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最新资讯 (2024-09-20)

万帆齐发!东海迎来全面开渔 海事部门全力保障船舶进出港安全

Due to the continuous influence of typhoons "Beibica" and "Prasan", the full fishing opening in the East China Sea originally scheduled for September 16 was postponed. As the typhoon's impact on the East China Sea weakened, on the morning of September 20, the summer fishing ban in the East China Sea officially ended

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At 17:10 on September 19, some township sections in Wuqia County, Kezhou, Xinjiang were hit by a short-term strong sandstorm. After receiving calls from the public for help, local police quickly rushed to the scene.

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文化中国行|莆田木雕跨越千年魅力不朽 非遗传承迎来更多可能

Putian wood carving is one of the four famous Chinese wood carving carvings. In May 2011, it was included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Putian wood carving is famous for its fine carving skills, vivid artistic shapes and rich subject matter content. As a treasure of Chinese culture, it shows the world its immortal charm spanning thousands of years. Today's Cultural Tour to China, we take you to Putian, Fujian, to see how the masters craftsmen there use knives to replace writing to rejuvenate sleeping wood.

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多项政策支持“以旧换新”效果明显 新房二手房成交维持高位

Since the beginning of this year, 130 cities across the country have launched "old-for-new" housing activities. It has been two months since Beijing launched the "trade-in" commercial housing on July 19. Data shows that with the support of a number of policies, the transaction volume of Beijing's new and second-hand housing market has remained at a high level.

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“追光逐日”推动绿色低碳发展 新疆若羌崛起400万千瓦光伏“蓝海”

On September 17, the 4 million-kilowatt photovoltaic project in Ruoqiang, Xinjiang, located on the southeastern edge of the Taklimakan Desert, entered a comprehensive final stage. On September 30, it was ready for grid-connected power generation. It is planned to complete all construction by the end of the year and connect to the grid with full capacity.

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重庆发布高温红色预警信号 局地日最高气温将升至40℃以上

It is estimated that from 13:00 to 20:00 on the 20th, the daily maximum temperature in areas below 400 meters above sea level in 19 districts and counties including Yuzhong, Shapingba, Dadukou, Jiangbei, Jiulongpo, Nan 'an, Liangjiang New Area, High-tech Zone, Beibei, Tongnan, Bishan, Zhong County, Shizhu, Wanzhou, Kaizhou, Yunyang, Fengjie, Wuxi, and Pengshui will rise to above 40℃.

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In particular, in accordance with the requirements of last year's Central Economic Work Conference and this year's National Two Sessions that emphasized "focusing on supporting scientific and technological innovation and manufacturing development", relevant tax and fee support policies have been intensified. From January to August this year, major policies supporting scientific and technological innovation and manufacturing development reduced taxes, fees, and tax rebates exceeded 1.8 trillion yuan, adding momentum to accelerating the development of new productive forces.

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政企常态化沟通渠道化解企业大烦恼 助力民营企业发展驶入“快车道”

In recent years, channels for regular communication between government and enterprises have also been continuously enriched. Breakfast meetings, on-site meetings, tea parties and other forms are eclectic, allowing private enterprises to come with questions and leave with answers. A government-enterprise tea party held in Dehua County, Fujian Province, was extended from the original one and a half hours to three hours in a pragmatic exchange.

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发展新质生产力 新动能、新产业正成为经济增长新引擎

On September 19, the New Quality Productivity Development Conference was held in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The theme of this conference was "Gathering Scientific and Technological Innovation to Accelerate the Development of New Quality Productivity". Representatives from all walks of life, government, and academia were invited to gather together to share and discuss accelerating the development of new quality productivity according to local conditions. Models and experiences.

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Recently, with the approval of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, the Shanxi Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a case investigation into Li Shuzhong, former secretary of the Loufan County Party Committee and second-level inspector in Taiyuan City, for serious violations of discipline and law.

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In response to the wind and rain impact caused by "Prasan", on September 19, Shanghai and Jiangsu urgently organized the safe relocation of personnel.

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金秋九月全国文化演出市场不断“上新” 为观众带来精彩纷呈文化盛宴

Entering September, the popularity of the national cultural performance market remains unabated, and various types of performances such as dance, drama, and opera continue to be "updated", bringing a wonderful cultural feast to the audience.

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In August, the average proportion of excellent days in 31 cities in the Yangtze River Delta region was 74.5%, a year-on-year decrease of 3.9 percentage points; there were no severe and above pollution days, which was flat year-on-year; the average proportion of days exceeding the standard caused by sandstorm weather was 0.3%.

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钱塘江两岸形成独特潮文化 从“潮地名”中看见“中国故事”

"The eighteen tides in August are spectacular and unseen in the world." As a tide-watching resort, a unique tide-culture has been formed on both sides of the Qiantang River in Zhejiang due to the Qiantang tide. On September 20, the Zhejiang Chaozhou Place Names Cultural Center opened in Hangzhou, displaying many interesting "Chaozhou place names".

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China and Japan reached a consensus on the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea. Among them, Japan has made it clear that it will earnestly fulfill its obligations under international law, do its best to avoid negative impacts on human beings and the environment, and will continue to conduct marine environment and marine ecological impact assessments.

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小种子“育”出大产业 科技为我国农业现代化插上“智慧的翅膀”

Seeds are the "chips" of agriculture. In my country, national breeding and seed production bases such as Gansu, Sichuan, and Hainan and 216 major seed production counties ensure more than 75% of the country's crop seed demand. Suixi, Anhui Province is a major national-level seed production county, exporting more than 500 million kilograms of improved seeds to the country every year. Next, we walked into Suixi, Anhui Province to see how "seed players" are cultivated there?

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According to reports, the EU will postpone its vote on imposing tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. Analysts believe that protectionism will not bring competitiveness but will instead damage China-EU relations. China has held consultations with many EU governments in an attempt to win more support among EU member states with different positions.

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Recently, a video of a girl being molested by a boy at a delivery station was circulated on the Internet. The student involved was Shen, a 2024 freshman in the hospital. The college agreed to Shen's application in view of the fact that he was in the review stage of admission qualifications for new students and had not yet obtained a formal student status.

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Affected by rainfall and upstream water, from 8:00 on the 19th to 8:00 on the 20th, 12 new rivers in Shandong, Anhui, Gansu, Fujian, and Hainan experienced floods above warning levels. Among them, the Shengli River in Shandong Province has the highest water level since measured data were available in 1969, and the Xintuo River in Anhui Province has the largest flow since measured data were available in 1970.

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打卡“中国新地标” 在“死亡之海”中书写中国基建传奇

In June 2022, the Heruo Railway from Hotan to Ruoqiang in southern Xinjiang was officially opened to traffic. It "hands in hand" with the already running Geku Line and Nanjiang Line, forming a closed loop for the railway line around the Taklimakan Desert. This is the world's first railway line around the desert and has become one of China's new landmarks. Two years have passed, how is the operation of the Heruo Railway? What changes have been brought to the local area? The series "China's New Landmarks" allows us to travel to southern Xinjiang by train.

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