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最新资讯 (2024-09-27)

果飘香、鱼满仓、特色作物采收忙 希望的田野处处好“丰”景

It is now the season when crops are ripe and harvested. In Fukang City, Xinjiang, in the past two days, the harvesting of 25,000 acres of processed tomatoes has come to an end.

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A separate edition of "Speech at the Conference to Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the China People's Political Consultative Conference" by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, has been published by the People's Publishing House and will be distributed in Xinhua Bookstores across the country from now on.

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Special lectures and lectures, technical backbones talked about theories, and fields talked about their experiences... At present, propaganda teams from all over Heilongjiang, Hunan, Guizhou, and Xizang have gone deep into the fields, factory workshops, colleges and universities, etc. to innovate and extensively publicize the Party's The spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee allows the masses to solve their doubts and "quench their thirst."

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10.68亿、6683亿元 我国广播电视和网络视听产业快速发展

The State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" on the morning of September 27. The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television introduced the high-quality development of my country's radio, television and online audio-visual fields.

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“数”说我国交通运输经济运行总体平稳 主要指标保持增长

At the press conference of the Ministry of Transport held on September 27, the person in charge of the Ministry of Transport said that in the first eight months of this year, my country's transportation economy was generally stable, with indicators such as freight volume, port cargo throughput, and personnel flow maintained growth.

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The State Council Information Office held a press conference on September 27, and the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport introduced the situation of travel service guarantees during the National Day holiday.

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With the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the awarding ceremony of the National Medal and National Honorary Titles of the People's Republic of China will be grandly held at 10 a.m. on September 29 at the Great Hall of the People. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, will award the "Medal of the Republic","Medal of Friendship" and the National Honorary Title Medal to the winners of the National Medal and the National Honorary Title Medal respectively, and deliver an important speech.

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一起打卡去!节日氛围喜庆热烈 “流光溢彩”中迎佳节

The National Day is approaching. In the capital Beijing, the streets are full of "China Red". The night lighting in the core area of Beijing's city has also been upgraded to create a three-dimensional, multi-level, day and night National Day holiday landscape.

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一直升机在俄罗斯阿尔汉格尔斯克州失联 机上2人死亡

Reporters from the headquarters learned that on the 27th local time, the Russian emergency department released a message saying that the private helicopter that lost contact over Arkhangelsk Oblast the previous day had been found in the state, and two people on board died.

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In August 2024, my country's balance of payments trade import and export volume in goods and services was 4.18 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4%. The main projects of trade in services are: the import and export scale of travel services is 193 billion yuan, the import and export scale of transportation services is 182.2 billion yuan, the import and export scale of other commercial services is 94.9 billion yuan, and the import and export scale of telecommunications, computer and information services is 60.1 billion yuan.

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Zhang Qian, former deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Qinghai Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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Zhang Gaoshe, former deputy director of the Qinghai Province Department of Justice, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Qinghai Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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涉案金额近5亿元 公安部打掉保险诈骗犯罪团伙近50个

In April this year, since the Economic Crime Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and the Inspection Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration launched a special crackdown on insurance fraud crimes, the public security and economic investigation department has filed investigations on more than 150 major insurance fraud criminal cases and eliminated nearly 50 insurance fraud criminal gangs, involving nearly 500 million yuan.

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Reporters from the headquarters learned on September 27 local time that sources said that the Cyber Corps of the Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine attacked more than 800 servers of military, administrative and financial institutions serving the Russian army in various parts of Russia from September 23 to 26. The files and data stored on the affected servers were completely destroyed.

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共和国巡礼 | 75年间 陇原大地书写新的丝路传奇

Seventy-five years of prosperity, united and forging ahead towards rejuvenation. Welcome to the special program celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,"Forge ahead on a new journey on the road to a strong country-Tour of the Republic." Next, we walked into Gansu together.

七十五载风华盛,团结奋进向复兴。欢迎收看庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年特别节目《奋进强国路 阔步新征程——共和国巡礼》。接下来,我们一起走进甘肃。
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To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Macau Light Rail Company announced on September 27 that it will be open to passengers for free rides for three consecutive days from September 29 to October 1. At that time, passengers do not need to purchase tickets and only need to follow the instructions of on-site staff to enter and exit the gate; from October 1 to 7, the departure time of the last train of Macau Light Rail will be extended to 23:59.

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新疆北部多地秋色渐浓 近30万亩野生胡杨林换“金装”美轮美奂

As the temperature drops, autumn colors are getting stronger in many places in northern Xinjiang. In Karamay City, located in the eastern part of the Junggar Basin, 300,000 acres of wild Populus euphratica forest has also entered the best viewing season of the year.

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The Russian Federation Security Service released a message on September 26 that two agents serving the Ukraine intelligence service were arrested in the Crimea region. One was a 45-year-old local resident of Crimea and the other was a 43-year-old foreign citizen.

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事关证券市场、免税店 10月起一批新规将施行

In eight cities including Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Wuhan, Xi'an, Changsha and Fuzhou, one in-city duty-free shop has been set up. The "Central Kitchen Construction Requirements" sets out four requirements for central kitchens: site selection and overall layout, processing area site setting, main construction, and facilities and equipment.

在广州、成都、深圳、天津、武汉、西安、长沙和福州等8个城市,各设立1家市内免税店。《中央厨房 建设要求》给出了中央厨房选址与总体布局、加工区场所设置、主体建设、设施设备四个方面的要求。
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国庆节前看消费市场 “菜篮子”“果盘子”货足价稳、产销两旺

The National Day holiday is approaching, and farmers 'markets in Qingdao, Shandong are ushering in sales peaks. The reporter learned that the supply of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, etc. is sufficient, and the prices are basically stable. Among them, the prices of leafy vegetables and seafood show a downward trend.

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