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最新资讯 (2024-10-01)


On September 30, 2024 (one day before the National Day holiday), the number of cross-regional personnel in the whole society was 223.748 million, a month-on-month increase of 27.5%, a decrease of 5.6% compared with the same period in 2023 (one day before the Mid-Autumn Festival National Day holiday, the same below), and an increase of 6.8% compared with the same period in 2019 (one day before the National Day holiday, the same below).

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日本新任首相石破茂组建内阁 成员名单公布

On October 1, local time, Japan's new Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba formed a cabinet.

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Data recently released by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange showed that in the first half of 2024, my country's current account surplus was 669 billion yuan, and its capital and financial account deficit was 878.8 billion yuan.

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增运力、优服务 交通部门提升服务品质 多管齐下保障旅客有序出行

On the first day of the National Day holiday, railways across the country ushered in peak passenger flow during the holiday. It is expected to carry more than 21 million passengers throughout the day. The railway department has increased capacity and improved services to ensure orderly travel of passengers.

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一批新规十月起施行 哪些与你我息息相关?一起了解→

Entering October, we will not only usher in the National Day holiday, but also some new regulations related to the securities market, duty-free shops, commodity packaging, etc. Let's learn about it.

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Today, in China in the new era, the land of China is full of scenery.

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璀璨华灯点燃节日氛围 各地用灯光扮“靓”城市欢度国庆

On the eve of National Day, special themed activities were held in various places to create a strong festive atmosphere. On the evening of September 30, a gorgeous fireworks show lit up the night sky of Shanghai and shone on the riverside.

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交通高“智”量发展为出行安全顺畅护航 “人享其行”愿景不断实现

Starting from the afternoon of September 30, highways across the country have ushered in a small peak in travel. The highway department has refined service measures and taken multiple measures to ensure safe and smooth travel on National Day.

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从雪域高原到边防海岛 部队官兵举行形式多样的升旗仪式喜迎国庆

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, flag-raising ceremonies were held in military camps from snowy plateaus to border islands, raising a flag together to wish the motherland well.

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In the golden autumn of October, New China marked its 75th annual ring. Between heaven and earth, 75 years are just a snap of the finger, but for New China, it is an epic journey.

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People often use the flick of their fingers to describe the short duration of 75 years in the long history of mankind, but the people of China and the Chinese nation have grasped the 75 years since the founding of New China, seized the day and kept walking, and performed a moving epic of struggle, created a miracle on earth that shines in the annals of history, and wrote a magnificent oriental legend in the history of human development!

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"In the 75 years since its founding, the People's Republic of China has undergone earth-shaking changes and achieved world-renowned achievements." Former Croatian Deputy Prime Minister Ante Simonic recently said in a written exclusive interview with a reporter from Xinhua Agency.

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During the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the conflict in Gaza continued to spill over, the situation in Lebanon and Israel suddenly heated up, the leaders 'meeting of the "Quadripartite Security Dialogue" provoked camp confrontation, and scientific reports showed that the acidity of the global ocean was approaching the security threshold... Faced with complex and severe international situations and unprecedented common challenges, the international community urgently needs to build consensus, find solutions to crises in a world of turmoil, and gather multilateral synergy to deal with global challenges.

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In the golden hall of the Great Hall of the People, the thick golden door slowly opened. Focusing eyes and waves of applause-General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the venue together with the winners of the National Medal and National Honorary Titles. On the morning of September 29, in the capital, Beijing, a national ceremony was held to praise heroes in the name of the country and pay tribute to heroes with the courtesy of national scholars.

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Learning Newspeak·Intangible Cultural Heritage| "Ceramics are Chinese treasures and an important business card of Chinese civilization"

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Li Zhong, deputy minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and social protection, recently stated that he will implement the employment priority strategy, strengthen employment priority policies, and use deepening the reform of the employment system and mechanism as the driving force to focus on efforts from five aspects to continue to promote the effective improvement of employment quality and reasonable growth in quantity.

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The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting China Modernization" proposes: "Promote the standardization, standardization and facilitation of government services." This is an inevitable way to further transform government functions, build a rule of law government, innovative government, clean government and service-oriented government that satisfy the people, promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, better promote high-quality development, and meet the people's growing needs for a better life. requirement.

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Winter and spring assistance is an important measure to solve people's worries, benefit people's livelihood, and warm people's hearts at key points at the end of the year and the beginning of the year. The Ministry of Emergency Management and the Ministry of Finance recently issued the "Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the National Winter and Spring Relief Work for the Disaster-stricken People in 2024-2025", organizing various localities to conduct in-depth and meticulous arrangements to determine the objects in need of assistance, standardize the implementation of rescue procedures, and effectively protect the basic lives of the disaster-stricken people.

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支撑消费品以旧换新 115项国家标准已全部立项

The reporter recently learned from the State Administration of Market Regulation that according to the "Action Plan for Upgrading Traction Equipment with Standards and Replacing Old Consumer Goods with New" issued by the State Administration of Market Regulation and other seven departments, in terms of trade-in of consumer goods, the focus is on automobiles, home appliances, home furnishings, emerging consumption, etc. All 115 national standards for standardizing new needs have been approved and 30 have been released.

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支撑消费品以旧换新 115项国家标准已全部立项

The reporter recently learned from the State Administration of Market Regulation that according to the "Action Plan for Upgrading Traction Equipment with Standards and Replacing Old Consumer Goods with New" issued by the State Administration of Market Regulation and other seven departments, in terms of trade-in of consumer goods, the focus is on automobiles, home appliances, home furnishings, emerging consumption, etc. All 115 national standards for standardizing new needs have been approved and 30 have been released.

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