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最新资讯 (2024-09-27)

近200件展品齐聚第三届数贸会 低空经济发展潜力巨大“蓄势而飞”

Let's pay attention to the 3rd Global Digital Trade Expo being held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. This year's Digital Trade Expo has set up a "Low-altitude Economic Theme Exhibition Zone". Nearly 90 exhibitors have brought nearly 200 exhibits in the low-altitude field. Let's follow the reporter. Go and have a look at the scene.

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铸牢共同体 中华一家亲丨特写:“石榴籽艺术团”唱响民族团结之歌

Over the past six years, they have recounted the Party's policies to benefit the people, Xinjiang's earth-shaking changes, and the residents 'beautiful life with songs and dances, affectionately expressing their love for the Party and the motherland and their praise for the new era.

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On September 26, the 2024 China International Intelligent Communication Forum, co-sponsored by China Central Radio and Television Station and the People's Government of Jiangsu Province, and co-organized by China Central Radio and Television Station Jiangsu Station, CCTV Network, Wuxi City People's Government and other units, was held in Wuxi, China.

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铸牢共同体 中华一家亲丨以“团结”为名——新疆库尔勒多民族聚居社区侧记

The grid position chess and card room, the "Lao Lao Ke" chat room, the "Good Neighbors and Benefiting Families" service station, the "Uncle Unity" activity room... each activity site with a humane touch, has built a community environment where people of all ethnic groups live, learn, build and share, work together and enjoy together.

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“新技术+新品种”助力增产增收 在希望的田野上描绘如画“丰”景

Autumn colors dazzle the earth, and a bumper harvest is a joy to the world. In the golden autumn season, large-scale harvest of autumn grain is carried out in various places, showing a bumper harvest in the fields of hope.

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天山南北唱新歌 | 跨越山海谱大爱 粤疆同心共护“结石宝宝”

A centralized interview activity organized by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, together with the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission with the theme of "Building a Strong Community and China as One Family" to promote "Singing New Songs from the North and South of Tianshan Mountains" is being held in Xinjiang. Affected by factors such as the special regional conditions, eating habits and water quality in Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang, the number of local urinary tract stones, especially children, has remained high.

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习近平在全国民族团结进步表彰大会上发表重要讲话强调 推进中华民族共同体建设 巩固发展中华民族大团结

The National Commendation Conference for National Unity and Progress was held in Beijing on the morning of the 27th.

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处处飘扬“中国红” 祖国各地国庆节日氛围已拉满

To celebrate the National Day, in Xinjiang, Guangdong and other places, cities have been decorated up, bright five-star red flags fluttering in the wind, and "China Red" is everywhere in the streets and alleys.

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无人机、卫星便携站等纷纷亮相 中国—东盟博览会向“新”而行、乘“数”而上

Continue to pay attention to the 2024 China-ASEAN Expo. This year's China International Expo has added strategic emerging thematic exhibitions including digital technology exhibition areas and green and low-carbon exhibition areas. What advantageous products have exhibitors brought? Follow the reporter to have a look.

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铸牢共同体 中华一家亲|西山农牧场安康社区绽放多民族“团结之花”

"The Kazakh neighbors are good at making milk pimples, and the Uyghur neighbors are good at making noodles... Every household serves a dish and everyone tastes it together." Speaking of the hundreds of banquets held in Ankang Community before the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, resident Lu Jinye started talking. As a native of Zhejiang, Lu Jinye spoke standard "Xinjiang Mandarin" when he spoke.

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"Since my first visit to China in 1996, I have been associated with China for nearly 30 years. Accessible transportation network, modern infrastructure, fast and convenient mobile payments... China's economic and social development results are amazing." In an interview with this reporter, Mutswangwa, press and propaganda secretary of the ruling Zimbabwe Democratic League and former ambassador to China, said that "China's development experience provides valuable reference for Africa."

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"Why are brothers in their 70s arguing?" Tang Lirong, a comprehensive management specialist in Changtang Village, Tiemen Township, Liangping District, Chongqing City, followed Deng Zhigui, a volunteer from the Shuijing House Foundation Yard, to the scene to mediate."The trigger for the quarrel was the dam in front of the two houses. The two had an argument over stacking debris."

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国庆旅游市场将再迎高峰 出行人次和消费有望创纪录

As the 2024 National Day holiday approaches, my country's tourism market has once again ushered in a consumption boom. Data released by several online platforms shows that the decline in hotel and air ticket prices has brought ultra-high cost-effective holidays."Please take 2 days off and 10 days off" and "year-end holiday cancellation" also continue to accumulate power for the long holiday. The tourism market will usher in its peak in the second half of the year. The number of trips and tourism consumption on the National Day are expected to hit record highs.

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On September 25, the National Bureau of Statistics released the 22nd of a series of reports on New China's economic and social development achievements in the past 75 years. In the 75 years since the founding of New China, my country has vigorously promoted the reform and development of health undertakings, continuously improved the construction of the medical and health service system, gave full play to the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, and continued to strengthen public health services covering the entire population. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the people's health level has been greatly improved, and a path of reform and development of health care with China characteristics has been gradually embarked on.

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"I hope that you will carry forward the glorious tradition of your ancestors, better continue to write the story of oath stele, and let the good stories of national unity be passed down from generation to generation." This is a sentence from General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply to the Pu 'er National Unity Oath Monument on September 24 to future generations. The "Story of the Oath Monument" in the letter is a good story of national unity spanning more than 70 years.

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The General Secretary emphasized this way to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

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激发黄河文化活力 激扬自强奋进精神

The Yellow River sets into the sky and travels across the East China Sea, writing thousands of miles into my mind. The vast Yellow River has witnessed the rise and progress of the Chinese nation and stirred up the dazzling civilization that has lasted forever. As an important part of Chinese civilization, the Yellow River culture is the root and soul of the Chinese nation. Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the symposium on comprehensively promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin that we should deeply explore the contemporary value of the Yellow River culture and fully demonstrate the Chinese nation's national character and spirit of self-improvement and perseverance. Water veins are connected to cultural context, and strengthening the protection, inheritance and promotion of culture in the Yellow River Basin is the only way to continue the historical context and strengthen cultural confidence. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition provides important guidelines for us to better protect the safety of the Yellow River and points out the way forward.

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There are no teachers on the podium, and students are thousands of miles away... The 2023 students majoring in nursing at Kashgar University School of Medicine use the smart education screen to share the same class with students from Sun Yat-sen University and Guilin Medical College. It is understood that through the "MOOC Western Journey Plan", Kashgar University has established "synchronous classroom" cooperation with 48 universities outside Xinjiang and carried out more than 500 synchronous classroom teaching sessions. Nowadays, with the help of one network cable, one screen, and one platform, more and more high-quality educational resources are shared across mountains and seas on a larger scale.

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With the approval of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, the Hainan Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a case investigation into Dong Xianzeng, former deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of the Hainan Province Department of Transportation, for serious violations of discipline and law.

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The case of Li Yong, former deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group, director and general manager of China Offshore Oil Group Co., Ltd., suspected of accepting bribes was investigated and concluded by the National Supervisory Commission and transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution. Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Li Yong on suspicion of accepting bribes in accordance with the law.

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