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最新资讯 (2024-09-19)

12.3万艘次、突破3亿吨 这项超级工程让通江达海之路畅通无阻

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Water Resources today (September 19) that since the trial operation in March 2020, a total of 123,000 ships have passed through the ship lock of the Datengxia Water Conservancy Project, a major national water conservancy project, and the nuclear load of the ship exceeded 300 million tons.

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On September 19, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian held a regular press conference.

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国产大型客机C919首次飞抵拉萨 两型国产商用飞机相聚“世界屋脊”

On September 19, a C919 aircraft of Comac took off from Shuangliu International Airport in Chengdu, Sichuan. After 2 hours and 8 minutes, it landed smoothly at Gongga International Airport in Lhasa, Xizang. This was the first time that a C919 aircraft had arrived in Lhasa.

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超3600项约2.4万场次 2024年国庆文化和旅游消费月启动

In order to further promote cultural and tourism consumption and enrich the cultural and tourism life of the people during the National Day holiday, in accordance with the overall arrangement of the 2024 National Cultural and Tourism Consumption Promotion Activities, the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held the 2024 National Day Cultural and Tourism Consumption Month, focusing on the theme of "Celebrating the National Day Festival and Traveling in the Beautiful Mountains and Rivers", we organized various places to launch a series of cultural tourism consumption promotion activities and measures to benefit the people.

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多举措抗旱保供水“润”民心 全力保障群众正常生产生活

Chongqing City Meteorological Observatory upgraded and released the "High Temperature Red Warning Signal" at 11:30 today (September 19). It is expected that from 13:00 to 19:00 today, the daily maximum temperature in areas below 400 meters above sea level in 13 districts and counties including Dadukou, Jiangbei, Fengjie and Wuxi will rise to above 40℃; In areas below 600 meters above sea level in 28 districts and counties including Shapingba, Yubei, Banan and Tongnan, the daily maximum temperature will rise to 37-40℃.

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What impact will the Federal Reserve start this round of interest rate cuts at a pace of 50 basis points on my country's macro economy and the RMB exchange rate? Let's take a look at the expert's analysis.

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回顾本轮加息周期 美联储此种做法对国际金融市场产生巨大冲击

In order to alleviate domestic inflation, the Federal Reserve will start aggressively raising interest rates in March 2022, raising the interest rate target range from 0 to 0.25% to 5.25% to 5.5% in a short period of time. Looking back at this round of interest rate hikes, some American experts believe that the Federal Reserve's practice has not only had a huge impact on the international financial market, but has in fact not alleviated the cost of living crisis for the American people.

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【奋进强国路 阔步新征程·数说中国】服务业主引擎地位更加稳固

China: The status of the service owner engine has become more solid.

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In the process of historical development, some important nodes have become milestones because of their great and far-reaching significance. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reviewed and approved the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization"(hereinafter referred to as the "Decision"), which closely focuses on the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and plans to further comprehensively deepen reforms. Strategic measures are a re-declaration of what flag to raise and what path to take in the new era and new journey, and are of great and far-reaching significance for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

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填补月背研究历史空白 嫦娥六号月球样品成分揭秘

The reporter learned from the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the 18th that Chinese scientists have revealed the physical, mineral and geochemical characteristics of the Chang'e-6 lunar samples, analyzed the information contained in them related to the early evolution of the moon and volcanic activity on the back of the moon, and filled the gap in human research on the back of the moon.

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Popular science is an important basic work for achieving innovative development. To create the "wing" of science popularization for innovation and development in the new era, we need to establish the concept that grasping science popularization means grasping innovation, and grasping innovation must grasping science popularization. If scientific and technological innovation is the peak, then science popularization should be the plateau. Only by planting fertile soil on the plateau can the peak become more majestic.

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"Historically, Dutch merchants made Chinese porcelain a household name in the West. I am proud to be able to continue this tradition of cross-cultural exchanges." Kuang Youyi (foreign name: Chris Kalang), director of the Dutch National Ceramics Museum and Fris Museum, said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from Xinhua Agency recently.

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On the 18th, Ma Shilu, former executive vice president of EDF, and Ke Siting Jiayue, a French writer and French vice chairman of the China-France Cultural Forum, were interviewed by reporters before the 2024 Beijing Cultural Forum to share their views on cultural exchanges.

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The U.S. Federal Reserve announced on the 18th local time that it would cut the target range of the federal funds rate by 50 basis points to a level between 4.75% and 5.00%. This is also the first time in four years that the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates.

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On September 2, the heads of state of China and South Africa announced that they would upgrade China-South Africa relations to an all-round strategic cooperative partnership in the new era. 2024 marks the 26th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Africa. It is also the first year for China and South Africa to create a "golden era" for bilateral relations. China-South Africa cooperation has shown strong resilience and vitality. Xie Shengwen, Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to China, said in a recent interview with the Economic Daily that the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has achieved fruitful results and South Africa and China will push bilateral economic and trade cooperation to a new level. We look forward to more Chinese investors investing in South Africa to help South Africa cope with the challenges it faces in its development.

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向海图强,“蓝色引擎”动力澎湃(奋进强国路 阔步新征程)

In the 75 years since the founding of New China, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has continued to care about, understand, and manage the ocean. The pace of marine scientific and technological innovation has accelerated, the comprehensive strength of the marine economy has been continuously improved, and it has moved towards a higher quality of development. In 2023, the quantity and quality of my country's marine economy will increase simultaneously. The country's total marine product will be 9.9097 billion yuan, accounting for 7.9% of the GDP, driving the growth of the national economy by 0.4 percentage points.

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Surrounded by green plants, Zhenbeitai stands quietly on the red mountains in the north of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. Climbing up the stairs and looking far into the distance, the Great Wall stretches and undulates along the mountains, ridges and ridges, and piers and piers face each other. During this period, 66-year-old Ji Banwa has traveled most of her life on the road from Zhenbeitai No. 1 Pier to Zhenbeitai No. 4 Pier.

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公安机关打击整治网络谣言违法犯罪 公布5起“移花接木”拼接谣言典型案例

Since 2024, relying on the "Clean Net 2024" special action, the Ministry of Public Security has organized public security organs across the country to continue to carry out special actions to crack down on and rectify online rumors, promptly discover and investigate clues to spread rumors through hot public opinion incidents, and resolutely rectify self-media operators who use Internet rumors to absorb powder, drain, illegally profit-making, etc., and crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as fabricating false dangers, disasters, and police situations.

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外交部驻港公署发言人正告美少数政客: 立即停止干预香港司法的政治操弄

In response to a small number of U.S. Senate politicians who recklessly discussed judicial cases in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, openly supported anti-China chaos element Jimmy Lai, and maliciously slandered human rights and rule of law in Hong Kong, the spokesperson of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition, and warned external forces to earnestly respect judicial justice and stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs!

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The draft for comments clearly stipulates the flame retardant properties of non-metallic materials such as textiles and foam plastics, and further strengthens the flame retardant properties of key components such as non-metallic materials, electrical circuits, electrical components and wires that are in direct contact with batteries., thereby reducing the risk of electric bicycle fire accidents.

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