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最新资讯 (2024-09-24)

共和国巡礼 | 爱上江西的N个理由

In recent years, tourism popularity in Jiangxi has continued to heat up. During the just-past Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, Jiangxi Province planned more than 1100 cultural tourism-themed activities and received 1.8655 million tourists to Jiangxi. Why do so many tourists choose to check in Jiangxi? Let's listen to what everyone has to say.

近年来,江西的旅游热度持续升温,在刚刚过去的中秋假期,江西全省共策划1100余文旅主题活动,接待入赣游客186.55万人次。 为啥这么多游客选择打卡江西,咱这就一起听听,大家都怎么说。
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人社部:重点做好5个方面工作 推动社会保障体系高质量、可持续发展

On the afternoon of September 24, 2024 (Tuesday), the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development." Li Zhong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and social protection, was invited to attend the briefing and answer questions from reporters.

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Improve the guarantee system for entrepreneurship to drive employment, improve the support system for entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship incubation, and entrepreneurial activities, optimize the package of policy support, venue provision, and resource docking measures to improve the quality of entrepreneurship. Strengthen market supervision and labor security supervision and law enforcement, effectively control employment discrimination, unpaid wages and insurance, illegal layoffs and other chaos, and smooth channels of social mobility.

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On the morning of the 23rd, on the runway of Beijing Badaling Airport, as the roar of electric motors sounded, the RX1E-A two-seat electric plane was like a vigorous eagle, rolling quickly and rushing into the blue sky. Its figure is light and beautiful, and it is particularly eye-catching against the blue sky and white clouds.

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Choose low-energy, high-fiber vegetables, such as spinach, rapeseed, celery, water spinach, broccoli, chrysanthemum, cabbage, etc. Adhere to the cooking principle of less oil and salt, and use cooking methods such as steaming, stir-frying, and cold salad to maximize the nutritional content of vegetables.

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数座古建灯光“上新” 扮靓北京中轴线上的地标建筑

As the National Day approaches, landscape lighting improvement projects have been carried out on the Bell and Drum Tower and Yongdingmen Tower on the central axis of Beijing. On the evening of September 23, the reporter visited the construction progress of the project.

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人社部:健全高质量充分就业促进机制 完善多层次社会保障体系

On the afternoon of September 24, 2024 (Tuesday), the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development." Li Zhong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and social protection, was invited to attend the briefing and answer questions from reporters.

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The case of Liu Yuejin (deputy ministerial level), a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, suspected of accepting bribes was investigated and concluded by the National Supervisory Commission and transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution.

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金融政策“加码”形成合力 持续助力经济高质量发展

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the morning of September 24. The main leaders of the People's Bank of China, the State Administration of Financial Supervision, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission introduced the situation of financial support for high-quality economic development. A number of key policies were launched at the same time, adhering to supportive monetary policies, increasing the intensity of regulation, and further supporting stable economic growth.

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多项重磅金融政策推出 进一步支持经济稳增长

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the morning of September 24. The main leaders of the People's Bank of China, the State Administration of Financial Supervision, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission introduced the situation of financial support for high-quality economic development. A number of key policies were launched at the same time, adhering to supportive monetary policies, increasing the intensity of regulation, and further supporting stable economic growth.

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The reporter learned from the State Forestry and Grassland Administration that since 2024, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration has publicly reported 20 typical problems of deforestation and grassland destruction in two batches, urging local governments to implement investigation, punishment and rectification responsibilities, which has attracted the great attention of the chief forest chiefs of relevant regions and gained widespread attention from society.

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两部门再次预拨3.1亿元中央自然灾害救灾资金 重点支持浙江、江苏等省(区、市)做好防汛防台风应急抢险救灾工作

On September 23, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management again allocated 310 million yuan in central natural disaster relief funds, focusing on supporting Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Guangxi, Hainan and other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in flood prevention, typhoon prevention, emergency rescue and disaster relief, etc. work.

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金融政策“组合拳”协同发力 促进房地产市场平稳健康发展

The real estate market is not only related to the macro economy, but also closely related to thousands of households. The People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision jointly launched five major financial policies today to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

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我国金融业风险可控 服务实体经济质效不断提升

At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on September 24, Li Yunze, director of the State Financial Supervision and Administration, introduced that since the beginning of this year, the State Financial Supervision and Administration Administration has coordinated and promoted the three key tasks of preventing risks, strengthening supervision, and promoting development, and continuously improved its services to the real economy. Quality and efficiency.

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多项重磅政策同时推出 支持经济稳增长

The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the morning of the 24th. The main leaders of the People's Bank of China, the State Administration of Financial Supervision, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission introduced the situation of financial support for high-quality economic development. A number of key policies were launched at the same time, adhering to supportive monetary policies, increasing the intensity of regulation, and further supporting stable economic growth.

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“回望情深 张海书法展”在河南安阳开展

Zhang Hai was born in Yanshi, Henan Province in September 1941. In 2018, he was awarded the title of "Lifelong Achievement Calligrapher" by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He is quite accomplished in calligraphy creation, calligraphy organization, calligraphy research and education.

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State-owned enterprises are an important material and political foundation for socialism with China characteristics, and are an important pillar and relying force for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country.

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The Embassy of China in Lebanon specifically reminds China citizens living in the above-mentioned areas not to be careless and return home as soon as possible or quickly move to safe areas to avoid risks; China citizens who need to continue to stay in Lebanon should pay close attention to the development of the local situation, remain highly vigilant, effectively strengthen security precautions and emergency preparations, and avoid going to high-risk areas and sensitive areas.

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The Public Security Bureau of Qidong City, Jiangsu Province reported that at about 17:00 on September 23, a criminal case occurred in Jiuxi Village, Wangbao Town, Qidong City. Shen (female, 25 years old) was killed with abdominal injuries. After investigation by the public security organs, the suspect Zhao Moru (male, 54 years old) committed suicide on the day of the incident. Currently, the case is being further processed.

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On September 23, after receiving a report from the masses, the online account "Qingning Riyue v" released a message saying that "In Shangqiu, Henan Province, corn was rushed to harvest after a sad scene of heavy rain. Wet cars could not enter the fields and had to transport them to the fields one by one.", attracting attention. After verification, this incident did not happen in Shangqiu. The information was false and was made up by the blogger using malicious connection between audio and video from different places.

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