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最新资讯 (2024-09-23)


A bumper harvest is in the plump grains; a bumper harvest is in the numerous fruits; a bumper harvest is in the golden fields.

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学习·知行|田间地头话农耕 习近平心系“中国饭碗”

From spring plowing to autumn harvest, from breeding to planting... General Secretary Xi Jinping has gone deep into the fields many times to observe the actual situation and ask about farming, and has always been concerned about the modernization development of agriculture and rural areas.

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that to build a strong agricultural country, we must do a good job in revitalizing rural areas, strengthen agriculture, get rich farmers, and make rural areas beautiful.

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In the golden September, autumn begins, everything harvests, and it is another harvest festival of the year. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China, a huge five-star red flag unfolded in the vast fields of Pingyuan Town, Yanshan County.

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On September 20, Juneng Yongtuo (Zhuhai) Technology Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Juneng Yongtuo Technology Development Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Juneng Yongtuo"), held an annual output of 5000 tons in Zhuhai Economic and Technological Development Zone. The commissioning ceremony of the special lithium ion adsorbent project for lithium extraction from brine. Zheng Mianping, academician of China Academy of Engineering and chairman of the International Salt Lake Society, and Chen Yilan, vice chairman of the Zhuhai City CPPCC, attended the ceremony.

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千行百业踔厉奋发 凝聚奋进中国式现代化的磅礴力量

On September 23, many exciting and good news poured in, including the full implementation of the "Two New" policies, and the effects gradually emerged; the first scientific research results of the Chang'e-6 lunar samples were released by Chinese scientists; the first permanent basic farmland inquiry platform was launched; my country's civil affairs work has made new progress... All walks of life have gathered momentum and worked hard to gather the majestic power to forge ahead in China modernization.

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According to a report by the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency on the 23rd, the death toll from mine accidents in Iran's South Khorasan province rose to 38, and 14 people are still trapped.

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我驻多国使馆举行国庆75周年招待会 多国领导人高度评价新中国发展成就

In the past few days, our embassies in many countries have held receptions and other activities to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

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Recently, Chinese scientists published the first scientific research results of the Chang'e-6 lunar samples. This scientific achievement uses precious lunar samples obtained from the Chang'e-6 mission of China's lunar exploration project to reveal the basic characteristics of the material on the back of the moon for the first time in the world.

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On September 23, the reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that the central and local governments have stepped up their efforts to support large-scale equipment updates and the full implementation of policies and measures for the replacement of old consumer goods, and the policy effects have gradually emerged.

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【学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神】多种形式宣讲 推动全会精神落地生根

Jiangsu, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places have innovated propaganda forms, highlighted classification and focus, and promoted the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee to take root at the grassroots level.

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The Beijing City Education Commission issued a revised version of the "Implementation Measures for the Academic Level Examination of Beijing City Ordinary High Schools" on the 22nd, focusing on optimizing the examination method of the qualification examination, and the level examination part has not changed. The most obvious change is the shortening of the length of exams in mathematics, foreign languages and other subjects. The adjusted eligibility examination will be implemented from 2025.

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In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and discuss promoting the healthy development and governance innovation of the game industry under the background of cultural confidence, on September 19, a research team was organized by Tsinghua University's National Intelligent Society Governance Experimental Characteristic Base (Education), Intelligent Society Governance Research Institute, Science and Education Policy Research Center, The "Intelligent Society Governance Series·Academic Seminar on Online Game Development and Governance under Cultural Prosperity" co-sponsored by Tsinghua University, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Runze Intelligent Society Research Institute was successfully held at Tsinghua University.

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An international research team recently used newly developed microplastic detection technology to discover microplastic particles in corals. The discovery may explain the "missing plastic problem" where a large amount of marine plastic waste cannot be found.

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On September 23, President Xi Jinping sent a message to Anura Dissanayake to congratulate him on his appointment as President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

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习近平在接见探月工程嫦娥六号任务参研参试人员代表时发表重要讲话强调 再接再厉乘势而上 加快建设航天强国 并参观月球样品和探月工程成果展览

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech when he met with representatives of the participants in the Chang'e-6 mission of the lunar exploration project at the Great Hall of the People on the morning of the 23rd.

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On June 25 this year, Chang'e-6 brought back mankind's first precious 1,935.3 grams sample of the lunar back. This not only filled the historical gap in the research of the lunar back, but also provided direct evidence for our study of the early evolution of the lunar back, and also provided us with a view to understanding the geological differences between the lunar back and the frontal side open up new perspectives.

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避免政府部分“停摆” 美国国会就短期支出法案达成一致

Democratic and Republican leaders in the U.S. Congress announced on the 22nd that they had reached an agreement on the content of a short-term spending bill to keep the federal government operating until December 20 and prevent some agencies from being "shut down" due to lack of money before the November presidential and congressional elections.

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共和国巡礼|共建绿色美丽三沙 守护小海龟的“家”

In Sansha, Hainan, it is not only the residents of Sansha who are happy. The turtles and seabirds here are also well protected. Since the establishment of Sansha as a city, the local government has intensified its efforts to protect the ecological environment, carrying out greening and tree planting on islands and reefs, and some originally bare islands and reefs have been put on green clothes. Turtles and seabirds all return here to reproduce and live.

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Since the establishment of Sansha City in July 2012, the local government has stepped up efforts to improve the people's livelihood of fishermen stationed on the island. Now the inhabited islands have water, electricity, and Internet access, and the island plays a happy life every day. Next, let's follow Sansha Satellite TV reporter Lan Zhen to have a look.

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