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最新资讯 (2024-09-24)


According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, Sun Yuning, member of the Party Committee and deputy director of the General Administration of Customs, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission.

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把握新机遇提升竞争力 中国汽配企业出海风头正劲

At present, my country's total vehicles continue to grow in the sea, and the supporting "industrial chain going to sea" has also attracted much attention. In recent years, my country's total exports of auto parts have continued to rise, and many companies are also busy producing and catching up with orders. Let's watch our reporter's on-site visit.

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以“廉洁6+”为抓手 深化党纪学习教育 共沐廉洁守正清风

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection made arrangements for strengthening the construction of a culture of integrity in the new era, requiring "actively promoting the concept of integrity and models of integrity, and creating a good trend of advocating integrity and resisting corruption."

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Lin Jian said that the international submarine cable is the most important information carrier for contemporary global communications and the main infrastructure supporting the digital economy and cross-border trade between countries. China will, as always, resolutely defend the legitimate and legitimate interests of China enterprises, support the international community in carrying out international submarine cable cooperation under the principles of fairness, justice, equality and inclusiveness, and resolutely oppose the unilateral hegemonic actions of the United States.

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The giant panda "An 'an", male, born in June 2019, has a round head and body length, quick movements, smart and active, and an outgoing and lively personality. The giant panda "Keke", formerly known as "Tianke", is a female. She was born in June 2019. She is docile, lively and active, and is good at climbing. She is a typical "tomboy" in the giant panda world.

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Passengers who choose the same train connection plan do not need to change trains halfway, but can change seats on the same train. The fare of each section of the ticket still follows the principle of gradual and gradual decline, that is, the longer the mileage, the lower the average freight rate, and the total fare is the sum of the two section of the ticket prices.

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共和国巡礼 | 魅力山城留住“国际粉”

Over the years, Chongqing has not only attracted foreigners to take root and live, but also made many foreign friends fall in love here. Next, let's meet a media person from Canada and see what Chongqing looks like in his eyes.

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迎回迁居民 河北雄安新区安置房亮灯调试

On September 22, 2024, the lighting debugging work of Unit B in Xiongdong Area, Xiongan New District, Hebei Province was fully completed. As night fell, lights came on one after another, and residents who relocated will be welcomed on September 26.

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Chongqing Longtang Lake Park Water Lantern Festival shines brightly to attract the public. It is understood that this lantern festival has the theme of "Moon Seizing the Galaxy" and uses elements such as the full moon, jade rabbit, flying fish, and thousands of lanterns to create a 300-meter water lantern festival. It is expected to be placed until the end of the year.

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At 10:31 on September 24, my country's Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center used the Jielong-3 carrier rocket in the waters near Haiyang, Shandong Province, and successfully launched a total of 8 satellites, including Tianyi 41, Xingshi-15/21/22, Yuxing-2 05, Fudan-1, Tianyan-15 and Jitianxing A-01, were launched into space. The satellites successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

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铸牢共同体 中华一家亲|重走西征故地 赓续红色血脉

The Red Army's Western Expedition Memorial Hall is located in Tongxin County, Wuzhong City, Ningxia. The museum makes full use of diversified expression methods such as scene restoration, sculpture, oil painting, and acoustic, optical and electronic multimedia technology to elaborate on the history of the Red Army's Western Expedition. Tourists from all over the world feel spiritual power from red stories, inherit red genes, and consolidate the ideological foundation for building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

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共和国巡礼 | 走进山城重庆,看75年巴山蜀水间的沧桑巨变

After 75 years of prosperity, we bravely strive to be the first to write a new chapter. Welcome to the special program celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,"Forge ahead on a new journey on the road to a strong country: Tour of the Republic." Next, we walked into Chongqing together.

75载风华盛,奋勇争先谱新篇。欢迎收看庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年特别节目《奋进强国路 阔步新征程·共和国巡礼》。接下来,我们一起走进重庆。
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As a world-class cultural heritage, the Badaling Great Wall attracts domestic and foreign tourists to compete to "check in". Recently, the Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area launched the "Morning Great Wall" experience. Tourists can climb the Badaling Great Wall to welcome the first ray of morning sunshine and watch the magnificent sunrise of the Great Wall.

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The National Day holiday is approaching. The reporter learned from a number of travel agencies in Ningbo, Zhejiang that during this year's National Day holiday, both domestic and outbound tours are experiencing a peak in bookings, and young people have a strong desire to travel.

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秋收正当时!新质生产力赋能农业生产 绘就金秋好“丰”景

At present, more than 100,000 acres of rice in Changshun County, Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province have gradually matured and entered the harvest period. However, mountainous and hilly landforms once limited the use of large-scale agricultural machinery. Nowadays, modern agricultural machinery and equipment are beginning to show their talents here. Let's go to the terraces in Guizhou to have a look.

目前,贵州省黔南州长顺县的十余万亩水稻陆续成熟,进入收获期。但山地丘陵地貌一度限制了大型农机的使用。 如今,现代化的农机设备开始在这里大显身手,一起去贵州的梯田里看一看。
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Implement policies and measures to support multi-channel flexible employment, strengthen the standardized construction of the gig market, improve service functions, strengthen the docking of job information for flexible employment personnel, and support workers to achieve multi-channel employment through online and offline.

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The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued an announcement to comprehensively consider factors such as grain production costs, market supply and demand, domestic and foreign market prices and industrial development. With the approval of the State Council, the minimum purchase price of wheat (third-class) produced in 2025 and 2026 is 119 yuan per 50 kilograms. If production costs change significantly, they will be adjusted separately according to procedures.

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Niu Xiangdong, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Dandong City, Liaoning Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Liaoning Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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The railway department reminds that during holidays, passenger travel is highly concentrated, and there will be ticket shortages for trains in some popular directions and hot periods. Passengers and friends can choose to travel off-peak based on the remaining tickets in different periods and directions, or they can choose to buy tickets in standby, transfer, etc. Purchase tickets.

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Zhong Zhisheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Province People's Congress and chairman of the Environment and Resources Protection Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and took the initiative to explain the problem to the organization. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Jiangxi Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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