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最新资讯 (2024-09-28)


A report recently released by the International Federation of Robotics, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, shows that in 2023, the number of newly installed industrial robots in China will reach 276,300, accounting for 51% of the world's new installations. In 2023, the number of newly installed industrial robots in Italy and France will be slightly higher than 10,000 and 6000 respectively, ranking second and third among European countries.

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In recent years, some professional claimants have used complaint platforms, calls and other means to report maliciously, making enterprises miserable and regulatory authorities exhausted. They have not only damaged the rights and interests of enterprises, occupied channels for rights protection, but also occupied social resources and disrupted market order.

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The reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that private capital was introduced into the five nuclear power projects approved by the State Council in August this year, and the shareholding ratio of private enterprises increased to 10% for the first time. What new breakthroughs have been made in the nuclear power field in further liberalizing private capital? What new opportunities will it bring to the private economy? Let's take a look at the reporter's exclusive interview with relevant leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission.

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中国政策“组合拳”持续发力 世界媒体看好中国经济发展前景

China's policy "combination punch" continues to exert efforts to boost the confidence of market entities and release a clear signal of continuing to improve the development environment and unswervingly promoting high-quality development.

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青海格尔木一地发生有害气体中毒事件 已致6人死亡

On the 28th, news that a "poison gas leak caused casualties" occurred in a village in Golmud City, Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, attracted social attention. The report stated that at about 20:20 on September 24, 2024, an incident of toxic and harmful gases causing casualties occurred in an oil press and a health club in Yanqiao Village, Yanqiao North Road, Golmud City Golmud City.

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On September 27, the first salon event of the World Internet Conference Digital Training Institute "WIC·Link" was held in Beijing.

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中国新地标 | 通江达海 平陆运河踏“绿”而行绘新景

The Pinglu Canal starts at the mouth of Pingtang River in Xijin Reservoir Area, Hengzhou City, Nanning, Guangxi, and passes through Luwu Town, Lingshan County, Qinzhou City and enters the Beibu Gulf along the Qinjiang River. It has a total length of 134.2 kilometers. It is the first river-sea canal project built since the founding of New China. The main body will be completed by the end of 2026 and can be navigable to 5000-ton ships. "New Landmarks in China" allows us to walk into the construction site of the Pinglu Canal together.

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假期出行 哪些物品禁止携带、哪些物品限制随身携带?快速了解→

The National Day holiday is the best time to go out and enjoy autumn. Passengers should carefully check the items they carry with them before departing by train to prevent some items from failing to pass security and affecting travel.

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重庆将迎强降温降雨过程 连晴高温天气结束在即

The reporter learned from the Chongqing City Meteorological Bureau on September 28 that due to the influence of strong cold air rapidly heading south, it is expected that there will be a strong cooling and rainfall weather process in Chongqing from the evening of the 29th to the night of the 30th, and the average temperature in various places will drop by 10℃ to 14℃. The Chongqing City Meteorological Bureau reminded that rainfall was relatively strong from the evening of the 29th to the night of the 30th, and all departments should pay attention to preventing disasters such as flash floods, landslides, mudslides, floods in small and medium-sized rivers, and urban and rural waterlogging that may be caused by local heavy rainfall.

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The Embassy of China in Nepal urgently reminds China citizens and institutions in Nepal to pay close attention to weather forecasts, carefully consider travel during heavy rain, pay attention to traffic safety, strengthen waterlogging and flood control arrangements in residential areas and project sites, strictly guard against various possible natural geological disasters, make emergency preparations and disposal, and ensure the safety of personnel and property.

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The National Day Golden Week (October 1 to October 7) is approaching, and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong port is expected to usher in a peak in inbound and outbound passenger flow. Among them, Luohu, Futian, Shenzhen Bay, Liantang, and Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-speed Railway West Kowloon Station ports are the main ports to undertake inbound and outbound passenger flow during the holidays. The average daily passenger flow will reach 201,000 passengers, 175,000 passengers, 118,000 passengers, and 81,000 passengers respectively.

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显成效、促衔接 下好长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区“先手棋”

On September 27, the Yangtze River Delta Ecological Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone released three institutional innovations in the field of planning and management.

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清澈的爱 只为中国|巨变:中国时间

In the past five years, China has gone from poverty to a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and has embarked on a new journey of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with China-style modernization.

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Alar City in Xinjiang is located on the edge of the Taklimakan Desert, and the land is seriously saline-alkali. In order to maintain the acid-base balance of the soil, the local area uses a large amount of Tarim River water to carry out alkali pressing operations on the land every year. Alkaline water gathers to produce more than 4300 acres of saline-alkali water. In May this year, the local government contacted Ningbo University with the help of aid to Xinjiang to introduce high-quality sea crabs from Sanmen County, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, on the coast of the East China Sea, and put them into saline-alkali water for breeding experiments. At present, the green crabs have reached the harvest period.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程丨“中国天眼”为世界天文提供中国智慧

Over the past eight years,"China Sky Eye" has carried forward the spirit of pioneering progress and bravely climbed heights, adhered to the style of unity and forging ahead, and collaborated to tackle key problems. It has continued to innovate and produced frequent results. It has continuously expanded the limits of human view of the sky, and continues to contribute China wisdom and provide China solutions to the extreme vision of mankind and the universe.

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预防狂犬病,别被狗咬就够了吗 | 世界狂犬病日

September 28 is World Rabies Day. Rabies is preventable but not treatable. To prevent it well, there are many things to pay attention to in addition to not being injured by dogs.

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国庆假期增开多趟旅客列车 快来看看有没有你需要的车次→

According to passenger travel needs, the railway department has recently opened the following additional passenger trains. Come and see if there are any trains you need.

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Human Resources and social protection held a work conference on employment assistance for people lifted out of poverty in Chongqing on the 27th. Promoting the employment of people who have been lifted out of poverty is an important measure to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and maintain the bottom line of preventing large-scale return to poverty.

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On September 28 local time, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations stated that the explosion at a gas station in Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan, had killed 11 people and injured 21 others. Melikov, Chief Executive of the Republic of Dagestan, announced on the 27th that the 28th would be a day of mourning for the victims of the gas station explosion in Makhachkala.

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The Sudanese Armed Forces stated on the evening of September 27 local time that they took control of the Kadru area of North Khartoum City in the Capital Circle that day, cutting off the Sudanese Rapid Support Force's access to fuel from Sudan's largest refinery, the Khartoum Refinery. An important supply line.

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