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最新资讯 (2024-09-20)

多领域发展亮点纷呈 我国高质量发展动能强、底气足

On September 20, a number of exciting news came out: the loan market quoted interest rate in September remained unchanged, and the space for subsequent monetary policy was further opened; the list of the top 100 counties with comprehensive strength in my country was announced, and the characteristics of science and technology innovation promoting county development were obvious;81 home appliance companies signed the convention to increase intellectual property protection... Development results in multiple fields have boosted confidence, and keywords such as growth, new highs, and strength continue to emerge, making firm progress.

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Starting from September 20, new regulations have been introduced for transportation services for key passengers such as the elderly, the disabled and pregnant women, clarifying the standards, content, and methods for providing high-quality services. By further scientifically allocating resources, standardizing service processes, and improving relevant rules, key passengers will travel more warmly, conveniently and conveniently.

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“共和国勋章”获得者黄宗德:屡立战功 永远忠于党忠于人民

The old man who is telling his classmates about his combat experience is Huang Zongde. Although he is 93 years old this year, although he suffers from bladder cancer, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases, and even has three pieces of shrapnel left in his body that cannot be removed, he still often goes deep into troops and agencies, schools, enterprises and other places to tell battle stories.

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拉拢参保人虚假住院 国家医保局公布多起警示案例

In order to defraud medical insurance funds, insured persons were recruited to be hospitalized falsely and hospitalized 16 times a year for nearly 200 days... The National Medical Insurance Administration recently issued a document announcing many cases of suspected violations of laws and regulations behind the abnormally high hospitalization rate.

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The preliminary examination for national master's degree enrollment in 2025 will be held from December 21 to 22, 2024, and the 6-hour examination subject will be held on December 23.

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北斗追梦 领航苍穹——中国北斗建设发展三十周年记事

At 9:14 on September 19, the milky white Long March 3B carrier rocket soared from the Xichang Launch Site of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center and launched two Beidou navigation satellites into space.

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The 2024 Beijing Cultural Forum officially opens on September 19. At the opening ceremony, the "Ten Major Events in the Construction of National Cultural Center in 2023" was officially released.

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学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神丨讲“干货” 重实效 聚人心——福建、重庆、四川、宁夏组织开展多种形式宣讲活动

Interaction in the workshops of private enterprises, sitcoms on the courtyard dam, and "neighborhood lecture halls" deep in the courtyard... In the past few days, propaganda groups from all over Fujian, Chongqing, Sichuan, and Ningxia have insisted on going deep into the grassroots level, innovating propaganda forms, and highlighting classified groups., use a way that the propaganda recipients like to promote the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee to build consensus and stimulate strength in all walks of life.

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The single edition of President Xi Jinping's "Working Together to Promote Modernization and Build a Community with a Shared Future-Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation" has been published by the People's Publishing House and will be available in Xinhua Bookstores across the country from now on.

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Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Malaysia face each other across the sea, and the friendship between the two countries has been passed down for thousands of years. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1974, China and Malaysia have always been friendly and helping each other, setting a model of mutual achievement and win-win cooperation between countries.

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习近平在庆祝中国人民政治协商会议成立75周年大会上发表重要讲话强调 更加充分发挥人民政协的显著政治优势 不断巩固发展生动活泼安定团结的政治局面

Xi Jinping pointed out that deliberative democracy is an important part of the whole process of people's democracy, a unique form and unique advantage of our country's socialist democratic politics, and an important manifestation of the party's mass line in the political field.

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Today, we gather here solemnly to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. First of all, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, I would like to extend my warm congratulations to the People's Political Consultative Conference! I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all parties, groups and people of all ethnic groups and all walks of life participating in the CPPCC, to compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, compatriots in the Macao Special Administrative Region, compatriots in Taiwan and overseas Chinese!

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独家视频丨习近平:中国同马来西亚隔海相望 两国友谊传承千年

Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Malaysia face each other across the sea, and the friendship between the two countries has been passed down for thousands of years. As early as the 15th century, Chinese Ming Dynasty navigator Zheng He made seven ocean-going voyages and stationed in Malacca five times, leaving a historical story.

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独家视频丨习近平同马来西亚最高元首会谈:我愿同你一道 推动中马命运共同体建设不断迈上新台阶

Xi Jinping pointed out that not long ago, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee was successfully held. China will further comprehensively deepen reforms, promote high-level opening up to the outside world, and bring new impetus and new opportunities to world economic recovery, regional development, and cooperation between China and Malaysia.

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In 2024, the People's Republic of China celebrates its 75th anniversary. Over the past 75 years, New China has achieved outstanding results in comprehensive national strength, agriculture, transportation, aerospace, manufacturing and other aspects. It has continued to advance high-quality development in many fields, and Chinese-style modernization has shown thousands of weather.

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At 17:43 Beijing time on September 20, 2024, my country used the Kuaizhou-1A carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the Revelation Constellation 29 - 32 satellites into space. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit and the launch mission was a complete success.

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习近平在庆祝中国人民政治协商会议成立75周年大会上发表重要讲话强调 更加充分发挥人民政协的显著政治优势 不断巩固发展生动活泼安定团结的政治局面

Xi Jinping pointed out that deliberative democracy is an important part of the whole process of people's democracy, a unique form and unique advantage of our country's socialist democratic politics, and an important manifestation of the party's mass line in the political field. Xi Jinping pointed out that upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is the main axis of consolidating the common ideological and political foundation, and the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the general outline for overseeing the work of the CPPCC.

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Security and diplomatic sources in the West African country of Mali said on the 19th that recent attacks in Bamako, the capital of the country, killed more than 70 people and injured more than 200 others.

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@中国公民,如发现危害国家安全可疑行为 可多渠道举报

Maintaining national security is the obligation of every citizen. When cooperating with the work of national security agencies, the people should provide relevant information truthfully and proactively in accordance with the law. On September 20, the Ministry of National Security announced three typical cases that occurred around ordinary people.

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第七届进博会国家展准备工作正在有序推进 媒体报名已开放

The 7th China International Import Expo will be held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th. At present, preparations for the national exhibition are advancing in an orderly manner. All participating countries and international organizations have entered the stage of exhibit preparation and exhibition hall design. So far, more than 70 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation, and the total number of exhibitors exceeds the sixth edition. Among them, Norway, Slovakia, Benin, Burundi, Madagascar and other countries and UNICEF participated in the national exhibition for the first time.

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