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最新资讯 (2024-10-01)

19亿、1.75亿、6100万……国庆假期释放繁荣发展活力 多彩“文旅大餐”聚人气

The National Day holiday kicks off on October 1. The Ministry of Transport predicts that the cross-regional flow of people across society during the National Day holiday this year will exceed 1.9 billion, an average daily increase of 0.7% over the same period last year. Railway holiday transportation has started on September 29. According to China Railway Group, the national railway is expected to carry 175 million passengers during the National Day holiday. October 1 is the peak day for passenger flow and is expected to exceed 21 million.

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一抹抹“中国红”绘出秋日最美色彩 全国多地佳节氛围感拉满

In order to celebrate National Day, in the past few days, five-star red flags have been fluttering in the wind in the streets and alleys. Lights and colorful decorations have been decorated in various places, and various forms of celebration activities have been held. A touch of "China Red" paints the most beautiful color of autumn.

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组合拳、拼经济 多地出台楼市新政 积极释放利好信号

On September 30, Beijing announced adjustments to its housing purchase restriction policy, involving measures such as reducing existing mortgage interest rates, lowering the minimum down payment ratio for personal housing loans, and increasing and reducing the social security or personal tax payment period for non-Beijing households. Just the day before, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen successively announced adjustments to purchase restrictions. So far, all four first-tier cities have adjusted their housing purchase restriction policies.

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On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China, Xinhua Agency tells you the story of these unknown national flags and pays tribute to every China in the name of the national flag!

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In the history of the Republic, there have always been so many heart-shaking moments that make people's blood boil: from the Shenzhou 5 flight to the China Space Station's space travel, from Xu Haifeng's first gold medal to the Paris Olympics's 40 gold medal continued glory, from the first atomic bomb explosion to the Fujian ship pulling anchor and setting sail. On the 75th anniversary, cheer for the popularity of China!

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假期解锁多种新玩法、新场景 各地“小美好”汇成文旅“大流量”

On the first day of the holiday, what are the fun things in various places? In Hubei, East Lake is one of the check-in points for people to travel during holidays. Here, you can not only cruise boats and enjoy slow life, but also find your favorite experience in rich cultural activities. What are the specific fun projects? Let's take a look together.

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Xinjiang is my country's largest high-quality commercial cotton production base, with cotton planting area accounting for more than 80% of the country's total. In the past few days, Xinjiang cotton has gradually entered the harvest period.

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The reporter recently learned from the National Climate Center that my country's climate will be warm and humid in the summer of 2024, and the national average temperature will be the highest in the same period in history since 1961. There is more precipitation, and the overall distribution is small in the east and west.

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The People's Republic of China celebrates its 75th anniversary at the sunrise. The oriental national anthem is majestic. The five-star red flag is rising. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process, a new era and a new journey.

中华人民共和国迎来75周年华诞 日出东方 国歌雄壮 看五星红旗冉冉升起 中华民族伟大复兴 进入了不可逆转的历史进程 新时代新征程 
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The reporter recently learned from the China Meteorological Administration that my country has built more than 76,000 ground automatic weather observation stations, achieving full coverage of towns and villages across the country; 27 national climate observatories and 8 national atmospheric background stations have been built to achieve full coverage of critical climate areas.

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The reporter learned from China Railway Group that on October 1, it is expected to send 21 million passengers, and 12737 passenger trains are planned to be operated, of which 1476 are added. On September 30, 17.283 million passengers were sent.

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According to official measurements by China Seismological Network, a magnitude 3.4 earthquake occurred in Shiqu County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan at 10:58 on October 1, with a focal depth of 8 kilometers. The epicenter was located at 32.97 degrees north latitude and 98.41 degrees east longitude.

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中国持续释放“磁吸力” 跨国车企投资中国、深耕中国、赢在中国

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has attracted foreign-funded enterprises to continue to take root and develop businesses in the hot land of China with its high-level opening up and ultra-large-scale market. The "Rooted in China" series of reports focuses on the stories of multinational companies investing in China, deeply cultivating China, and winning in China.

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The tremendous changes in the past 75 years have also precipitated into our daily lives. Behind every aspect of food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is a mark of the times. Starting today, we will launch a series of reports "Data Looking at Changes". Through each people's livelihood data, we will see how daily life we are all too familiar with tells the story of 75 years.

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国庆海采:聊不完的幸福生活 赞不尽的伟大时代

In the 75 years since the founding of New China, the economy has developed rapidly and society has been stable for a long time. The great motherland has undergone earth-shaking changes, and China's modernization is showing thousands of events.

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According to online platform data, as of 9:42 on October 1, the box office of theater movies in 2024 (including pre-sales) exceeded 35 billion yuan!

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山西首次开行新型复兴号智能动车组 “新”在哪儿?

The reporter learned from China Railway Taiyuan Bureau Group Co., Ltd. that at 8:36 on October 1, the G62 train, operated by the CR400AF-S Fuxing Intelligent EMU, left Taiyuan Station in Shanxi, marking the official operation of the most advanced intelligent EMU train in China in Shanxi.

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“真金白银”激发文旅市场消费新活力 为产业发展插上“科技的翅膀”

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism stated on September 30 that it will introduce a series of measures to promote cultural tourism consumption and promote industrial development, and various localities will issue 500 million yuan in cultural tourism consumption vouchers and other consumption subsidies.

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Specifically, the "Central Kitchen Construction Requirements" sets out four requirements for central kitchens: site selection and overall layout, processing area location setting, main construction, and facilities and equipment, leading the rational construction and scientific investment of central kitchens. "The implementation of these two national standards marks that my country's central kitchen will have evidence to follow in terms of standardization in hardware aspects including site selection and layout and management aspects such as operation and processing.

具体来看,《中央厨房 建设要求》给出了中央厨房选址与总体布局、加工区场所设置、主体建设、设施设备四个方面的要求,引领中央厨房合理建设、科学投资。“这两项国家标准的实施,标志着我国中央厨房在包括选址布局等硬件方面和经营加工等管理方面的标准化将有据可依。
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多项金融支持房地产政策落地 惠民生、提信心、促发展

On the evening of September 29, the People's Bank of China issued an announcement that it would guide the interest rate of existing mortgage loans to be lowered in batches, allowing existing mortgage loans that meet certain conditions to re-agree on the "additional limit." The People's Bank of China also guided the market interest rate pricing self-discipline mechanism and issued the "Initiative on Batch Adjustment of Existing Mortgage Interest Rates." After batch adjustment, the interest rate on existing mortgages will drop to approximately 3.55%, which is expected to benefit 50 million households.

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