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最新资讯 (2024-09-25)


On the 25th local time, Israel Defense Forces spokesman Avichay Adraee said that since the morning of the same day, the Israeli army has dispatched dozens of fighter jets to target more than 100 targets of Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israel Defense Forces 'attacks are still continuing at this time.

当地时间25日,以色列国防军发言人阿维切·阿德拉伊(Avichay Adraee)表示,自当天早上以来,以军共出动数十架战机针对黎巴嫩真主党超过100个目标进行打击,以色列国防军的袭击此时仍在继续。
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According to the "July Population Trends" data released by the Korea Statistics Office on the 25th, the number of births in South Korea in July this year was 20601, a year-on-year increase of 1516, an increase of 7.9%, the highest increase in the same month since 2012.

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美国多地举行抗议活动 反对美国对以色列的军事支持

According to Reuters, on September 24, local time, protests were held in several U.S. cities to oppose U.S. military support for Israel and demand that the United States impose an arms embargo on Israel.

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Recently, China Meteorological Administration announced two typical cases of administrative penalties in the field of balloon lifting and releasing, interpreting the law and promoting reform with cases, warning relevant enterprises to implement the main responsibility of balloon lifting and releasing production safety, standardizing balloon lifting and releasing activities, and effectively protecting people's lives and property.

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任建新同志遗体在京火化 习近平李强赵乐际王沪宁蔡奇丁薛祥李希韩正等到八宝山革命公墓送别

An outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a time-tested and loyal communist fighter, an outstanding leader on my country's political and legal front, secretary of the 14th Central Secretariat of the Communist Party of China, former secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee, and the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference The body of Comrade Ren Jianxin, Vice Chairman and former President of the Supreme People's Court, was cremated at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing on the 25th.

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全国夏粮收购超7000万吨 秋粮开始陆续上市

The State Grain and Material Reserve Administration recently announced that the national summer grain purchase peak season is coming to an end, and autumn grain has begun to be listed one after another.

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严打野生动植物非法贸易 “清风行动2024”取得显著成效

The reporter learned from the State Forestry and Grassland Administration on the 25th that "Operation Qingfeng 2024", a three-month special law enforcement operation jointly launched by 11 departments to crack down on illegal trade in wild flora and fauna, investigated and handled a large number of cases of destruction of wildlife resources and curbed Illegal trade activities in wild animals and plants.

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Recently, the 2023-2024 National Reading Excellent Project Experience Exchange Meeting hosted by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee was held in Urumqi, Xinjiang.

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In recent years, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage has regarded the recovery and return of cultural relics as an important task, and we have established relevant agencies to promote this work.

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呼和浩特:方形鱼塘水光潋滟 似“大地调色盘”

On September 21, 2024, in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, overlooking from the sky, square fish ponds glistening with water, like a palette of earth.

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新疆哈密上演奇石宴 1088道“菜品”栩栩如生

Hami City, Xinjiang, is not only famous for its famous Hami melons, but also famous for producing strange stones. After ten years of hard work, Xinjiang Hami Stone Appreciation Cultural Center has created 1088 lifelike "dishes" based on the Manchu and Han banquet and combined with Xinjiang's dietary characteristics, turning the strange stone into a priceless "strange stone banquet" art.

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On September 25, the Renqiu Bridge of Xiongan High-speed Railway, built by Xiongan High-speed Railway Co., Ltd. and undertaken by China Railway 14th Engineering Bureau, was successfully rotated across the Beijing-Kowloon Railway. The bridge is the largest span swivel bridge on the entire Xiong-Commercial High-speed Railway. It is also the first bridge among the seven swivel bridges along the line to complete swivel construction.

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The blue waves of Qinghai Lake rippled in autumn, like a sapphire inlaid on the plateau. Qinghai Lake is a national-level nature reserve and a national 5A-level scenic spot. It is favored by tourists because of its unique plateau natural scenery.

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从国之重器到日用百货 各行各业由大变强挺起发展脊梁

These Hunan elements are not only found between mountains and rivers, but also loaded on construction machinery, the "important weapon of the country", and are contained in the production and manufacturing of many small objects in life. What are the "unexpected" things made in Hunan?

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The weather turns cold after the autumnal equinox, which can easily cause gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal distension and diarrhea. How to recuperate to protect the spleen and stomach from being damaged? What practical health care acupuncture points are recommended for the elderly and frail?

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | “磁浮+文化+旅游” 在武陵山脉深处“飞驰人生”

Now, Hunan has become an important source of rapid maglev technology in my country. There is a maglev express line with the first "maglev + culture + tourism" model in China, which is driving in the Wuling Mountains.

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At 7:33 Beijing time on September 25, the Lijian-1 Yao4 commercial launch vehicle was launched at my country's Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, successfully launching five satellites, including the Zhongke Satellite 01 and 02, into the predetermined orbit., the flight test mission was a complete success.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 多业态蓬勃“绽放” 烟花产业点亮世界

The fireworks industry is Liuyang's eye-catching business card. Along the winding Liuyang River, more than 8500 fireworks bombs rose. This was a grand fireworks show carefully prepared by Liuyang. Fireworks with green and flowing gold illuminate the night sky, allowing the picture full of Chinese aesthetics to attract more than 100,000 tourists to gather here to celebrate the motherland.

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与岁月同唱 “湘”伴改革时代旋律再出发

The lyrics of the song "My Motherland and I" were written in Zhangjiajie. During the 75 years of the Republic, many classic melodies were born between mountains and rivers and are still passed down to this day.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 飞越三湘大地 感受“Xiang”的四重奏

Hunan's mother river is Xiangjiang River, so Hunan is also referred to as "Hunan" for short. Taking the syllable "Xiang" as its source, its four tone changes are the most beautiful harmony that plays the Hunan chapter. Through aerial photography, experience the quartet of "Xiang" together.

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