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最新资讯 (2024-09-22)

各领域高质量发展硕果累累 中国经济行稳致远阔步前行

On September 22,"News Network" reported on good news such as the celebration of the "China Farmers 'Harvest Festival" in various places, the high-quality development of tax services, and the accelerated implementation of large-scale equipment updates. In the golden autumn season, high-quality development in various fields has achieved fruitful results, and China's economy has made steady progress.

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【奋进强国路 阔步新征程·数说中国】国内消费市场繁荣壮大

China: The domestic consumer market is booming and growing.

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What is development determination? There may be different annotations for different regions and cities. When the reporter recently visited a small town in the Wuling Mountains, he found a vivid example of this topic.

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Deliberative democracy is an important part of the whole process of people's democracy. It is a unique form and unique advantage of our country's socialist democratic politics. It is an important manifestation of the party's mass line in the political field. At the conference celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "continuously promote the extensive and multi-layered institutionalized development of deliberative democracy" and made important arrangements for the comprehensive development of deliberative democracy.

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In the exhibition hall of the 2024 World Manufacturing Conference Complex held here, the iconic butterfly wing door of a pure electric super sports car opens and closes more than a hundred times a day. An endless stream of spectators lined up next to the booth, waiting to experience this car. How to "nod" or even "dance" in place?

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2024北京文化论坛|智能催生新业态 看静态作品如何摇身一变成动态场景

"Black Myth·Wukong" collects a large amount of ancient Chinese architectural data and uses digital technology to build a mysterious oriental mythological world; the "Ancient Chinese and Modern Questions" function developed by Baidu's big model "Wenxin Yiyan" helps overseas Chinese cultural search for roots by learning ancient local chronicles and genealogy data; Quick hand launched the "Keling AI" director co-creation plan, and worked with nine directors to create AIGC short films generated from large models... At the 2024 Beijing Cultural Forum held from September 19 to 21, many participants shared the vivid cases demonstrate the new trends and trends of my country's digital technology empowering cultural industry.

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In August, at the "No. 1 Village in China's Rural Reform"-a high-standard farmland demonstration site in Xiaogang Village, Fengyang County, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, there were green rice fields that looked endless. Near noon, Cheng Xibing, a large grain grower, had just finished his morning farm work and walked up the field ridge sweating profusely. Back home, the aroma of rice wafted in the kitchen.

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With the implementation of a new round of car trade-in policies, consumers 'enthusiasm for car purchases continues to rise.

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西渝高铁康渝段首榀箱梁架设成功 中西部铁路网融合进程加速

Recently, the first box girder of the Kangzhou-Chongqing section of the West-Chongqing High-speed Railway was stabilized at the middle bridge of Zhangjialiang Line 4 of the Kangzhou-Chongqing Section 8 of the China Railway Third Bureau, marking the shift from offline engineering construction to online engineering construction of the Kangzhou-Chongqing section of the West-Chongqing High-speed Railway.

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高质量发展中国行丨地铁织就长三角生活圈 绘就城乡共同富裕新画卷

Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, stands and thrives because of openness. This year marks the 35th anniversary of Kunshan's withdrawal from county and establishment as a city, and the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Kunshan Development Zone at its own expense. Over the past 40 years, Kunshan has also adhered to common prosperity as its development goal and strived to create a Chinese-style modernization county demonstration so that both new and old Kunshan citizens can enjoy the warmth of life.

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As the National Day approaches, the "Blessing the Motherland" flower baskets placed on Tiananmen Square in Beijing were completed on September 22. Many tourists came to visit and take photos.

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The reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission on September 22 that two batches of funds totaling 150 billion yuan from ultra-long-term special treasury bonds to support large-scale equipment updates have all been arranged for projects. Various localities have accelerated the implementation of policies in education, construction, industry and other fields to benefit enterprises. Benefit the people.

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The State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" on the 20th. The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Taxation introduced the new results achieved in the high-quality development of tax services.

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【学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神】宣讲课堂进基层 全会精神入人心

In the past few days, propaganda teams from Chongqing, Sichuan, Fujian, Ningxia and other places have gone deep into the grassroots, innovated propaganda forms, highlighted classification and focus, and sent the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the masses.

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【奋进强国路 阔步新征程】中国航天实现历史性高质量跨越式发展

"Chang'e" holds the moon,"Zhurong" explores the fire,"Xihe" shines the sun,"Beidou" guides the way, and "Heaven and Earth" navigates the stars. In the 75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's aerospace industry has grown from scratch, from weak to strong, achieving historic, high-quality and leapfrog development.

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【新思想引领新征程】丰收中国 绘就乡村振兴新画卷

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that to promote Chinese-style modernization, we must continue to lay a solid foundation for agriculture and promote comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Since the beginning of this year, my country has fully implemented a new round of actions to increase grain production capacity by 100 billion kilograms, accelerated the construction of an agricultural power, promoted agricultural and rural modernization, and painted a new picture of rural revitalization.

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金秋好时节 各地欢庆“中国农民丰收节”

In the golden autumn season, the rice beans are golden and the fruits and fruits are fragrant in the land of China. On September 22, people from all over the country celebrated the Chinese Farmers 'Harvest Festival in various forms and shared the joy of harvesting.

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Oxtail bamboo shoots in Wenjingjiang Town, Chongzhou, Sichuan Province are not only very popular among diners, but also the favorite of giant pandas. The multiple economic values have also made oxtail bamboo shoots a local "rich bamboo shoots".

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以“绿”富民 以“产”兴业 丰产丰收有“粮”方

September every year is the season when the grass smells fragrant and the slopes are filled with cattle and sheep in Horqin Right Front Banner, Xing 'an League, Inner Mongolia. Recently, the second season of the large-scale media event of "Looking for the Top 100 to See China" hosted by the Financial Program Center of China Central Radio and Television Station came here to see the special activities of the China Farmers Harvest Festival held locally.

每年九月是内蒙古兴安盟科尔沁右翼前旗牧草飘香、牛羊满坡的时节。近日,由中央广播电视总台财经节目中心主办的《寻百强 看中国》第二季大型融媒体活动,走进这里,来看看当地举办的中国农民丰收节特色活动。
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金秋时节果飘香 乡村振兴好“丰”光

In addition to the main grain crops, during the golden autumn season, fruits, fruits and vegetables from various places also enjoy bumper harvests.

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