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最新资讯 (2024-09-23)

秋收正当时 特色农业解锁乡村振兴“密码”

Guangpo Town in Fangchenggang, Guangxi is one of the main oyster breeding bases along the coast of Guangxi. Currently, the local area has entered a bumper season of oyster seedlings.

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The reporter learned from the Jiangsu Province Health Commission on the 22nd that in order to increase the supply of childcare services and reduce the burden of family childcare, Jiangsu is accelerating the establishment of a childcare service system with diverse subjects, high-quality and universal benefits.

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The reporter learned from China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Bureau Group Company) that the Yangtze River Delta Railway National Day Golden Week transportation plan has recently been launched. During the National Day Golden Week transportation period, more than 34 million passengers are expected to be transported. On the basis of using 80 pairs of peak lines designated by the map, the railway department plans to open 196.5 additional pairs of passenger trains to strive to meet peak travel needs.

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遭受台风重创的海南热带野生动植物园加紧修建工作 预计国庆节前恢复开园

Previously, affected by Typhoon Capricorn, most of the green plants in the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park in Dongshan Town, Xiuying District, Haikou, Hainan, were destroyed, and the animal exhibition area was severely damaged. Fortunately, there were no animal casualties. Currently, the park is undergoing construction work and is expected to resume opening before National Day.

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A reporter learned that from the night of September 22 to the morning of the 23rd local time, the Israel Defense Forces arrested at least 16 Palestinians in the West Bank.

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As the National Day holiday approaches, many people plan to go to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony. It should be noted that Tiananmen Square implements real-name reservation measures, and tourists must enter in an orderly manner according to the appointment date, time period and entrance.

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Our country is a big agricultural country. Attaching importance to agriculture and consolidating the foundation is the foundation for the people and the key to governing the country. Since 2018, my country has established the annual Lunar Equinox as the "China Farmers 'Harvest Festival." This is the first festival established for farmers at the national level, which fully reflects the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core attaches great importance to the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". We attach great importance to the work and care for the vast number of farmers.

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青春华章|从线下到云端 思政课堂版图越来越大

On the evening of September 21, the 2024 "Writing the Glory of Youth on the Land of the Motherland" ideological and political course network theme publicity and interactive guidance activities were held at Nankai University.

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The negative list of market access has been "slimmed down" again, the market access system has been continuously improved, the high-quality development of service trade has been promoted, and new progress has been made in negotiations on free trade agreements with relevant countries... Recently, China has been expanding its high-level opening up to the outside world. It has been frequently launched and has attracted great attention from overseas media and international people. International public opinion believes that an open China and the world are mutually beneficial and win-win. They are not only a popular investment destination for foreign investment, but also an important engine for global development and prosperity.

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Finance is an important tool for the country. In the 75 years since the founding of New China, my country's financial industry has always adhered to the people-centered approach, served the overall situation of economic construction and social development, and has achieved historic achievements. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, our country has unswervingly followed the path of financial development with China characteristics, continued to promote high-quality development of the financial industry, and further enhanced the comprehensive strength of the financial industry. With the continuous improvement of its ability to serve economic and social development, China is striving to move forward from a financial power to a financial power.

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瑰宝传文脉 石窟阅古今

During his inspection in Tianshui, Gansu, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the four major grottoes in my country are treasures of Chinese civilization and have important historical and cultural values. He hopes that cultural relics workers will continue the "Mogao Spirit", devote themselves to protecting treasures for the country, and make greater contributions to inheriting and innovating China's excellent traditional culture and enhancing the influence of Chinese culture.

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国家发改委:“两新”工作持续激发需求潜力 不断拉动投资增长

In July this year, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the "Several Measures to Strengthen Support Large-scale Equipment Renewal and the Exchange of Old Consumer Goods for New"(referred to as the "Two New"), proposing a series of intensified support for the "Two New" work. Policy initiatives.

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"Hello, old president, I am Chen Yulu, the current president of Nankai University. On behalf of the whole school, I welcome you home." On the evening of September 21, Nankai University held the online theme publicity and interactive guidance activity of the 2024 "Writing the Glory of Youth on the Land of the Motherland" ideological and political course. With the help of AI technology, the two principals of Nankai were in the same frame.

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外交部:对任何损害中国安全利益的行径 都将提出严正交涉

On September 23, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian held a regular press conference. Some foreign countries continue to piece together "small circles" and renovate tricks to intervene in sea-related issues around China, attempt to engage in group confrontation, push the situation to heat up, and undermine regional peace and stability. Lin Jian emphasized that the intervention of any force will not shake China's determination to safeguard territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in accordance with the law and maintain regional peace and stability.

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Thanks to the advantages of the free trade port policy, Hainan has vigorously developed aircraft maintenance business and promoted airport industry clusters. It can be said to be "repairing global aircraft at the free trade port." So why do aviation companies from various countries favor coming here to repair aircraft? General reporter Fan Shanshan is now at the one-stop aircraft maintenance industry base of Hainan Free Trade Port. She asked her to take us to find out.

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国家勋章和国家荣誉称号获得者|张晋藩:胸怀家国情怀 为天下育英才

As the 75th anniversary of New China is approaching, a group of meritorious model figures who have made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of New China have been awarded national medals and national honorary titles to promote the national spirit and the spirit of the times. Today, we come to meet Zhang Jinfan, a famous jurist and tenured professor at China University of Political Science and Law, winner of the national honorary title of "People's Educator".

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On the 23rd local time, the Israel Defense Forces stated that the Israeli army had struck more than 150 Hezbollah targets in Lebanon that morning.

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数千亿元“真金白银”支持“两新”政策落实 让消费者和经营主体真正享受红利

On the morning of September 23, the National Development and Reform Commission held a special press conference to introduce the overall progress of the "two new" policies. What policy measures are there for large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade-in this year? How to promote the implementation of policies in the next step? Let's take a look at the authoritative response of the National Development and Reform Commission.

9月23日上午,国家发展改革委召开专题发布会,介绍“两新”政策总体进展情况。今年大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新 还有哪些政策举措?下一步如何推动政策落地见效?来看国家发展改革委的权威回应。
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甘肃省武威市发生交通事故 有人员伤亡

On September 23, a traffic accident occurred near the intersection of Jinyang Town, Liangzhou District, Wuwei City, Gansu Province. A small car rushed into a vegetable stall along the road. The reporter learned from relevant departments that the accident has caused many injuries and some deaths.

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On September 23, the reporter learned from the Shanghai City Transportation Department that the traffic safety emergency drill for the 7th China International Import Expo was held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai).

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