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最新资讯 (2024-09-27)

文博日历丨孔子诞辰2575年 这套祭孔礼器的排面绝了!

Today is the 2575th anniversary of Confucius 'birth. Do you know how Confucius' loyal "fans" worshipped Confucius at that time? I heard that the "noodle arrangement" is superb. Three highlights will take you to know the ten offerings of Shang Zhou.

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将爱国之情化为报国之行 中国人这样用行动说我爱你中国

There are always people who say that China people are not good at expressing love, but in fact, we have long expressed our love for the motherland loudly with actions.

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Xiao Ai, a 16-year-old girl from Guangdong, told a reporter from Rule of Law Daily that two years ago, she was attracted by tattoo advertisements on the online platform. Many people in the comment section below said that they "want to be tattooed","tattoos are cool" and "envy" With such beautiful patterns, she added a tattoo artist as a friend online through the contact information on the advertisement. After some communication, Xiao Ai came to the tattoo shop on a whim and painted patterns of flowers and butterflies. The completed tattoo almost occupied the outer side of her upper arm.

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The reporter learned from the Institute of Aerospace Information Innovation of China Academy of Sciences that Lijiang Station, the China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station, was officially put into operation on September 27. Lijiang Station has efficient and fully automated satellite data receiving capabilities, filling the gap in southwest China where there is no fixed satellite ground receiving station.

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外卖员用“外挂”抢单?涉案金额达3000万元 黑灰团伙被捣毁

With the rapid development of the catering industry and delivery industry, ordering takeout has become the most convenient way to eat for contemporary young people. However, recently, some people have discovered that there are frequent cases of takeaways rushing orders but not delivering meals, and over-time delivery. There has been no improvement after several complaints and complaints. After police investigation, it was actually the "black technology" of takeout riders. Recently, Zhejiang Public Security Bureau successfully smashed a black and gray industry criminal gang that produced and sold "plug-in" software, involving a total amount of 30 million yuan.

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Promoting the construction of affordable housing and improving the living environment are important measures to enhance people's happiness. From the country to local governments, new measures are constantly being introduced to create a "happiness circle" at home with new concepts and new technologies.

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According to official measurements by China Seismological Network, at 01:52 on September 28, a magnitude 3.2 earthquake occurred in Nima County, Nagqu City, Xizang (34.45 degrees north latitude, 86.14 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 10 kilometers.

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Recently, parents of primary and secondary schools in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province posted a post saying that "the bread distributed by the school to students has expired and moldy", which attracted attention. On the evening of September 27, the reporter learned that a local investigation team had been set up to intervene in the investigation. Relevant departments conduct health observations on relevant students.

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受权发布|中共中央 国务院关于表彰全国民族团结进步模范集体和模范个人的决定

The Party Central Committee calls on people of all ethnic groups across the country to follow the example of the commended model collectives and model individuals, thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with China Characteristics for a New Era, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", hold high the banner of great unity of the Chinese nation, firmly establish the concept of a community of sharing weal and woe, sharing life and death, and sharing a shared destiny, and consciously Do national unity, The defender of national unity and social stability, the promoter of exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups, the practitioner of building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community, and work hard to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with China-style modernization!

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National Day is approaching, and all parts of the country are dressed up. Whether in the capital Beijing or in the motherland's coastal areas, the eyes are full of "China Red", forming a beautiful festival landscape.

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On September 27, local time, when New York Mayor Eric Adams appeared in the Federal Court for the Southern District of New York, he pleaded not guilty to all five federal charges, including wire fraud, bribery, conspiracy and two counts of soliciting campaign donations from foreign citizens.

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"Strive to cultivate more high-quality news and communication talents and make new contributions to the development of the party's propaganda, ideological and cultural undertakings." On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Communication University of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote back to all teachers and students of the school, extending congratulations and greetings to the teachers, students, staff and alumni of the school.

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非常重庆 非常好耍 |大手笔推进 巴蜀文化旅游走廊建设结硕果

As a pole of human geography with great "individuality" on the territory of China, the land of Bashu has a long cultural heritage. The thousand-year-old Shu Road used to be used for business travel and music. Today, under the background of the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing twin-city economic circle, the depth of history and the style of the times are intertwined and resonated. The Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor is like a long beautiful scroll, slowly unfolding.

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非常重庆 非常好耍|昼夜交响形式多样 重庆文旅又迎发展新“空间”

As a popular tourist destination in the country, the steady stream of tourists is also driving an all-round upgrade of Chongqing's tourism consumption space. From traditional to modern, from large theaters to small teahouses, Chongqing's new performing arts spaces are everywhere, offering audiences an audio-visual feast.

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从“夜间课堂”到“家门口”就业 重庆“全链条式”服务职工

As a popular word in recent years,"night school" has become a "new classroom" for employees to enrich their spare time life and improve their skills after work. In Chongqing, a new model of "night school training-entrepreneurship incubation-employment and entrepreneurship" has been formed to serve employees throughout the chain.

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The third quarter of 2024 is coming to an end. On September 26, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to analyze and study the current economic situation and deploy the next step of economic work. Also in these two days, a package of heavy financial policies was released in a concentrated manner, and a number of positive results brought strong reactions from the stock market. What is my country's current macroeconomic situation? How to continue to "fight for the economy" next? Pay attention to economic trends.

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In the deep sea on the northwest slope of the South China Sea of our country, two ancient shipwrecks that have a history of more than 500 years in the middle of the Ming Dynasty are quietly sleeping. This is the core area of the "No. 1 Shipwreck on the Northwest Slope of the South China Sea". After more than 500 years of seawater erosion, the hull is almost invisible. A large number of stacked and neatly stacked porcelain have found us through history.

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焦点访谈:开辟中国式现代化广阔前景 乡村蝶变 向美而行

China's modernization must face a worldwide problem, that is, the integrated development of urban and rural areas. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's urban and rural landscape has undergone tremendous changes. The income gap between urban and rural residents has gradually narrowed, and rural infrastructure and public services have improved significantly. If urban and rural planning wants to achieve integration, good methods need to be found.

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逆时针旋转99.1° 这个2.5万吨“巨无霸”成功转体

At 7:30 a.m. today (September 27), after intensive and orderly blockade construction, the swivel bridge across the Tianxian Railway in the Wuhan Tianmen section of the Wuhan-Chongqing Expressway rotated 99.1° counterclockwise and successfully rotated. The main bridge that will be rotated this time is two-way six-lane, with a total length of 133 meters, a width of 38.76 meters, a cantilever length of 66.5 meters, and a swivel weight of 25000 tons.

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“最高”“最深”“最大” 我国深水复杂油气资源开发能力跻身世界前列

The reporter learned from CNOOC China on September 27 that China's first deep-water high-pressure gas field-the Phase II natural gas development project of "Shenhai No. 1" was officially put into operation in the Lingshui Sea area southeast of Hainan Island, marking that China has completely overcome the world-class problem of deep-water high-pressure oil and gas reservoir development, and its deepwater complex oil and gas resource development capabilities rank among the world's advanced ranks.

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