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最新资讯 (2024-09-22)


The French Presidential Palace announced the list of members of the new government on the evening of the 21st, which was immediately criticized by all parties.

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美众议院议长再提新拨款法案 计划为政府部门“续命”3个月

CCTV reporters learned on September 22 local time that in order to avoid a "shutdown" of the U.S. government, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Mike Johnson announced a "Continuation Resolution (CR)" bill on the same day to ensure that the U.S. government's funds can continue to be maintained at the current level. The level is 3 months until December 20.

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买卖“速成学历”乱象丛生 众多消费者纷纷被“坑”

In addition to selling overseas "accelerated degrees", the business scope of some intermediaries also includes the domestic study market. Experts interviewed pointed out that the chaos of buying and selling "accelerated academic qualifications" disrupts educational order, undermines educational fairness, and undermines the credibility of official certification bodies, and governance urgently needs to be strengthened.

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The survey results show that 34.5% of the college students surveyed have the habit of long-term bookkeeping, 30.8% of the college students surveyed budget and record large expenditures, and 25.6% of the college students surveyed occasionally bookkeeping and planning consumption. Only 9.1% of the college students surveyed said they had never planned for future consumption.

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An experiment conducted by scientists in the United States and Canada showed that the Arrhenius formula, which has been in use for 135 years, needs to be modified before it can be applied to the quantum field.

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Recently, a brigade of the 81st Group Army of the Central Theater Command organized an anti-tank missile firing assessment of the armored infantry unit.

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全国万人集体婚礼 “家国同庆 见证幸福”

On September 22, the All-China Women's Federation joined forces with relevant departments to hold the 2024 National Collective Wedding of 10,000 People,"Celebrate Family and Country Together to Witness Happiness".

9月22日,全国妇联联合有关部门举办“家国同庆 见证幸福”2024年全国万人集体婚礼。
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At the "Seminar on the 70th Anniversary of the Naming of 'Hongshan Culture', the Bright Star of Chinese Civilization" held on September 22, the Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region released the archaeological progress of the Yuanbao Mountain Stone Tomb in Xiawa Town, Aohan Banner, Chifeng City, which was officially launched in May this year.

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科技强国建设扎实推进(奋进强国路 阔步新征程)

If science and technology prosper, the nation will prosper; if science and technology are strong, the country will be strong. In the 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's scientific and technological undertakings have made historic achievements and undergone historic changes. It has entered the ranks of innovative countries, and the foundation for building a scientific and technological power has become more solid.

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“中国风”成舞台主角!金秋时节 全国文化市场精彩纷呈

Entering September, the popularity of the national cultural performance market has not diminished. More literary and art academies and groups have launched various types of performances such as dance, drama, and opera, which are constantly updated, bringing a wonderful cultural feast to the audience. Pu Cunxin, Chairman of the Chinese Dramatists Association: We strive to provide high-quality products to the audience. We want to form a warm cultural influence.

进入九月,全国文化演出市场热度不减,更多的文艺院团,纷纷推出舞蹈、话剧、戏曲等多种类型演出,不断上新,为观众带来精彩纷呈的文化盛宴。中国戏剧家协会主席 濮存昕:我们努力为观众提供精品,我们要形成一种有温度的文化影响力。
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Last winter,"Erbin"'s ice and snow tourism became popular. In the summer that just passed, it attracted many tourists to escape the heat with its cool climate. What are there to play and see in Harbin in autumn?

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欧盟呼吁黎以立即停火 避免更大人道主义灾难

On the 22nd, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Borelli called for an immediate ceasefire on both sides of the "Blue Line" on the border between Lebanon and Israel to avoid causing a greater humanitarian disaster.

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超甜!“集体婚礼”规模盛大 一起感受中式浪漫

The All-China Women's Federation, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission jointly held the 2024 National Collective Wedding of 10,000 People in 2024,"Family Celebrate Together to Witness Happiness".

全国妇联、国家民委、民政部、农业农村部、中央军委政治工作部,22日联合举办“家国同庆 见证幸福”2024年全国万人集体婚礼。
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CCTV reporters learned that on September 22 local time, US Republican presidential candidate and former President Trump said that if he failed in the presidential election in November this year, he did not think he would participate in the 2028 presidential election again.

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The vote count results announced by the Sri Lanka Election Commission on the 22nd showed that National People's Power Party leader Dissanayak won the presidential election held on the 21st and was elected the new president.

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The 2024 National Unified Legal Vocational Qualification Objective Examination will be held in two batches on September 21 and 22. The reporter learned from the Ministry of Justice that more than 960,000 people signed up for reference for this exam, a year-on-year increase of 12%; among them, more than 260,000 people signed up from the legal practice department.

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Yao Shuisheng, director of the Information Office of the Yangcheng Lake Hairy Crab Industry Association of Suzhou City, said that as long as it is a member unit authorized by the Yangcheng Lake Hairy Crab Industry Association of Suzhou City, it is a formal channel. Crab coupons are pre-sale vouchers sold by merchants when hairy crabs are not listed.

苏州市阳澄湖大闸蟹行业协会新闻办主任姚水生表示  只要是由苏州市阳澄湖大闸蟹行业协会授权的会员单位都是正规渠道。蟹券是在大闸蟹没有上市的情况下商家销售的一种预售凭证。
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At the recent "From Beijing to Paris" high-quality program audio-visual products launch event held by China Central Radio and Television, many inheritors who participated in the recording of "China in the Intangible Cultural Heritage" were awarded the "From Beijing to Paris-Sino-French People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges" Series awards, honorary certificates and trophies.

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September 22 ushered in the autumnal equinox solar term.

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最终计票结果显示 迪萨纳亚克在斯里兰卡总统选举中胜出

On the 22nd local time, the final vote count results announced by the Sri Lanka Election Commission showed that National People's Power Party leader Dissanayake won the presidential election held on the 21st.

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