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最新资讯 (2024-09-22)

第七届中国农民丰收节:五谷丰登 瓜果飘香 全国各地共绘丰收好风光

September 22 this year is also the seventh Chinese Farmers 'Harvest Festival. In the vast land of the motherland, the grain is abundant and melons are fragrant, and the north and south of the country are filled with the joy of a bumper harvest.

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高质量发展中国行丨保护与传承 擦亮文旅名片的“昆山经验”

Kunshan, which has ranked first among the top 100 counties in the country for 20 consecutive years, has a good momentum of real economic development, but also has not forgotten to accumulate history and culture, and culture is also integrated into economic activities "moisten things silently". While economic development, how does Kunshan polish its cultural business card?

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中医药服务下沉显成效:基层医疗服务能力不断加强 满足群众就医需求

Activities such as "Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology Training" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Entering the Community" for the grassroots have been carried out one after another, and the grassroots traditional Chinese medicine service capabilities have been continuously strengthened, better meeting the health needs of the general public to "facilitate access to traditional Chinese medicine and good traditional Chinese medicine."

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South of the colorful clouds is the home of all things. Yunnan is the province with the richest biodiversity in China and one of the key biodiversity areas with global significance. The number of higher plant and vertebrate species accounts for more than half of my country's. It is known as the "Animal Kingdom","Plant Kingdom" and "World Garden""Species Gene Bank".

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A proposal is a careful insight into the demands of people's livelihood. A proposal is a keen concern for social progress. It is easy to discuss things, and everyone's affairs should be discussed by everyone. The story of China in the CPPCC proposal tells the true meaning of people's democracy.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 绝美大地,换个角度看云南!

Yunnan is located in the southwest border of my country, covering an area of 394,000 square kilometers, and is home to 47 million simple, kind, hospitable people of all ethnic groups. It has a superior location and is a major channel and bridgehead open to South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean Rim region. It is rich in resources and has remarkable characteristics such as landform diversity, climate diversity, and species diversity. It is a veritable "plant kingdom","animal kingdom" and "non-ferrous metal kingdom".

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 一跃千年!“幸福密码123” 解锁更多新生活

Dulong River Township, Gongshan County, located in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, is the main settlement of the Dulong people. Today, the infrastructure and production and living conditions there have undergone earth-shaking changes. Through the helicopter perspective, cross Gaoligong Mountain and overlook the new look on both sides of the Dulong River.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 变好了、变美了,打开家乡的N种方式→

Today, all villages on the front line of Yunnan's border have become modern border happy villages. Hometowns have become better and more beautiful, and have also attracted more young people to take root and develop their hometowns. Let's see what their hometown is like in the eyes of young people in Yunnan through a set of short films.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 从“以吨计”到“以克计” 改革创新延伸产业链

Yunnan is rich in non-ferrous metal resources, with reserves of lead, zinc, tin, phosphorus, copper, silver and other non-ferrous metals ranking among the top in the country. In recent years, Yunnan has focused on promoting the transformation of traditional industries into new industries and building a modern industrial system with Yunnan characteristics focusing on 10 key industries including green energy, non-ferrous metals, and new materials. In 2023, the output value of the non-ferrous metals industry will exceed 300 billion yuan. Traditional industries will be upgraded and new results will be achieved in high-quality development.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | “滇”能“绿”动带来生机与活力

In recent years, Yunnan has been committed to building an important green clean energy base in the country. Green aluminum, silicon photovoltaics, and new energy batteries have become the "three new things" of the industry. In 2023, the province's installed power capacity will exceed 130 million kilowatts, and green energy installed capacity will account for nearly 90%, ranking among the top in the country.

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In addition to rich energy minerals, Yunnan actually has many unexpected plateau characteristics. Yunnan has very good light, heat, soil and water conditions, which are particularly conducive to the growth of crops.

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更胖了也更壮了 放归野外的亚洲象“阿宝”一切都好

Asian elephants are the flagship species of tropical rainforests and a flagship species for biodiversity conservation. This Asian elephant is named "Po". In 2018, it left the elephant herd and moved alone, broke into the downtown area of Pu 'er, Yunnan, and was then transferred to the Asian Elephant Rescue and Breeding Center affiliated to the Xishuangbanna Asian Elephant Conservation and Management Center. In May 2024, after behavioral correction and wild training,"Po" was successfully released into the wild, becoming the first wild elephant to visit the city and be released into the nature.

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From relying on weak candlelight at night to today's brightly lit modern life, the development of electricity has witnessed the earth-shaking changes in Chinese family life since the founding of New China 75 years ago. Today, not only is the power supply sufficient and stable, but we also enjoy clean and green electricity. This light not only illuminates life but also protects green waters and green mountains. Next, let us review the rapid development of electricity over the past 75 years.

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The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization" proposes to "create a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment" and makes new arrangements. This is a mobilization order to further optimize the business environment at a new historical starting point.

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新疆霍尔果斯:8万多只羊“药浴”杀菌 防疫人员助牧民羊群健康越冬

Recently, Horgos City, Xinjiang organized epidemic prevention personnel to help herdsmen carry out "medicinal baths" on more than 80,000 sheep to ensure the healthy and safe winter of the sheep.

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On September 22, the giant flower basket of "Blessing the Motherland" was hoisted and appeared in Tiananmen Square.

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非遗传承!百人共舞火龙 祈愿五谷丰登

In Chenshan Village, Heshan City, Guangdong Province, a grand fire dragon dance event is held here every year around the autumn equinox. More than a hundred young and middle-aged people perform dragon dances, making it very lively.

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The U.S. State Department updated its travel advice for Lebanon on the 21st, continuing to advise U.S. citizens not to travel to Lebanon, and urging U.S. citizens in Lebanon to evacuate Lebanon.

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受极端天气影响 厄瓜多尔19省进入红色警戒状态

On September 21, local time, Ecuador's National Risk Management Secretariat announced that due to extreme weather, 19 of the country's 24 provinces had entered a red alert state.

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"Autumn wind makes fish fat." Zitong County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province has recently ushered in the best season to enjoy silver carp and grass carp. Stewed, boiled, fried and fried to form a fish feast with its own characteristics.

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