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最新资讯 (2024-09-26)

深入基层 入脑入心——黑龙江、湖南、贵州、西藏组织开展多种形式宣讲活动

After the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League organized a collective lesson preparation meeting for young lecturers, using a discourse system close to young students to carry out objectified, focused and interactive lectures, and promote the spirit of the plenary session to enter the campus, classroom, and mind.

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文旅增色 幸福感增强(奋进强国路 阔步新征程)

The vast countryside carries colorful culture; the integration of culture and tourism expresses a beautiful life.

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Recently, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Shenyang, Liaoning, Laixi, Shandong and other places have hired takeout riders as food safety supervisors to take photos and report supervision clues. At the same time, riders who join the food safety supervision team can receive points rewards, which can be used to exchange for supplies and participate in awards and evaluations, so that they can gain more respect and recognition during their performance of duties.

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教育获得感更充实 支撑发展更有力

"Building a strong education country is a beautiful aspiration that the Chinese nation has dreamed of since modern times." On September 26, the Information Office of the State Council held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" in Beijing. Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng and Vice Ministers of Education Wang Jiayi, Wu Yan and Wang Guangyan attended the press conference to introduce the comprehensive promotion of building a strong education country. Situation and answer questions from reporters.

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This year marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Majiayao Culture. The century-old painted pottery exhibition unearthed from the archaeology of Majiayao Culture was exhibited at the Lintao County Museum in Dingxi City, Gansu Province from September 25 to November 25. Among the many painted pottery on display, 11 are returned by Andersen in the Nanjing Museum's collection. This is the first time that Andersen's returned cultural relics have "returned home" exhibition.

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At the 21st China-ASEAN Expo held in Nanning, Guangxi, new technologies and applications such as intelligent robots, driverless cars, and AI applications attracted attention.

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Every year, the "big flower basket" on Tiananmen Square is the highlight of the National Day. The exquisite design of the "flower basket" is pleasing to the eye, and its beautiful meaning also interprets the prosperity of the motherland.

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The boy's name is Tomello, who is only 15 years old this year and is from Lesotho in southeastern Africa. At the second "Belt and Road" International Skills Competition, as the youngest contestant, Tomello achieved excellent results in the industrial robot project.

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The Terracotta Army Emergency Protection Laboratory has been put into use recently. Its main function is to protect and restore the paintings of the Qin terracotta warriors as soon as possible on site. It can be called the "emergency room" of the terracotta warriors.

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德媒曝“北溪”爆炸新说 匈外长称官方调查“像个笑话”

Germany's "Der Spiegel" weekly reported on September 25 local time on the destruction of the "Nord Stream" natural gas pipeline that the sabotage in September 2022 was authorized by Valery Zaluzhny, then commander-in-chief of the Ukraine armed forces, and was privately sponsored and carried out by Ukrainian intelligence officials. Uzbek officials still deny involvement.

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Recently, a large drone equipped with cloud precipitation detection and weather modification equipment flew into the clouds from Shigatse, Tibet Autonomous Region, successfully implementing artificial rain (snow) enhancement operations. Large-scale drones have normalized weather modification operations in plateau areas, and the gap in air operations for artificial weather modification in Xizang has been filled.

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In addition to the "Kunpeng" Y-20, there is also a large aircraft of the "Kun" generation: the "Kunlong" AG600, the world's largest amphibious aircraft currently under development. Its fuselage and wing components are manufactured in Yanliang, Shaanxi Province.

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以色列我行我素 竟能屡用“绳索”套住白宫?专家分析

On the 24th local time, U.S. President Biden delivered a speech at the general debate of the United Nations General Assembly, claiming that it is time for all parties to finalize the terms of the ceasefire agreement and proposed to seek a so-called diplomatic solution. On the other hand, we have seen that since last year Since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict in October, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken has visited the Middle East ten times, ten times without success.

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国庆假期将至 “陆地航母”蓄势待发

The reporter learned from China Railway Zhengzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd. that during the National Day holiday, in order to meet passenger travel, Zhengzhou Bureau will open 116 additional passenger trains. A few days ago, reporters saw at the Zhengzhou Motor Train Station that the motor train vehicles were like land aircraft carriers, ready to go.

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满足国庆假期消费需求 商务部将推出这些举措

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce held on September 26, the spokesperson said that the National Day is approaching and the Ministry of Commerce will implement a number of measures to meet residents 'holiday consumption needs.

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为应对内部市场危机 欧盟理事会通过新法案→

On September 26, local time, the Council of the European Union announced that the "Internal Market Emergency and Restoration Act" was passed that day. This bill aims to ensure that the EU better responds to future crises, such as the energy crisis and the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

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China's Yellow Sea (Bohai) Sea migratory bird habitat is located in the world's largest intertidal wetland and is an important habitat for migratory birds in the East Asia-Australasia migration channel.

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On the morning of September 26, the "Jianghan Pioneer", the first ultra-large diameter hard rock boring machine of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, was rolled off the production line, marking that the Yangtze River Diversion Project was about to enter the combined construction stage of drilling and blasting method + hard rock boring machine.

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强冷空气已发货!中东部将大范围降水 节前天气速览

On September 26, strong cold air had already set off. In the afternoon, the cold air front has arrived in northern Xinjiang, my country, and brought a temperature drop of 6 - 12℃ to the local area. The Alashankou drop reached 13.3℃, making it the national station with the strongest cooling at 14:00.

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In order to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Financial Work Conference, implement the arrangements at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on September 26, vigorously guide medium-and long-term funds to enter the market, open up blockages for funds such as social security, insurance, and financial management, and strive to boost the capital market, recently, with the consent of the Central Financial Commission, the Central Financial Office and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting Medium-and Long-term Funds to enter the Market."

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