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最新资讯 (2024-09-23)


Support standards for high-poverty people, implement a county-level centralized care model for the extremely poor and disabled people; provide elderly meal assistance services and develop integrated medical and nursing institutions; based on the needs of the elderly, establish a home-community elderly care service network... In recent years, Jiangxi Province has focused on the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the elderly, providing inclusive and convenient services, and continuously improving the happiness of the elderly.

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应对秋冬季流感早准备 你需要知道这些流感疫苗接种知识

Autumn and winter are the seasons with high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases. Influenza is the most common and highly contagious. It can easily spread among groups and affect people's work, study and life. Influenza vaccination is the most economical and effective way to prevent influenza virus infection.

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From September 20th to 22nd, during the 7th Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Cultural Expo,"See Dunhuang Again","Thousands of Hands and Thousands of Eyes" and "Ledong Dunhuang" and other "Dunhuang Style" performances that reproduce the grand scene of Dunhuang murals, music and dance "The performance plays attracted many audiences to enter the theater to immersively experience the historical and cultural charm of Dunhuang, the ancient county of Silk Road, spanning thousands of years.

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State-owned enterprises are an important material and political foundation for socialism with China characteristics, and are an important pillar and relying force for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country. The "Decision" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to "deepen the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises" and "promote state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises to become stronger, better and bigger." In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, our reporter interviewed Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

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French Prime Minister Barnier held his first meeting with members of the new government in the form of a working breakfast on the 23rd. In the past few days, French media pointed out that the new government must not only bear the pressure from the left and extreme right, but also balance its relationship with the president, facing multiple pressures and tests.

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The General Office of the National Health Commission recently issued the "Medical Quality Control Indicators for Critical Care Medicine Specialty (2024 Edition)", which aims to further strengthen medical quality management, standardize clinical diagnosis and treatment behaviors, and improve the level of homogenization of medical services.

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广东一校长在家长会上言辞不当 已被停职

On September 23, the Education Bureau of Puning City, Guangdong Province issued a notice. On September 21, 2024, Puning School affiliated to South China Normal University held a student parent representative meeting. Some netizens reported that the school's principal made inappropriate remarks at the meeting. The Party Leadership Group of the Education Bureau has suspended him and asked him to apologize to the students 'parents.

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在希望的田野上 金灿灿的收成里写满丰收之喜和劳动之荣光

It is now the autumn harvest season. In the fields of hope everywhere, the golden harvests are filled with the joy of harvest and the glory of labor.

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This guy is Zhuo Jiapeng, who has just won the gold medal in the industrial design technology project in the World Skills Competition. As a new event of this World Championships, this is also the first gold medal won by the China delegation. From obscurity to standing on the world's highest podium, his path to success has not been smooth sailing. He once lost his goal and was helpless. What power brought him to the top of the world's skills? Learn his story together.

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欧元区9月综合PMI初值低于预期 商业活动大幅萎缩

On the 23rd local time, the initial value of the Eurozone's Composite Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) fell from 51.2 to 48.9, lower than economists 'expectations of 50.6. The eurozone's dominant services industry has stalled, manufacturing declines have accelerated, and eurozone business activity has shrunk sharply this month. (General reporter Song Liang)

当地时间23日,欧元区综合采购经理人指数(PMI)初值从51.2下滑至48.9,低于经济学家预期的50.6。欧元区占主导地位的服务业陷入停滞,制造业下滑速度加快,欧元区商业活动本月大幅萎缩。(总台记者 宋亮)
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英国打击人口贩运团伙 逮捕31人

The British Home Office reported on the 23rd that the government cracked down on human trafficking gangs and arrested 31 people in a recent special operation.

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助乡村“扬名” 我国规范命名43万条乡村地名

Countless villages are dotted across the vast territory of our country. People live according to their places, and their aspirations are preserved by their names. What is the name of the village surrounded by mountains? How to name the winding village road? What should we call those "nameless" mountains and rivers? Focusing on the "naming" event, the Ministry of Civil Affairs has launched the "Rural Famous Action" since last year to make the "nameless""famous" and the "famous".

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程|勇扛大国“顶梁柱”使命担当——新中国成立75周年国资国企发展成就综述

State-owned enterprises are the important material and political foundation of socialism with China characteristics and the "pillars" of the socialist economy with China characteristics.

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The Russian National Space Corporation announced on the 23rd that the "Soyuz MS-25" manned spacecraft returned to Earth from the International Space Station with three astronauts and landed near the city of Jezkazgan in Kazakhstan at 14:59 on the 23rd, Moscow time (19:59 on the 23rd, Beijing time).

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规范满减、起送费等机制 剑指餐饮浪费!外卖“新规”征求意见

In order to further prevent take-out catering waste, standardize the marketing behavior of take-out merchants, implement the main responsibilities of online catering platforms, and actively create a social trend of practicing strict economy and opposing waste, the State Administration for Market Regulation recently organized the drafting of the "Guidelines for Standardized Marketing Behavior to Prevent Take-out Catering Waste"(hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"), and publicly solicit opinions from the public.

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The Information and Public Relations Bureau of the Senegal Armed Forces said on the 23rd that the Senegal Navy found 30 bodies on an immigrant ship in the waters near the capital Dakar on the evening of the 22nd, and relevant investigations are underway.

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助乡村“扬名” 我国规范命名43万条乡村地名

As of August this year, 430,000 rural place names have been standardized and 330,000 rural place names have been set up across the country.

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On September 23, local time, the Israel Defense Forces released a message saying that the Israeli army had launched a round of "precision" air strikes on Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. (General reporter Li Chao) Copyright 2024 China Central Radio and Television Station. Please do not reproduce and use it without permission.

当地时间9月23日,以色列国防军发布消息称,以军对黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特发动了一轮“精准”空袭。(总台记者 李超)   2024中央广播电视总台版权所有。未经许可,请勿转载使用。
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江西新余高新区厂房火灾火势已得到控制 未发现人员伤亡

The Fire Rescue Brigade of Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province issued a notice saying that at 18:53 on September 23, the command center of the Xinyu City Fire Rescue Detachment received an alarm that a fire broke out in a factory building of an enterprise in Xinyu High-tech Zone. After receiving the call, relevant departments and fire rescue forces rushed to the scene for disposal. At 22:30 on September 23, the fire at the scene was under control and no casualties were found.

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The reporter learned from Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province that at about 19:00 on September 23, a fire broke out in a company in the High-tech Zone of Xinyu City. At present, emergency firefighting and other rescue forces have rushed to the scene for disposal. The relevant situation is still being understood.

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