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最新资讯 (2024-09-20)

“集体婚礼”圈粉万名青年 中式浪漫家国同庆

The wedding is coming soon. Xiao Wenpeng and Guo Qiong, a couple of newlyweds from Ji 'an, Jiangxi, are full of expectations: "They are about to attend the national collective wedding of 10,000 people. The staff has helped us take care of it. Now we are just waiting to attend." While speaking, the two of them were overjoyed.

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冷空气将影响中国大部地区 气象专家提醒:需警惕强对流天气

The first strong cold air since the beginning of autumn this year has "set off". In the next few days, cold air will pour southward and affect most areas of China. The temperature drop in some areas in the north will reach 8 - 10℃. The high temperature weather in most areas in the south will "stall", and the hot weather that has lasted for many days will come to an end.

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盛果满枝“丰”光好 特色产业激发乡村振兴新活力

The golden autumn of September is the harvest season. At present, there are busy harvests in various places.

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中国广电携手网络视听平台重温经典 献礼新中国成立75周年

Starting from September 19, under the guidance of the Internet Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration and the Internet Audiovisual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, and supported by the China Internet Development Foundation and the China Internet Audiovisual Program Service Association, the third online exhibition organized by China Radio and Television has officially kicked off. The event is themed "Revisiting Classics and Celebrating the Birthday of the Motherland Together" to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China.

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75年来中国始终坚定不移走和平发展道路 为世界和平发展进步作出重要贡献

On September 19, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the "Position Paper on China's Participation in the United Nations Future Summit and the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly"(hereinafter referred to as the "Document"), which comprehensively elaborated on China's commitment to peace and security, sustainable development, human rights protection, exchanges among civilizations, scientific and technological innovation, and Global governance reform and other positions call on the international community to jointly implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, and promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

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做好“链”上文章 中国推动全球产业链供应链“深”合作

From November 26 to 30, the 2nd China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo will be held in Beijing. On September 19, the pre-exhibition supply and demand matchmaking meeting for this expo was held in Beijing. So far, more than 600 Chinese and foreign companies and institutions have confirmed to participate in the second Chain Expo.

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涉案2.85亿、潜逃境外5年 2名特大网络赌博案逃犯被劝投

According to the "Hubei Cyber Police" Weixin Official Accounts, since the beginning of this year, the Hubei Public Security Bureau's cyber security department has insisted on solving cases and pursuing fugitives without slackening its efforts, continued to increase efforts to pursue fugitives abroad, broadened the sources of clues through multiple channels, and recently successfully persuaded two overseas online fugitives.

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台风“普拉桑”两次登陆 多地积极应对全力做好防汛防台风工作

Pay attention to the news of the typhoon. This year's 14th typhoon "Prasan" made landfall twice on the coast of Daishan County, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, and the coast of Fengxian District, Shanghai City at around 6:50 pm and around 9:45 pm on September 19. The intensity was severe tropical storm and tropical storm level respectively. In the early morning of September 20, its center moved from Shanghai City to Jiangsu. At 8 a.m., it was located in Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province. The intensity weakened to a tropical depression, with a maximum wind force of 7 in the center. It is expected that "Prasan" will move north-by-east at a speed of about 10 kilometers per hour, with little change in intensity.

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又到一年流感疫苗接种季 这份指南请收好↓

Not long ago, the National Health Commission held a press conference recommending early vaccination before the influenza season. Faced with the variety of vaccine types, many people are "picky". What vaccines can I get this year? How to vaccinate? Let's listen to what experts say.

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政策驱动“以旧换新” 激发消费增长新动能

With the continuous expansion of large-scale equipment updates and the policy of replacing old products with new ones, the policy effects continue to be released.

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Youth are the future of the country and the hope of the nation. How to bravely shoulder the historical mission and write a chapter of youth worthy of the times, we must especially cultivate patriotism, sharpen the ambition to strengthen the country, and practice the journey of serving the country.

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第一视点丨牢记总书记嘱托 义乌:小商品 大市场 不断再造新辉煌

Over the past year, bearing in mind the General Secretary's earnest instructions, Zhejiang has always insisted on doing things in practice, being at the forefront, and bravely standing at the forefront, striving to write a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization of Zhejiang.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程|用心守护亿万人民健康福祉——新中国成立75周年卫生健康事业发展综述

In 75 years, I witnessed how a nation completely abandoned the label of "sick man of East Asia" and recorded how a country's health care industry achieved a historic leap.

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The ideological interpretation and integration media film "Quenching" recently concluded, and I have seen enough hard-core content in the film today.

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From the "Capricorn" that landed in Hainan on September 6, to the "Beibijia" that landed in Shanghai on September 16, to the "Prasan" that landed on the 19th, in the past two weeks, my country's coastal areas have encountered typhoons one after another.

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Peking University's new semester's "Champion Lecture Hall" began on the 19th. The keynote speakers and Olympic champions Zhang Yufei, Cao Yuan, Li Wenwen and Zou Jingyuan appeared in Peking University's Centenary Lecture Hall. The four champions shared their insights on the road to the Olympics and interacted with the students. The scene was full of joy.

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上海暴雨预警由黄转橙 全市启动防汛防台二级响应行动

Affected by the residual circulation at the tail of Typhoon No. 14 "Prasan", it is expected that the cumulative precipitation in the city's central Urban area, Jinshan, Songjiang, Fengxian, Minhang, central and northern Pudong will reach more than 100 millimeters in the next 6 hours. The yellow warning signal for heavy rain has been updated to an orange warning signal for heavy rain. Heavy rainfall may cause urban waterlogging, farmland flooding, traffic congestion, etc., and the risk of causing disasters is very high. Please strengthen prevention in particular.

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On the 19th, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued an announcement on strictly prohibiting the production and sale of "special wine", strictly prohibiting all types of production and operation entities from engaging in illegal production and sale of "special wine" from six aspects: production, sales, catering, advertising, publicity, and printing.

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Geng Shuang, China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said in a speech at the Security Council's open meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue on the 19th that China urges Israel to put down its obsession with using force, abandon the myth of military victory, immediately stop military operations in Gaza, stop violations of Lebanon's sovereignty and security, and stop risky actions that may drag the region into another catastrophe.

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上海发布暴雨黄色预警 启动防汛防台Ⅲ级响应

According to the "Shanghai Release" public account, the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for heavy rain at 6:20 on September 20: Affected by the residual circulation at the tail of Typhoon No. 14 "Prasan", it is expected that most of the city will be in the next 6 hours. Short-term heavy precipitation of more than 50 mm per hour will occur in most areas. Please strengthen prevention of urban waterlogging that may be caused by heavy rainfall, and do a good job in drainage and waterlogging in low-lying and flood-prone areas.

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