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最新资讯 (2024-09-19)


In order to further tighten financial discipline, play a warning and education role, and resolutely curb illegal behaviors of hidden debt, the Ministry of Finance publicly exposed 8 typical cases of hidden debt on the 19th for which accountability has been completed.

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吹芦笙、喝米酒、看“村BA” 美国学生沉浸式体验多彩贵州文化

Recently, at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, 80 students from the Washington State delegation of American youth "Youth Walking Together" launched a cultural journey in rural China. In Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, American students experienced Miao Lusheng performance and also watched the "Village BA." The unique ethnic customs of the local area deeply touched the students.

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Researchers detected two high-speed streams of matter ejected by a superlarge black hole, with a length equivalent to 140 galaxies connected end to end, making it the longest known black hole jet.

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安徽肥东4.7级地震仍有余震 震后应急处置工作有序展开

At 20:08 on September 18, a magnitude 4.7 earthquake occurred in Feidong County, Hefei, Anhui Province, with a focal depth of 12 kilometers. At present, there are no reports of casualties in the earthquake-stricken area, but there are still aftershocks after the earthquake.

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According to the annual training plan, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy recently organized a Liaoning warship formation to conduct routine training in the Western Pacific and other waters. This training aims to improve the actual combat capabilities of the troops and is in line with relevant international laws and international practices. There is no need for relevant parties to over-interpret it.

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春华秋实 岁物丰成 我国秋粮大面积收获“时间表”发布

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, my country's autumn grain is about to usher in a large-scale harvest. The latest agricultural situation dispatch shows that the harvests of mid-season rice and corn in Southwest China are currently at their peak. The large-scale harvest of autumn grain crops such as corn, rice, and soybeans in Northeast China is from late September to early October.

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Today (September 19) morning, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development". The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources said that my country continues to promote the implementation of cultivated land protection, and the total amount of cultivated land in the country has achieved a net increase for three consecutive years., and reversed the situation of "reducing cultivated land from the south and increasing north".

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今晚9点半起金山铁路临时停运 10点半起沪杭高铁限速运行

According to the latest forecast of the path of Typhoon No. 14 "Prasan", in order to ensure the safety of railway transportation and passenger travel, the railway department plans to temporarily suspend the Jinshan Railway from 21:30 on September 19, and from 22:30 on September 19, speed limit measures will be taken for the Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway.

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黄浦江高潮位预警由蓝转黄 上海“一黄一蓝”双预警

Affected by Typhoon No. 14 "Prasan" and the astronomical spring tide, it is expected that the highest tide level in the Suzhou Estuary of the Huangpu River will exceed 4.91 meters at 2 a.m. on September 20. The blue warning signal for high tide level in the Huangpu River will be updated to yellow warning signal for high tide level in the Huangpu River.

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In order to further promote cultural and tourism consumption and enrich the cultural and tourism life of the people during the National Day holiday, on September 19, the 2024 National Day Cultural and Tourism Consumption Month home event organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism was held in Weinan, Shaanxi.

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The China Seismological Network officially determined that a magnitude 5.5 earthquake occurred in the waters near Papua New Guinea (5.35 degrees south latitude, 147.55 degrees east longitude) at 16:40 on September 19, with a focal depth of 200 kilometers.

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On September 19, the 2024 Beijing Cultural Forum with the annual theme of "Deepening Cultural Exchanges to Achieve Common Progress" opened in Beijing.

9月19日,以“深化文化交流 实现共同进步”为年度主题的2024北京文化论坛在北京开幕。
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Around the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Sifang ship, which is affiliated to the Third Bureau directly under the China Coast Guard Bureau, was stationed in the waters of Huangyan Island in my country to perform patrol duty. The entire ship's law enforcement officers overcame the influence of unfavorable factors such as complex sea conditions, firmly defended the motherland's seas and borders, and safeguarded the country's maritime rights and interests.

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On September 19, 2024, in order to welcome the arrival of National Day, Harbin City held a chrysanthemum exhibition in the Labor Park of Xiangfang District. Tens of thousands of chrysanthemums were opened one after another, attracting many citizens and tourists to watch it.

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浙江温岭:台风“普拉桑”逼近 沿海掀起巨浪

On September 19, 2024, affected by this year's No. 14th typhoon "Prasan"(strong tropical storm level), the winds along the coast of Shitang Town, Wenling City, Zhejiang Province gradually increased, and huge waves more than ten meters high were set off in the Jinsha Beach waters.

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“十一”假期长线旅游市场热度攀升 “体育+旅游”激活文旅消费新引擎

There is still some time before the National Day holiday, but data from multiple online travel platforms show that bookings in the outbound travel market for this year's National Day holiday are booming. Let's take a look at the report.

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数据见证我国资源保障能力稳步提升 新一轮找矿突破战略行动向“绿”而行

On September 19, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on "Promoting High-Quality Development". The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources said that my country is currently focusing on the protection of important energy and mineral resources and implementing a new round of strategic actions for prospecting breakthroughs. Since 2021, investment in prospecting has increased for three consecutive years, which has effectively promoted the increase in reserves and production of mineral resources.

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He packed his backpack again and rushed directly from Dalian to Harbin. In the Harbin Military Industry, from general physics to astronomical measurement, hydrography, to underwater acoustic engineering, young Yang Shie changed his profession time and time again in response to the needs of the country, and came back from scratch time and time again.

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打好推动城乡融合发展土地要素“组合拳” 高质量发展“底气足”

On September 19, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on "Promoting High-Quality Development". Integrated urban and rural development is an inevitable requirement of Chinese-style modernization, which is inseparable from the protection of land elements. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources introduced the latest progress in deepening land system reform and optimizing land management. Let's take a look at the report.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程 | 勇立潮头 奋发进取竞风流

Seventy-five years of prosperity, united and forging ahead towards rejuvenation. Welcome to watch to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the special program "Forging Forward on the Road to a Strong Country and Striving on a New Journey·Tour of the Republic." CCTV News Channel, CCTV Voice of China, and CCTV News Client simultaneously broadcast live in parallel. Today we walked into Shanghai together.

七十五载风华盛,团结奋进向复兴。欢迎收看,庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年,特别节目《奋进强国路 阔步新征程·共和国巡礼》。央视新闻频道、央广中国之声、央视新闻客户端 同步并机直播。今天我们一起走进,上海。
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