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最新资讯 (2024-09-28)

共和国巡礼|从“跟跑”到“并跑”再到“领跑” “单打冠军”引领行业

In recent years, Ningxia has accelerated the construction of its industrial system with innovation, focusing on cultivating industry advantages, and one industry "singles champions" have emerged one after another.

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共和国巡礼|75年从西北戈壁滩到“塞上江南” 宁夏“绿”植发展底色

Ningxia is located in the arid zone of northwest my country. It is a red land with a glorious revolutionary tradition. In the 75 years since the founding of New China, Ningxia has achieved a huge transformation from the Gobi Desert in the northwest to a "land of fish and rice" and "a border on the south of the Yangtze River." Its industry has also experienced a development process from scratch and from weak to strong.

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the afternoon of September 27. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport introduced the relevant situation of travel service guarantees during the National Day holiday.

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On September 27, on the occasion of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, the National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress was held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the conference and delivered an important speech. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech has profound thoughts and broad horizons. It is a programmatic document to promote the construction of the Chinese nation's community.

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Comprehensive US media reported on the 27th that US defense officials said that three US warships in the Red Sea were attacked by missiles and drones launched by Yemen's Houthi armed forces, and the US military intercepted them. Reports said that since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict in October 2023, Houthi armed forces have used drones and missiles to attack targets in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden waters, demanding that Israel stop military operations in the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

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According to the Associated Press reported on September 26, on the 26th, a senior Haiti official brought a strange moment in American politics to the United Nations General Assembly.

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Recently, it was rumored online that "a robbery case occurred in Qinghai." After the interception failed, when the party concerned drove away, the truck driver picked up roadside rocks and hit the vehicle, causing damage to the rear window and hood of the party's vehicle, and no injuries were caused.

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On September 27, on the occasion of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, the National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress was held in Beijing. At this National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress, the General Secretary profoundly revealed the roots and soul of the formation and development of the Chinese nation's consciousness of community.

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国庆假期服务台|国庆出行高峰将至 哪些方向还有余票?

The National Day holiday is approaching, and passengers preparing to travel should pay attention to train tickets. According to the forecast of the transportation department, the peak day of passenger flow may be advanced, so what options do passengers who travel on the peak day have to purchase train tickets?

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南海是世界上最繁忙、最繁荣、最开放的海 开放自由有目共睹

The "South China Sea Strategic Situation Awareness Plan" think tank platform released the "South China Sea Navigation and Overflight Status Report" in Beijing today (September 27). This is the world's first special report on navigation and overflight issues in the South China Sea region.

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Among the green waters and green mountains of Liaoning, 76 national-level intangible cultural heritages and 218 provincial-level intangible cultural heritages have been born. The Liaoning chapter of the large-scale cultural program "China in the Intangible Cultural Heritage" jointly produced by China Central Radio and Television Station and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was broadcast on CCTV Comprehensive Channel (CCTV-1) at 20:00 on September 28, and CCTV Video premiered exclusively on the entire network.

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今年国庆假期全国路网出行总量大、流量峰值高 这些注意事项需留意→

The National Day holiday is approaching. The Ministry of Transport predicts that the cross-regional flow of people across society during this National Day holiday will exceed 1.9 billion. Public travel will mainly consist of traveling and returning home to visit relatives. The Road Network Monitoring and Emergency Response Center of the Ministry of Transport released the "Research and Analysis Report on the Operation of the National Highway Network during the National Day Holiday"(hereinafter referred to as the "Report") on the 27th. The "Report" shows that during this year's National Day holiday, the total amount of travel on the national road network was large and the peak traffic was high.

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国庆假期出行将呈现四个特点 交通部门多措并举保障出行平安顺畅

The State Council Information Office introduced at a press conference on September 27 that according to research and predictions, the cross-regional flow of people across society during the National Day Golden Week holiday will reach 1.94 billion, with an average of 277 million people per day. During the National Day holiday, travel will be self-driving travel. Four characteristics, such as a relatively high proportion.

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According to a report on the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao on September 26, a bomb threat came from a passenger plane flying from Vietnam to Thailand, but no explosives were found after inspection by the authorities. A Polish female passenger involved in the case was arrested.

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Today's world is full of turmoil, and instability and uncertainty have increased significantly. From hot issues such as the Ukraine crisis and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to global issues such as cybersecurity and terrorism, various challenges emerge one after another, worrying the international community. The more turbulent the world becomes, the more it calls for major powers to take responsibility. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that China-style modernization is a modernization that follows the path of peaceful development. China has always held high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and win-win results, sought its own development while firmly safeguarding world peace, and used its own development to better safeguard world peace, and continued to be a force for stability and peace in a turbulent world.

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"This is made of Indonesian teak. You can get a gift if you buy a large decoration." During the 21st China-ASEAN Expo, Indonesian exhibitor Gan Pearl was skillfully introducing products in Chinese to customers who came to consult at the Indonesia Pavilion.

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美经济学家:美国就业市场持续出现疲软迹象 预示经济衰退即将来临

According to the US Business Insider website, Danielle DiMartino Booth, a former Dallas Fed consultant and CEO of QI Research, said that the US job market continues to show signs of weakness, and several key areas that have received key attention have emerged. Negative signs, the weakness of the job market may then translate into weak consumption, leading to a recession in the US economy.

据美国《商业内幕》网站报道,前达拉斯联储顾问、QI Research首席执行官丹妮尔·迪马蒂诺·布斯表示,美国就业市场持续出现疲软迹象,受重点关注的几个关键领域已出现消极迹象,就业市场的疲软随后可能转化为消费疲软,导致美国经济衰退。
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Transportation is the context of economy and the link of civilization. On the journey to a transportation power, generations of reporters have used their lenses to capture the lofty aspirations of thousands of transportation builders to open roads on cliffs, and record the great changes of the times when the natural grafts between thousands of mountains and mountains have become thoroughfares.

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Recently, the Shanghai City Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Commerce Commission, the Municipal Finance Bureau and other departments have formulated and promulgated detailed implementation rules for strengthening support for the city's car trade-in subsidy policies. If eligible individual consumers scrap or transfer their old cars and purchase new cars, subsidies of 12,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan will be given respectively according to different circumstances.

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The water and grass are lush, the reeds are swaying, and large areas of Suaeda salsa cover the wetland with a fantasy "red carpet". As the waves rippled, groups of gulls and herons passed by... This is the scenery that the reporter recently saw at the migratory bird habitat at the Yellow River Estuary in Dongying, Shandong Province.

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