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最新资讯 (2024-09-21)


The People's Political Consultative Conference is a great achievement of the Communist Party of China in integrating Marxist-Leninist united front theory, political party theory, and democratic political theory with China's reality. It is a great creation carried out by the Communist Party of China under the leadership of democratic parties, non-party personages, people's organizations, and people of all ethnic groups and all walks of life in the political system.

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Starting from September 20, new regulations have been introduced for transportation services for key passengers such as the elderly, the elderly, the disabled and pregnant women. The new regulations focus on the needs of special key passengers and will provide a more convenient travel experience.

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On September 20, the State Council Information Office held a press conference. The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Taxation said that since the beginning of this year, my country's structural tax reduction and fee reduction policies have been continuously implemented, benefiting more enterprises and individuals, especially for technological innovation and manufacturing development. Policy dividends continue to emerge.

9月20日国新办举行发布会,国家税务总局相关负责人表示,今年以来, 我国结构性减税降费政策不断落实、惠及更多企业、个人,特别是针对科技创新和制造业发展的政策红利不断显现。
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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 小小传感器 撬动产业大发展

In Zhengzhou, the sensor industry is in a period of rapid development. In just three years, the number of related companies has doubled to 3000.

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If your dream is to realize Kara freedom, Zhecheng satisfies you.

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Henan is an important birthplace of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization, with profound cultural heritage. The oracle bones of the Yin Ruins in Anyang, the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, etc., can be said,"The Spring and Autumn Culture can be seen with just one hand and touch, and the Qin bricks and Han tiles can be seen with one foot." Now, Henan is building a cultural tourism brand of "Walking Henan, Understanding China".

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 拦浑蓄清 不一样的清水黄河

When talking about Henan, we can't help but mention the Yellow River. Henan is the boundary between the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the famous place where the river hangs above the ground. The Xiaolangdi Water Conservancy Project, located between Mengjin District and Jiyuan City, Luoyang City, Henan Province, is a key control project on the main stream of the Yellow River. The main functions of general reservoirs are flood control and water regulation, but it also has a very important function, which is to regulate sand and reduce sedimentation. What is the role of water and sediment regulation and what benefits it brings to the people?

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环沙漠铁路成为新疆经济发展“新引擎” 铺就百姓幸福路

In June 2022, the Heruo Railway from Hotan to Ruoqiang in southern Xinjiang was officially opened to traffic. It "hands in hand" with the already running Geku Line and Nanjiang Line, forming a closed loop for the railway line around the Taklimakan Desert. This is the world's first railway line around the desert and has become one of China's new landmarks.

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The "Yinling Action" is a voluntary service activity that takes the elderly as the main body, adheres to the principle of being conscious, voluntariness and acting within their capabilities, and carries out intellectual assistance and participation in grassroots governance, social services, etc. as the content to serve economic and social development.

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In order to further deepen the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, under the guidance of the Central Propaganda Department, the database of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era developed and constructed by the People's Publishing House and relevant units was held on the 21st. It was officially released at the International Digital Publishing Expo.

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On the eve of the 75th National Day of the People's Republic of China, two important meetings were held one after another: a week ago, on September 14, a meeting celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the National People's Congress; on September 20, a meeting celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

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The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Taxation introduced on the 20th that structural tax reduction and fee reduction policies continue to provide assistance to the development of the manufacturing industry. VAT invoice data showed that from January to August, China's manufacturing sales revenue increased by 4.6% year-on-year.

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时政长镜头丨天下之本 务莫大焉

In 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted the old saying "Agriculture is the foundation of the world, and the greatest task is" at the Central Rural Work Conference, emphasizing that the issue of agriculture and rural farmers is a fundamental issue related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Solving the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" issues has always been the work of the whole party. The top priority.

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广西梧州出现鸳鸯江景观 一黄一绿泾渭分明

On September 17, 2024, in Wuzhou, Guangxi, overlooking the intersection of the Guijiang River and Xunjiang River from the sky, one yellow and one green were clearly separated. Affected by floods flowing eastward in the direction of Nanning, the water of the Xunjiang River has been particularly turbid recently, converging with the clear water of the Gui River, recreating the famous "Wuzhou Yuanyang River" scenery.

2024年9月17日, 广西梧州,从空中俯瞰桂江浔江交汇处,一黄一绿泾渭分明。受南宁方向洪水东流影响,近日浔江水体特别浑浊,与桂江清澈的江水交汇,再现著名的“梧州鸳鸯江”景色。
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On September 20, 2024, after a day of heavy rain, Beijing welcomed the magnificent sunset scenery of burning clouds in the evening.

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On the evening of September 20, 2024 local time, in St. Petersburg, Russia, the super moon rose behind a crane. There will be four super moons in 2024. A super moon is an astronomical phenomenon when the full moon coincides with the point closest to the moon and the earth, the perigee. The next super moon will appear on October 17, 2024.

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38名候选人参与角逐 斯里兰卡开始总统选举投票

At 7:00 local time on September 21, voting for the presidential election in Sri Lanka began. A total of 38 candidates competed in this election (one candidate passed away after confirmation of his candidacy), and approximately 17 million voters were eligible to vote.

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On September 19, 2024, in Tongren City, Guizhou Province, the ecological tea garden scenery in Guagou Village, Bapan Town, Jiangkou County.

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In this issue of the "Dialogue" column, we invite Li Xiang, Vice Chairman of the China Artists Association, to share his thoughts and feelings in the process of studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Symposium on Literary and Art Work.

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券商风控指标计算标准迎来新调整 明年起正式施行

The reporter learned from the China Securities Regulatory Commission on September 20 that the China Securities Regulatory Commission recently revised and issued the "Standard Regulations for the Calculation of Risk Control Indicators for Securities Companies", which will officially come into effect on January 1, 2025.

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