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最新资讯 (2024-09-28)


The reporter learned from the National Space Administration that at 18:30 on September 27, my country used the Long March 2D carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the first reusable recoverable technology test satellite-Shijian 19 Satellite. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit.

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多部门出台政策拼经济 保险业高质量发展画出“路线图”

The meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on September 26 pointed out that we should effectively implement existing policies, intensify the introduction of incremental policies, further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of policies and measures, and strive to complete the annual economic and social development goals and tasks. In order to strive to achieve the annual development goals and fight for the economy, multiple departments have introduced policies to form a "combination punch" to support economic development. At the regular policy briefing of the State Council held on the 27th, the relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Financial Supervision stated that it is necessary to enhance the role of insurance in protecting and improving people's livelihood, preventing disasters and reducing losses, and serving the real economy, and promote insurance funds to better serve the development of new quality productivity.

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金融政策“组合拳”发力显效 多项利好带来市场强烈反应

On September 27, two items released by the People's Bank of China attracted widespread attention. First, it decided to reduce the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points starting from September 27, 2024. The second is to cut the central bank's policy interest rate and cut the open market 7-day reverse repo operating rate by 0.2 percentage points. Experts said that the central bank's simultaneous implementation of RRR cuts and interest rates will continue to boost market confidence.

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At the 21st China-ASEAN Expo held in Nanning, Guangxi, green energy, new energy vehicles, green agricultural products, etc. became the focus of attention of the audience.

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Now is a good time for a bumper harvest of peppers in Xinjiang. At the pepper drying farm in Bohu County, Bayingoleng Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, villagers seize the fine weather and centrally dry, sort and bag the harvested peppers.

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The National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress was held in Beijing on the 27th. 352 model collectives and 368 model individuals were commended.

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Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said on the 27th that state-owned enterprise managers must work hard on "broader" and "deeper" efforts. Streamline the responsibility boundaries of public administration departments and state-owned assets regulatory agencies; promote dynamic optimization of rights and responsibilities lists; strengthen innovation and inclusiveness, and promote new progress in due diligence, compliance and exemption.

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我国大部地区将有大风降温天气 华西地区有强降雨

According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, heavy rainfall occurred in some areas in Zhejiang, Fujian and other places yesterday, and strong winds and cooling weather occurred in northern Xinjiang. Gale weather occurred in the northwest region yesterday, gusts of magnitude 6 - 9 occurred in most parts of Xinjiang, most of Inner Mongolia, western Gansu, Ningxia and other places, with local magnitudes of magnitude 10 - 12; floating dust or blowing sand occurred in Xinjiang's southern Xinjiang Basin, Turpan, Hami and other places., sandstorms occurred locally in the southern Xinjiang Basin.

据中央气象台网站消息,昨日,浙江、福建等地部分地区出现较强降雨,新疆北部出现大风降温天气。西北地区出现大风天气  昨日,新疆大部、内蒙古大部、甘肃西部、宁夏等地出现6~9级阵风,局地10~12级;新疆南疆盆地、吐鲁番、哈密等地出现浮尘或扬沙,南疆盆地局地出现沙尘暴。
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满眼“中国红”、出行“活力”旺 这个国庆假期文旅消费迎热潮

National Day is approaching, and all parts of the country are dressed up. Whether in the capital Beijing or in the motherland's coastal areas, the eyes are full of "China Red", forming a beautiful festival landscape.

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国庆假期 这些人可提前发工资!

According to Article 7 of the Interim Provisions on Wage Payment, wages must be paid on the date agreed upon by the employer and the worker. In case of holidays or rest days, payment should be made in advance on the nearest working day. Wages are paid at least once a month. If the weekly, daily, or hourly wage system is implemented, the wages can be paid weekly, daily, or hourly.

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Russia's Ministry of Emergency Situations said on the 27th that an explosion occurred at a gas station on the outskirts of Makhachkala, the capital of the Russian Republic of Dagestan, that day, killing 10 people. According to Russian media reports, on the evening of the 27th, a refueling bomb exploded on the outskirts of Makhachkala, the capital of the Republic of Dagestan, Russia, and caused a fire that spanned 500 square meters.

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Cultural relics from two shipwreck sites that had been sleeping more than 1500 meters in the deep sea for more than 500 years were made public for the first time.

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At present, the lunar landing phase of the manned lunar exploration project has been fully implemented, and various research and construction work is being stepped up. In order to gather social wisdom, the China Manned Space Engineering Office is now launching a lunar landing service recruitment campaign.

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Today (September 28), the Office of China Manned Space Engineering released a naming event for the lunar suit to the public and made public the appearance of China's lunar suit for the first time.

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金融政策积极发力 多家外资机构看好中国经济与股市前景

During this period, this series of unexpected policy "combination punches" not only actively participated by many domestic investors, but also significantly enhanced international investors 'confidence in the China market. Next, let's take a look at interviews with many internationally renowned investment institutions and investors.

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中国金融政策提振信心 全球大宗商品市场呈现反弹行情

China's multi-pronged monetary and fiscal policies not only pushed the A-share market to continue to rise, but also caused a rebound in some global commodities that had been under severe pressure in the early part of the third quarter.

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一系列政策“组合拳”提信心保民生 打造家门口的“幸福圈”

The People's Bank of China announced on September 27 that it would cut the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions and the central bank's policy interest rate.

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The sound of explosions came from Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. Israel's air strike on the southern suburbs of Beirut in the early morning of the 28th lasted for more than two hours.

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Make full use of new forms such as digital museums, 8K digital dome movies, and game-implanted Dazu stone carvings to make history and culture "move" and "come alive."

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10家民营企业参与5个核电项目 民营企业参股核电比例首次达10%

The reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that private capital was introduced into the five nuclear power projects approved by the State Council in August this year, and the shareholding ratio of private enterprises increased to 10% for the first time. The five nuclear power projects newly approved by the State Council are Xuwei Phase I in Jiangsu Province, Sanao Phase II in Zhejiang Province, Zhaoyuan Phase I in Shandong Province, Lufeng Units 1 and 2 in Guangdong Province, and Bailong Phase I in Guangxi.

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