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最新资讯 (2024-09-19)

今秋首场较强冷空气将影响中国 重庆高温天气或将迎来缓解

In the next two days, China's rainfall will generally increase. At the same time, the first strong cold air this autumn will also appear, and the north will be the first to cool down. On the 21st,"autumn tiger" weather in Chongqing and other places is also expected to be alleviated.

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黎巴嫩再被炸 对讲机显示为日本制造

According to British media The Guardian, the exploded intercom came from Icom Inc., The company is a Japanese radio communication equipment manufacturer, and "Made in Japan" can be seen on the exploded intercom.

据英国媒体《卫报》报道,爆炸的对讲机来自Icom Inc.,该公司为日本的无线电通信设备生产公司,同时爆炸的对讲机上可见“Made in Japan(日本制造)”。
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On the 18th local time, after the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 50 basis points, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell held a press conference. He made it clear at the press conference that there was no indication that the possibility of a U.S. economic recession was rising. However, Tan Du found from historical laws that... almost every round of interest rate cuts brings about a recession in the United States.

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台风“普拉桑”正快速逼近中国 浙江沿海积极应对

Affected by the residual cloud system of this year's No. 13th Typhoon "Beibijia", rain was strong in Henan, Shandong and other places on the 18th. As this year's No. 14th Typhoon "Prasan" approached, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a typhoon yellow warning at 18:00 on the 18th.

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亮眼数据盘点中秋假期蓬勃活力 文旅市场平稳有序不断涌现新场景

During the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday just past, the cross-regional flow of people across society exceeded 629 million. The national cultural and tourism markets were generally stable and orderly, with a strong cultural atmosphere, releasing consumption vitality.

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美联储激进加息动作不断 美专家:长期高利率产生巨大负面影响

In order to alleviate domestic inflation, the Federal Reserve will start aggressively raising interest rates in March 2022, raising the interest rate target range from zero to 0.25% to 5.25% to 5.5% in a short period of time. Looking back at this round of interest rate hikes, some American experts believe that the Federal Reserve's practice has not only had a huge impact on the international financial market, but has in fact not alleviated the cost of living crisis for the American people.

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文化中国行 | 徜徉典册之间 探寻磅礴生长的中华文脉

Recently, the "Ancient and Brilliant Cultural Context-China Excellent Traditional Cultural Classics Exhibition" sponsored by the National Library and co-organized by the Liaoning Province Library, Shanghai Library, Shandong Museum and other units was held at the National Library. Today's cultural trip to China, we walked into the National Library to experience the elegance and interests of ancient books and the splendid civilization in the thousand-year context.

最近,由国家图书馆主办,辽宁省图书馆、上海图书馆、山东博物馆等单位协办的“亘古巨制 煌煌文脉——中华优秀传统文化典籍展”在国家图书馆开展。今天的文化中国行,我们走进国家图书馆,感受古籍里的风雅志趣和千年文脉中的灿烂文明。
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从太空视角记录神州大地万千气象 万家灯火里看见“璀璨”中国

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Shenzhou 18 astronauts who were on business on the Chinese Space Station looked at China from the Tiangong Palace on the Chinese Space Station, 400 kilometers away from the Earth, and photographed the night view of thousands of homes on the land of the motherland during the festival.

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基本公共卫生服务优化扩围 规范开展慢阻肺病患者健康服务

In order to guide various localities to standardize health services for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at the grassroots level, the National Health Commission recently formulated and issued the "Health Service Specifications for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Trial)". Wang Chen, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the National Respiratory Medicine Center, said that in the next step, the National Respiratory Medicine Center will provide technical guidance on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease health management services.

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2024年中秋档全国电影票房为3.89亿元 现实主义题材作品表现亮眼

According to statistics from the National Film Administration, the national box office of movies during the Mid-Autumn Festival in 2024 will be 389 million yuan, and the box office of domestic films will be 332 million yuan, accounting for 85.35%. A total of 17 new films will be released during this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, covering various genres such as plot, comedy, suspense, and animation to meet the needs of different audiences.

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台风“普拉桑”即将登陆我国 冷空气继续东移南下

It is expected that it will move rapidly in the west-north direction, and its intensity will increase slightly. It will land on the coast from Wenling to Zhoushan in Zhejiang Province from the afternoon to evening of the 19th. When it makes landfall, the intensity will be tropical storm level or severe tropical storm level (9~11, 23~30 m/s), and then the intensity gradually weakened.

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中华传统文化实力“圈粉” “China Travel”入境游持续向好态势

The "China's High-Quality Development Report on Inbound Tourism" released by the China Tourism Research Institute shows that in the first half of 2024, the recovery and development of my country's inbound tourism will continue to improve. China's high-quality tourism resources and traditional culture have been favored by more tourists.

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With the approval of the Henan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Henan Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a case investigation into Jin Ping, former member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC in Xinyang City, for serious violations of discipline and law. Jin Ping seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline and integrity discipline, constituted a serious violation of the law and was suspected of accepting bribes. He also refused to restrain or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. His nature is serious and the impact is bad and should be dealt with seriously.

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At 9:18 on the 18th, accompanied by 14 bells, under the melody of "March of the Volunteers","Remember History and Don't Forget September 18th"-the flag-raising ceremony of the theme event for young people in Beijing City "Love Me, China, Strengthen My National Defense" was held at the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall.

18日9时18分,伴随着14响钟声,在《义勇军进行曲》旋律下,“铭记历史 勿忘九一八” ——北京市青少年“爱我中华 强我国防”主题活动升旗仪式在中国人民抗日战争纪念馆举行。
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Anhui Seismological Station officially determined: At 07:58 on September 19, 2024, a magnitude 2.6 earthquake occurred in Feidong County, Hefei City, Anhui Province (31.98 degrees north latitude, 117.61 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 12 kilometers.

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台风“普拉桑”进入24小时警戒线 浙江发布山洪灾害黄色预警

The Zhejiang Province Department of Water Resources and the Zhejiang Province Meteorological Bureau jointly issued a yellow warning for mountain torrents at 07:44 on September 19, 2024: It is expected that from 8:00 on September 19 to 8:00 on September 20, flash floods will occur in Huangyan District, Xianju County and Linhai City (yellow warning), and flash floods may occur in Xiangshan County, Ninghai County, Anji County and Sanmen County (blue warning).

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团结奋进新征程 同心共筑中国梦——写在庆祝人民政协成立七十五周年之际

On September 21, 1949, amid the triumphant song of the Chinese people's historic victory in their struggle for national independence and people's liberation, the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference opened.

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海口发布台风蓝色预警信号 海上防台风IV级应急响应启动

According to weather forecasts, the center of the South China Sea Tropical Depression at 05:00 on September 19, 2024 is located at 17.6 degrees north latitude and 109.1 degrees east longitude. The maximum wind force near the center is 7 (15 meters/s), and the central air pressure is 1002hPa.

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During the school season, many children have fever and colds. In the spread of diseases such as colds, why are some people easy to catch and some people not? Why do some people recover quickly when they get sick, while some people last for a long time?

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Chen Shaoxiong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of South China Agricultural University, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and voluntarily surrendered himself. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Guangdong Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

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