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最新资讯 (2024-09-24)


British Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves said in a speech at the Labor Party's Annual Conference in Liverpool on the 23rd that the government will not return to the austerity fiscal policy pursued during the Conservative Party and will actively act in areas where needed. Reeves also announced that he would create more development opportunities for many places in the UK, including developing automobile manufacturing in the industrial heartland of the central and western England, developing life sciences in the northwest of England, and developing clean technology in South Yorkshire.

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时政现场说丨中国探月20年 再接再厉乘势而上

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with representatives of the participants in the Chang'e-6 mission of the lunar exploration project at the Great Hall of the People on the morning of the 23rd.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 实“赣”创新 焕“新”向前

Seventy-five years have been prosperous, and we have united and forged towards rejuvenation. Welcome to the special program celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,"Forge ahead on a New Journey on the Road to a Strong Country-Tour of the Republic." Today, we walked into Jiangxi together.

七十五载风华盛,团结奋进向复兴,欢迎收看庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年特别节目《奋进强国路 阔步新征程——共和国巡礼》。今天,我们一起走进江西。
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The reporter learned from the China Secretariat of the Group on Earth Observations on September 23 that since 2016, under the framework of the Group on Earth Observations, China has provided post-disaster observation and data rescue services for 53 major natural disasters in 36 countries around the world, using more than 30 China high-quality remote sensing satellites.

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“打飞的”不是梦!长三角低空载客新航线试飞 低空经济加速“起飞”

On September 23, the two-way low-altitude passenger route from Shanghai Pudong to Shanghai Jinshan to Zhejiang Haining ushered in an important test flight before its official opening. Compared with taking a taxi, the one-way flight time of the new route is less than 20 minutes, saving nearly half of the time. The initial pricing is a minimum of 1400 yuan per person for one way.

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About 7000 to 5000 years ago, Yangshao ancestors built settlements on river valley terraces and engaged in farming, breeding, hunting, pottery making and other work. On September 24, the Henan Province Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology released the latest research results. Through scientific and technological analysis of the human bones unearthed during the fourth archaeological excavation of the Yangshao Village site, the appearance of the Yangshao ancestors was restored for the first time more than 5000 years ago.

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China Seismological Network officially determined that at 11:18 on September 24, a magnitude 3.3 earthquake occurred in Yuli County, Bayingolin Prefecture, Xinjiang (40.91 degrees north latitude, 84.17 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 15 kilometers.

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At present, 150 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special treasury bonds has been allocated to the project in two batches, supporting a total of more than 4600 projects in the fields of industry, environmental infrastructure, transportation, logistics, education, culture and tourism, medical care, energy-using equipment, energy and electricity, and old buildings.

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我为祖国守边关 | 争当精武标兵 感受新时代边防军人的家国情怀

The 75th anniversary of the founding of New China is approaching. At the battle checkpoints of thousands of miles of border defense, in the stormy blue sea, and in the vast sky, the people's soldiers use their loyalty to defend the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. Starting from September 24, the news channel has broadcast a series of reports "I Guard the Border for the Motherland", allowing us to experience the feelings of home and country of border guards in the new era.

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从大赛场馆到百姓“健身房” 民众热情打卡“冠军同款”运动场馆

September 23 marks the first anniversary of the successful holding of the Hangzhou Asian Games. The Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center venues group located in Qianjiang Century City are open to the public for free. People have come to experience the "Champions with the Same Model" sports venues and feel the passion and joy of national fitness.

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September 24 is the last day of the 16th International Transportation Technology and Equipment Exhibition. At the exhibition site, the reporter found many foreign visitors who came to visit. What do they care about most? Follow the reporter's camera and let's take a look together.

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嫦娥六号月球样品即将开放申请 如何处理这些珍贵的月球“土特产”?

On June 25 this year, the Chang'e-6 returner safely returned about 1,935.3 grams of samples from the back of the moon. This is the first time that humans have collected samples from the back of the moon. Its importance is self-evident. Many scientists hope to study this batch of samples enrich human understanding of the moon. During the interview, the reporter learned that the lunar samples of Chang'e-6 will soon be open for application.

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According to the Wall Street Journal, the problem of homelessness in the United States is growing. Preliminary data shows that there are currently 550,000 homeless people in the United States, a 10% increase from last year's number.

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瓜果飘香稻穗金黄 希望的田野上奏响丰收赞歌

It is now the autumn harvest season. In the fields of hope everywhere, the golden harvests are filled with the joy of harvest and the glory of labor.

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Not long ago, the 2024 (11th batch) World Irrigation Engineering Heritage List was announced, including Kanerjing in Turpan, Xinjiang, Huizhou-Wuyuan Shiyan (joint application), Fengyan Terrace in Hanyin, Shaanxi, and Jufeng Weir in Xiushan, Chongqing. The project application was successful. So far, my country's world irrigation engineering heritage has reached 38.

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For a party as big as ours and a country as big as ours, only when all localities consciously benchmark and unify their thoughts and actions into the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee can we form a strong synergy of "playing a game of chess across the country".

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Recently, when presiding over a symposium on comprehensively promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to continue to improve the coordinated pattern of ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin and build a solid national ecological security barrier.

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铸牢共同体 中华一家亲丨一碗面,共享人间烟火

Tibetan noodles, Jiajia noodles, Dandan noodles... In Xizang, you can eat many kinds of noodles. In every bowl of noodles, there is a story.

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标准之墙 规则之链 谎言之刃——起底美西方国家“低端锁定”全球南方

Huawei's experience is a typical case of the United States and the West suppressing developing countries. They are trying to block the industrial upgrading path of developing countries and "lock" them at the low end of the industrial chain, thereby maintaining the West's dominant position in the international economic system. The "low-end lock-in" strategies of Western countries around the world began as early as the colonial era. To this day, they are still renovating tricks and iterating methods to prevent developing countries from climbing to the high end of the industrial chain.

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汇聚发展动能 增进民生福祉(央企走出去·乘“新”出海)

"The completion of the National Grid has 'lit up' East Timor." The people of East Timor commented on the East Timor State Grid project EPC contracted by China National Nuclear 22 Company (hereinafter referred to as "China National Nuclear 22"), a subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation. Since the first substation was completed and put into operation in November 2011, as the largest power infrastructure construction project in East Timor to date, the State Grid of East Timor has been producing safely continuously for more than 150 months.

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