterprises to find foreign customers and expand the international market. Among the 10040 companies participating in the second phase of this Canton Fair, small and medium-sized enterprises accounted for the majority. All government departments have worked together to protect small and medium-sized enterprises from sailing to sea.

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On the morning of October 24, local time, President Xi Jinping attended the "BRICS +" Leaders 'Dialogue at the Kazan Convention and Exhibition Center and delivered an important speech entitled "Gathering the Majestic Power of the" Global South "to Jointly Promote the Construction of a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity" to clarify China advocates.

当地时间10月24日上午,国家主席习近平在喀山会展中心出席“金砖+”领导人对话会并发表题为《汇聚“全球南方”磅礴力量 共同推动构建人类命运共同体》的重要讲话,阐明中国主张。
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Xi Jinping emphasized that China is willing to work with BRICS countries to create a new situation for high-quality development of "Greater BRICS Cooperation" and join hands with more countries in the "Global South" to jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind!

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"I thought of the book" What to Do?"by the Russian writer Chernyshevsky, The strong will and passion for struggle of the protagonist in the book are exactly the spiritual strength we need now."

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On October 23, local time, President Xi Jinping attended the 16th BRICS Leaders 'Meeting in Kazan, Russia, and delivered an important speech entitled "Climbing and looking far ahead, piercing the clouds and breaking through the fog to promote the high-quality development of" Greater BRICS Cooperation ". speech.

当地时间10月23日,国家主席习近平在俄罗斯喀山出席金砖国家领导人第十六次会晤,并发表题为《登高望远,穿云破雾 推动“大金砖合作”高质量发展》的重要讲话。
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应习近平邀请 芬兰总统将访华
At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Finnish President Stubb will pay a state visit to China from October 28 to 31.

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Xi Jinping emphasized that he hopes that you will take the centenary of the founding of the school as a new starting point, be guided by scientific and technological development and national strategic needs, improve the discipline setting adjustment mechanism and talent training model, strengthen original and leading marine science and technology research, and strive to cultivate more blue minds. Outstanding marine talents with dreams and worthy of the important responsibilities of the times will make greater contributions to building a strong educational country and a strong maritime country.

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At midnight on October 24, President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing by special plane after attending the 16th BRICS Leaders 'Meeting.

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Xi Jinping pointed out that the collective rise of the global South is a distinctive symbol of the world's great changes. The common modernization of countries in the global South is a major event in world history and an unprecedented feat in the process of human civilization. At the same time, world peace and development still face severe challenges, and the road to revitalization of the global South is destined to be uneven.

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大金砖 大团结 大作为——中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅谈习近平主席赴俄罗斯出席金砖国家领导人第十六次会晤
From October 22 to 24, 2024, President Xi Jinping was invited to Russia to attend the 16th BRICS Leaders 'Meeting. At the end of the trip, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister, introduced the visit to the accompanying reporters.

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