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最新资讯 (2024-09-27)

“最高”“最深”“最大” 我国深水复杂油气资源开发能力跻身世界前列

The reporter learned from CNOOC China on September 27 that China's first deep-water high-pressure gas field-the Phase II natural gas development project of "Shenhai No. 1" was officially put into operation in the Lingshui Sea area southeast of Hainan Island, marking that China has completely overcome the world-class problem of deep-water high-pressure oil and gas reservoir development, and its deepwater complex oil and gas resource development capabilities rank among the world's advanced ranks.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程丨坚持全面深化改革开放——新中国成立75周年光辉历程经验与启示述评之四

Looking back on the glorious journey of 75 years, the magnificent reform and opening up has promoted a poor and populous Eastern country to embark on a new path towards modernization from "backward times" to "catching up with the times" and then to "leading the times"., stand on the world stage with a new attitude.

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国庆假期“人员流动”将呈现四个特点 多措并举保障交通出行平安、顺畅

The State Council Information Office introduced at a press conference on September 27 that according to research and predictions, the cross-regional flow of people across society during the National Day Golden Week holiday will reach 1.94 billion, with an average of 277 million people per day. During the National Day holiday, travel will be self-driving travel. Four characteristics, such as a relatively high proportion.

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多维度数据见证中国经济持续回升向好态势 政策“强心剂”激发澎湃活力

On September 27,"News Network" reported on the new progress and new achievements made by China in finance, mobility of people, trade, industry, innovation, exchanges, etc. The policy "combination punch" was precise and effective and continued to be exerted. A series of data demonstrate that the foundation for "stability" of China's economy is more solid, the momentum of "progress" is more obvious, and positive signals in multiple fields provide strong support for achieving the annual development goals.

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on September 27, and the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport introduced the situation of travel service guarantees during the National Day holiday.

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Her life is closely connected to the screen. From the "white-haired girl" to the "daughter of the party," the vivid characters she created have been fixed in the hearts of generations of China audiences. She is the winner of the national honorary title of "People's Artist"--famous film performance artist Tian Hua.

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On September 27, the People's Bank of China decided to cut the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.5 percentage points starting from September 27, providing long-term liquidity to the financial market by approximately 1 trillion yuan. After this reduction, the weighted average deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions is approximately 6.6%.

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习近平在全国民族团结进步表彰大会上发表重要讲话强调 推进中华民族共同体建设 巩固发展中华民族大团结

The National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress was held in Beijing on the morning of the 27th.

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9月28日至30日多地将有强降雨过程 水利部安排部署防范应对工作

Effectively implement the "three responsible persons" and "three key links" for small and medium-sized reservoirs, strengthen inspection of reservoir dams, refine emergency response measures for dangerous situations, promptly rush to protect dangerous situations when discovered, and evacuate people in dangerous areas in advance.

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独家视频丨习近平:五千多年中华文明所孕育的伟大祖国、伟大民族 永远是全体中华儿女最深沉、最持久的情感所系

The National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress was held in Beijing on the morning of the 27th.

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推动建立健全国家巨灾保险保障体系 金融监管总局提出三项举措

At the beginning of this year, the State Administration of Financial Supervision and the Ministry of Finance issued a special document on the catastrophe insurance system. There are two main optimizations: First, the scope has been expanded to include various common natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons. Second, the level has been improved, the minimum insurance amount has doubled, and urban houses have been increased to 100,000 yuan, with a maximum insurance of 1 million yuan. If higher, commercial insurance can be insured.

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The reporter learned from the National Space Administration that at 18:30 on September 27, my country used the Long March 2D carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the first reusable recoverable technology test satellite-Shijian 19 Satellite. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit.

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五星红旗飘扬南海 中国海警举行宣誓仪式迎国庆

In my country's South China Sea, there are such a group of coast police law enforcement officers who perform regular rights protection and law enforcement tasks. They use ships as their home and are stationed in the maritime boundaries of the motherland all year round. As the National Day approaches, they welcome the arrival of National Day at sea by taking an oath to the national flag.

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From September 24 to 27, the fifth plenary meeting of the United Nations Global Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Cooperation Network, co-organized by the National Supervisory Commission of China and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, was held in Beijing, with nearly 400 representatives from 105 countries and international organizations participating.

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海拔2827米 中国遥感卫星地面站丽江站建成并投入运行

On September 27, the Southwest Lijiang Satellite Data Receiving Station of the China Remote Sensing Satellite Ground Station built by the Institute of Aerospace Information Innovation of China Academy of Sciences was officially put into operation.

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As an important new technology test satellite during my country's "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Shijian 19 has achieved many technological breakthroughs in terms of reusability, high microgravity support, high carrying ratio and reentry environment test services. Significantly improve the technical level and application efficiency of my country's recoverable satellites, reduce operating costs, and provide strong support for the rapid transformation of new technology verification and pre-research results.

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科技筑梦高原 大型无人机开启西藏增雨雪作业新篇章

In the past two days, a large drone equipped with cloud precipitation detection and weather modification equipment successfully implemented artificial rain and snow enhancement operations in Xizang, filling the gap in the air operations of weather modification in Xizang.

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专家解读“二十四条”:多项政策协同发力 以高质量发展促进高质量充分就业

On September 25, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Implementing the Employment Priority Strategy to Promote High-Quality and Full Employment" was released, deploying 24 measures to expand employment channels for college graduates and other young people and ensure equal employment rights. This is the first time since the new era that a guidance document on promoting employment has been issued from the central level. What direction and path does this document clarify for promoting employment, and what new formulations and expressions are there? Let's take a look at the expert's interpretation.

9月25日,《中共中央 国务院关于实施就业优先战略促进高质量充分就业的意见》发布,部署拓展高校毕业生等青年就业成才渠道、保障平等就业权利等二十四条举措。这是新时代以来,首次从中央层面出台的促就业指导性文件。这份文件为促进就业明确了怎样的方向、路径,有哪些新提法、新表述?来看专家的解读。
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Enterprises should dynamically adjust the risk management and control list based on new situations arising during implementation. In addition, if the health foods produced by the enterprise include beverages, wines, biscuits, candies, cakes and other dosage forms, the "Food Safety Risk Management and Control List" established by the enterprise should also meet the relevant risk management and control requirements for ordinary foods of the same dosage form.

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铸牢共同体 中华一家亲丨天山南北唱新歌:新疆霍尔果斯经济开发区兵团分区建设热潮滚滚来

Xinjiang Bridge International Logistics Horgos Railway Special Line Project covers a total area of 295 acres and a planned investment of 153 million yuan. There are mainly 1.049 kilometers of special railway lines, and full-platform warehouses are built. After the completion of the project, it will help improve the transportation infrastructure construction of the Corps Division of Horgos Economic Development Zone, further improve the transportation efficiency of raw materials and products, reduce the logistics costs of enterprises, realize the complementarity of road and railway transportation, and greatly facilitate the distribution of goods., distribution, and replacement.

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