最新资讯 (2024-09-18)
新疆塔里木河沿岸探索科学治水 胡杨林“喝上”生态水(探访)
The Tarim River located in Xinjiang is the longest inland river in my country. There are nearly 17 million acres of natural Populus euphratica forest distributed in the Tarim River Basin, accounting for more than 90% of the country's natural Populus euphratica forest area. It is an important oasis ecological barrier in southern Xinjiang.

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Driving east from Banjul, the capital of Gambia, took about two hours to arrive at the Sapu area in the Central River District of the country, where the Chinese-aided Gambia agricultural technology project is located.

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通讯|愿远离饥饿 人人吃饱——记中企农业项目帮扶下的刚果(金)村民
"I'm so happy. This year's harvest is far more than last year's. I finally don't have to worry about hunger!" Natalie, a villager in Yenge Village, Kolwezi City, Luaraba Province, southeastern Congo (DRC), holds freshly broken corn in her hands, and her face is full of joy for a bumper harvest.

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Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport Matteo Salvini said on the 17th that dialogue, friendship and cooperation between Italy and even Europe and China are useful, positive and necessary.

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综合消息丨促文化交流 传和合之声——海外机构和华侨华人共度中秋佳节
In recent days, Chinese embassies and institutions in many countries, as well as overseas Chinese, have held receptions, concerts, cultural festivals and other activities to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with local friends from all walks of life, experience Chinese culture, enhance cultural exchanges, and convey the voice of harmony.

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出行人数创新高、文旅消费旺盛……“团圆经济”激发市场新活力 消费潜力持续释放
During this Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the cross-regional flow of people across society exceeded 629 million people, 107 million people traveled across the country, the total travel cost of domestic tourists was 51.047 billion yuan, and a total of more than 2.7 billion express packages were delivered across the country... Multiple sets of data show that "Reunion Economy" stimulates new vitality in the market and continues to release the consumption potential of culture and tourism.

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According to the forecast of the meteorological department, this year's 14th typhoon "Prasan" will make landfall (tropical storm level or severe tropical storm level) along the coast from Wenling to Zhoushan in Zhejiang Province from the afternoon to evening of September 19. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow typhoon warning at 18:00 on September 18.

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The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 20:08 on September 18, a magnitude 4.7 earthquake occurred in Feidong County, Hefei City, Anhui Province (31.98 degrees north latitude, 117.60 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 12 kilometers.

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Automatic measurement by China Seismological Network: At 20:08 on September 18, an earthquake of about 5.0 occurred near Feidong County, Hefei City, Anhui Province (32.00 degrees north latitude, 117.60 degrees east longitude). The final result is subject to the official quick report.

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This Mid-Autumn Festival holiday has outstanding highlights of the festival, new consumer products are introduced, and the reunion economy is superimposed on the festival effect, which effectively activates market vitality.

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During the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the cross-regional flow of people across society exceeded 629 million, with an average of nearly 210 million per day, an increase of 31.1% over the same period last year.

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天宫看神州 明月照天宫
The crew of the Shenzhou 18 crew was on the Chinese Space Station 400 kilometers away from the earth. They looked at China from the celestial palace, photographed the lights of thousands of homes on the motherland during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and felt the happy picture of the country being peaceful and the people being at peace and the reunion of the people and the moon.

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With limited fiscal incremental funds, Anhui actively promotes innovation in budget management methods, strengthens the coordination of financial resources, and initially embarks on a new path of "concentrating financial resources to do big things."

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台风“接二连三” 九招教你防范应对台风
Nine tricks teach you to prevent and respond to typhoons.

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Extending from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain at an altitude of nearly 3000 meters, the number of terraces can reach up to more than 3700 levels, as if they have been built all the way to the clouds; deep in the white clouds, there are hidden traffic and several families.

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A summary of the achievements of cultural development during the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China.

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九一八事变爆发93周年 各地举行活动铭记历史珍爱和平
On the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of the outbreak of the September 18th Incident, various forms of commemorative activities were held across the country to remember history and cherish peace.

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高温持续致重庆用水量激增 多部门联动保障民生用水需求
Affected by continued high temperatures, water consumption in many places in Chongqing has soared. Recently, the local government has taken various measures to make every effort to ensure people's domestic water.

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On the morning of September 18, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development" to introduce that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's sports industry has achieved high-quality development and promoted new progress in building a sports power.

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【奋进强国路 阔步新征程】高水平开放绘就中国式现代化壮丽画卷
Since the founding of New China 75 years ago, my country has continuously explored the path of opening up to the outside world with Chinese characteristics.

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