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最新资讯 (2024-09-24)

“多事之秋”心脑血管疾病易高发 如何科学预防?

Factors such as the gradual decrease in temperature after the autumnal equinox, the increase in temperature difference between day and night, the drying of the air, unstable air pressure, and changes in wind speed will all have a certain impact on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially the elderly, need to be more vigilant when seasons alternate and temperatures change greatly.

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无人机航拍家中 传播身份证号码 拉踩谩骂加引战 无边界无底线的追星当休矣

It is a good thing to care about athletes, but behavior must comply with laws and social norms. Behind some extreme "attention" behaviors is a violation of personal privacy. The phenomenon of borderless chasing stars seriously deviates from the original intention of competitive sports to pursue fairness, purity and passion.

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KCNA reported on the 25th that a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK issued a statement on the 24th, condemning the United States for using the "Quadripartite Security Dialogue" leaders 'meeting as an opportunity to use harsh words to infringe on the exercise of North Korea's sovereign rights and create an anti-North Korea atmosphere.

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智造世界 创造美好——2024世界制造业大会观察

Through the window of the World Manufacturing Conference, people see the bright prospects of China joining hands with all parties to promote high-quality development of global manufacturing and achieve win-win results.

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完善就业优先政策 健全社会保障体系——人力资源社会保障部有关负责人回应热点问题

At the series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" held by the State Council Information Office on the 24th, relevant persons in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and social protection responded to relevant hot issues.

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The Ministry of Ecology and Environment recently issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Accelerated Rise of the Central Region with High-Level Protection", proposing 19 specific tasks from 7 aspects to build a beautiful central region at a high level and promote the accelerated rise of the central region at a higher starting point.

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According to a report by the KCNA News Agency on the 24th, Kim Ho Zheng-il, Deputy Minister of the Central Committee of the Workers 'Party of Korea, issued a statement condemning the docking of the U.S. nuclear submarine at Busan Port in South Korea. The speech also said that since North Korea's national security is always subject to nuclear threats and intimidation from the United States, North Korea should strengthen its nuclear war deterrent in terms of both quality and quantity to respond to and resist external threats.

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Passengers who have not yet won train tickets on National Day may wish to try these "hidden" functions in Railway 12306.

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The Ministry of Commerce, the National Bureau of Statistics and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly issued the "Statistical Bulletin on China's Foreign Direct Investment in 2023" on the 24th. The communiqué shows that the scale of China's foreign investment continues to be at the forefront of the world.

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On September 24, local time, the Venezuelan Attorney General announced that he had submitted a request to Interpol to issue a "red notice" regarding the arrest of Argentine President Millay and two other Argentine officials.

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斯里兰卡总统签署公报 解散议会

On the evening of the 24th local time, Sri Lanka President Dissanayake signed a communiqué, announcing the dissolution of the parliament from midnight on the 24th. A new parliamentary election will be held on November 14 this year.

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On September 24, local time, the German think tank Ivor Institute for Economics released data showing that the German business climate index continued to fall in September, from 86.6 in August to 85.4.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程|坚持和加强党的全面领导——新中国成立75周年光辉历程经验与启示述评之一

Time is the most objective witness and the greatest writer. Over the past 75 years, the Communist Party of China has led the China people to write a magnificent epic and created a great cause that will shine in the annals of the People's Republic.

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为烈士寻亲 江苏已为2729名烈士找到亲属或安葬地

On the occasion of the 11th Martyrs 'Memorial Day, on September 24, Jiangsu held the theme event "The Motherland will not forget"-Jiangsu's "Searching for Relatives for Martyrs".

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On September 24, local time, the Sudanese Ministry of Health issued a statement saying that a new round of cholera epidemic in the country has killed 433 people.

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户外登山有危险 守规矩才能保安全

Since autumn, many scenic spots and attractions have ushered in the peak period of outdoor mountaineering. However, during the mountaineering process, some tourists are unfamiliar with the terrain or break into undeveloped areas, which eventually causes people to get lost and trapped.

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In the golden autumn season, large-scale harvest of autumn grain is carried out in various places, showing a bumper harvest in the fields of hope.

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飓风“约翰”登陆墨西哥 已造成至少2人死亡

On the 24th local time, according to news from a reporter from Taiwan, Hurricane John made landfall in southern Mexico on the evening of the 23rd and has killed at least two people so far.

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Reporters from the headquarters learned that as of the morning of the 24th local time, according to a comprehensive summary of reports provided by many places in Myanmar, large-scale floods across the country caused by Typhoon Capricorn in Myanmar have killed 419 people. The Myanmar Meteorological and Hydrological Bureau issued an early warning that many areas across the country are currently experiencing a new round of heavy rainfall and windy weather due to the impact of the Bay of Bengal monsoon. Inland mountainous areas are facing new natural disaster risks such as floods, landslides, and mudslides.

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On September 24, as the last concrete was successfully inserted into the mold, the continuous beam across the Shichuan River of the Fuping Bridge on the Xi'an to Yan' an High-speed Railway was successfully closed. This is the largest continuous beam of the Fuping Bridge, the longest bridge on the entire line of the West Extension High-speed Railway.

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