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最新资讯 (2024-09-22)


On the occasion of the seventh "China Farmers 'Harvest Festival", General Secretary Xi Jinping, on behalf of the Party Central Committee, extended holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to the farmers across the country and comrades working on the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" front, and expressed his sincere expectations and requirements for unremitting efforts to consolidate the foundation of agriculture.

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持续优化营商环境 助力经营主体茁壮成长

Business entities are the main participants in my country's economic activities, the main providers of employment opportunities, and the main promoters of technological progress. The vitality of business entities represents the vitality of economic development. Data shows that in 2023, the number of registered business entities nationwide will reach 184 million, the activity of enterprises will increase by 0.69% year-on-year, and the average life span of enterprises that have exited will be extended by 0.64 years.

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On September 21, the 2024 Beijing Cultural Forum concluded successfully. This is a dialogue between different civilizations, a grand gathering for Chinese and foreign cultural circles to build consensus, and a concentrated display of the achievements of China's cultural development. During the forum, more than 800 Chinese and foreign guests gathered together to collide ideas and share experiences around the annual theme of "Deepening Cultural Exchanges to Achieve Common Progress", and jointly paint a beautiful picture of civilized exchanges and cultural development.

9月21日,2024北京文化论坛圆满闭幕。这是一次不同文明之间的对话,是中外文化界凝聚共识的盛会,也是中国文化发展成果的一次集中展示。论坛举办期间,800多名中外嘉宾共聚一堂,围绕“深化文化交流 实现共同进步”年度主题,碰撞思想、分享经验,共同绘就一幅文明交流与文化发展的美好画卷。
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教育强国建设迈出坚实步伐(奋进强国路 阔步新征程)

Since the founding of New China 75 years ago, education has achieved fruitful results. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has built the largest education system in the world, and the overall level of educational modernization development has entered the ranks of upper-middle countries in the world. We insist on taking education as a major plan for the country and the party. In the new era, education has made historic achievements and undergone structural changes.

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“多彩贵州风”吹进德国 贵州“朋友圈”持续扩容

On September 19, the "Colorful Guizhou is Colorful" online communication special promotion meeting was held in Frankfurt, Germany. 40 photographic works showcasing Guizhou's mountains, rivers, humanities, digital economy, and high-quality development were simultaneously unveiled, attracting many guests to stop and watch.

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看图学习·青春华章丨办好这门“关键课程” 总书记非常关心

Ideological and political theory courses are key courses for implementing the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people. They are related to the fundamental issue of "who to cultivate, how to cultivate people, and for whom to cultivate people." Running ideological and political courses well is a matter of great concern to General Secretary Xi Jinping. The General Secretary emphasized that it is necessary to "continuously strengthen and improve ideological and political education in schools in the new era, educate and guide young students to strengthen their Marxist beliefs, beliefs in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and confidence in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, establish the ambition of serving the country and strengthening the country, and be committed to being strivers."

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September 22 this year is the autumn equinox of the lunar calendar. On the occasion of the seventh Chinese Farmers 'Harvest Festival, General Secretary Xi Jinping extended holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to farmers across the country and comrades working on the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" front. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that to promote Chinese-style modernization, we must persist in laying a solid foundation for agriculture and promoting comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

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丰收中国 生机勃勃——写在第七个“中国农民丰收节”到来之际

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and is a critical year for achieving the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan". All regions and departments have thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, anchored the goal of building a strong agricultural country, learned from the experience of the "Ten Million Projects", and effectively promoted the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. The vast countryside has shown a vibrant new atmosphere, and China has a bumper harvest. Beautiful new picture.

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The Hainan Province Meteorological Bureau issued a fourth-level rainstorm warning at 16:30 on September 22, 2024. Due to the joint influence of the tropical convergence zone and cold air, it is expected that in the next 24 hours, some towns and towns in cities and counties such as Wenchang, Qionghai, Wanning and Qiongzhong will have precipitation of more than 100 millimeters. Some towns and towns in cities and counties such as Haikou, Ding 'an, Tunchang, Wuzhishan, Baoting, Lingshui and Sanya will have precipitation of more than 50 millimeters. Please take precautions.

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经济日报评论员:奋力耕耘 共庆丰收

The fragrance of melons and fruits is a precious gift from the golden autumn, and a bumper harvest of grain is the most beautiful expression of agriculture. On the occasion of the seventh "China Farmers Harvest Festival", General Secretary Xi Jinping extended holiday congratulations and sincere greetings to the farmers across the country and comrades working on the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" front, which fully reflected the Party Central Committee's commitment to "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". We attach great importance to the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers and show cordial concern for the farmers.

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In order to implement the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity and continuously expand the space and positions for practical and online education, the 2024 "Writing the Magnificent Chapter of Youth on the Land of the Motherland" ideological and political courses will be held at Nankai University on the evening of September 21.

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The reporter learned from the Central Office of the Rule of Law on the 22nd that the Central Office of the Rule of Law dispatched six inspection teams to conduct a seven-day on-site rule of law inspections on the implementation of key tasks in the field of rule of law reform in six provinces and autonomous regions across the country. This is the first comprehensive rule of law inspection since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

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The People's Political Consultative Conference is a great achievement of the Communist Party of China in integrating Marxism-Leninism united front theory, political party theory, and democratic political theory with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture. It is a great creation of the political system led by the Communist Party of China by various democratic parties, non-party personages, and people's groups and people of all ethnic groups and all walks of life.

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Forward favorites! After the autumnal equinox, there are different focuses on food and nutrition in the north and south.

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Comprehensively promote rural revitalization and allow the people to live a good life, and the General Secretary is always thinking about it. On the occasion of the seventh Chinese Farmers 'Harvest Festival, China Central Radio and Television Station's Social and Legal Channel launched a series of micro-short dramas "Revitalization with Me". This is the first micro-short drama based on the real events of rural revitalization and the characters are played by prototype characters.

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德国进入秋季 朝阳穿透雾气

On September 22, 2024 local time, in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, the rising sun penetrated the fog on the Wickenstedt fish pond north of Harz. The weather in Harz was warm that day and the temperature would exceed 22 degrees. Ample sunshine marks the beginning of autumn.

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合肥:万亩荷塘绿意浓 游客观荷踩藕乐趣多

On September 22, 2024, in early autumn, rural activities such as cruise ship viewing lotus, riding lotus roots, and fishing for shrimp in Jianggang Village, Fengle Town, Feixi County, Hefei City, Anhui Province attracted many tourists to experience and enjoy the fun. In recent years, Fengle Town, Feixi County, Anhui Province, has developed characteristic agricultural industries according to local conditions. By relying on a 10,000-acre lotus planting base, it has created an integrated agricultural, cultural and tourism complex integrating planting and breeding, leisure and sightseeing, and picking experience to help rural revitalization.

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General reporters learned on the 22nd that the death toll from the Tabas mine disaster in Iran rose to 51 and 20 people were injured.

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September 22 is the autumn equinox of the lunar calendar, and my country welcomes the seventh Chinese Farmers 'Harvest Festival. Heilongjiang, a major grain-producing province that is about to enter the autumn harvest season, organizes various agricultural activities such as the autumn harvest and sickle opening in Fangzheng County, Harbin City, an important grain-producing area, showing the bumper harvest scene of the "big granary" and feeling the joy of farmers. At the same time, Heilongjiang has promoted advanced agricultural technology, improving the level of agricultural mechanization, and strengthening farmland water conservancy construction to enhance grain production capacity and serve as a "ballast stone" for national food security.

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Hezbollah in Lebanon announced on the 22nd local time that in response to Israel's "multiple attacks on Lebanon," Hezbollah fired "dozens of missiles" at Israel in the early morning of the day. According to media reports, this is the farthest Hezbollah has hit targets in Israel since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

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