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最新资讯 (2024-09-18)

扎波罗热核电站所在城市遭袭 核电站未受波及

On September 18, local time, Senovoz, mayor of Energodar, where the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is located, said that the Ukraine army used drones to attack the city of Energodar that day, causing damage to the luck truck at a local gas station. There is currently no need to evacuate residents of Ennergordar city, and relevant departments are eliminating the consequences of the attack.

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At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Malaysian Supreme Head of State Ibrahim will pay a state visit to China from September 19 to 22. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian introduced the relevant arrangements for the visit at a regular press conference on the 18th.

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国家外汇管理局:我国跨境资金流动更趋稳定 境内外汇供求基本平衡

Recently, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange released data on bank settlement and sales and foreign-related receipts and payments by banks on behalf of customers for August 2024. The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange answered reporters 'questions on the foreign exchange receipts and expenditures situation in August 2024.

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台风“普拉桑”将影响东海 自然资源部启动海洋灾害三级应急响应

At 8:00 on September 18, 2024, the center of this year's No. 14th typhoon "Prasan"(Tropical Storm Class) is located on the northwest Pacific Ocean about 570 kilometers east by south of Naha City in the Ryukyu Islands. The maximum wind force near the center is 9 (23 m/s).

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This action plan is formulated in order to promote the implementation of the deployment requirements of "Comprehensively Promote Healthy Adaptation Actions to Climate Change" proposed in the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change 2035, improve the level of healthy adaptation to climate change, and promote the construction of a Healthy China and a Beautiful China.

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国家药监局公布4起药品网络销售违法违规典型案例 涉及违规销售司美格鲁肽

On September 18, the State Food and Drug Administration announced four typical cases of illegal and illegal drug sales (the sixth batch).

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今秋首场较强冷空气将影响我国 北方有大范围大风降温降雨天气过程

It is estimated that from September 19 to 22, affected by the strong air moving eastward and southward, the temperature in most areas of central and eastern my country will drop by 4 - 8℃, and in some areas in the north will drop by 8 - 10℃. The central and western Inner Mongolia and northern North China will be locally affected. It can reach above 12℃.

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CCTV News: In recent years, more and more cities have begun to explore new models for the renovation of old communities. Recently, the old renovation project of Building 2, Junji Street, located in Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, has just been capped. This is also the first old renovation building in Guangdong Province that residents "self-raised and built".

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各地多举措激发住房消费活力 “金九银十”新房市场活跃度或将回升

With the recent launch of a new round of "combination punches" to stabilize the property market by multiple departments, various localities have also actively responded and announced relevant policies. Industry insiders generally believe that the "Golden September and Silver Ten" traditional home ownership season is approaching, and the activity of the new housing market in core cities may rebound slightly in the short term.

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耕海牧渔 多地海产品迎来丰收

The golden autumn season is the golden season for seafood harvesting. In Shandong, Guangdong, Liaoning and other places, whether it is aquaculture farms or major fishing ports, there are bumper harvests full of fish and shrimp everywhere.

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上海助力农户恢复生产 保障蔬菜供应

The strong winds and heavy rainfall brought by Typhoon Beibijia have had a certain impact on Shanghai's agricultural production. After the typhoon, the vegetable base carried out drainage repairs, and relevant departments were also helping farmers resume production as soon as possible.

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In 2024, the country plans to start renovating 54,000 old urban communities. According to statistical data reported by various places, from January to August, 42,000 old urban communities were newly renovated across the country. In terms of regions, the operating rates in six regions including Jiangsu, Jilin, Qinghai, Shanghai, Chongqing, and Jiangxi exceed 90%.

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外交部回应美对台售武:已严正交涉 坚决反制

Lin Jian said that the United States 'arms sales to China Taiwan seriously violate the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, especially the "August 17" communiqué, seriously infringe on China's sovereignty and security interests, undermine Sino-US relations and peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and send wrong signals to the separatist forces of "Taiwan independence."

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The National Archaeological Talent Revitalization Plan project is a talent innovation team training project organized and implemented in the field of cultural relics and archaeology. The project implementation cycle is 5 years.

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On September 18, a reporter learned from the Market Supervision Bureau of Huadu District, Guangzhou City that the Huadu District Market Supervision Bureau notified the relevant situation in response to recent media reports that "the 'Hong Kong Meicheng mooncakes' sold in the 'Three Sheep' live broadcast room were not produced and sold in Hong Kong, causing consumer dissatisfaction."

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男子加盟中药奶茶店月亏3万元 今夏爆火的中药茶饮迎来“秋凉”?丨记者调查

"If it's good to drink and cure, why is the decoction prescribed by the hospital still bitter?"

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According to the Shanxi Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Recently, with the approval of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, the Shanxi Province Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision launched a case investigation into Ma Xiangdong, former second-level inspector of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, for serious violations of discipline and law.

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商务部:中秋节假期使用6.4亿元中央补贴资金 带动销售额超33亿元

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce that during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday in 2024, the national consumer market will be full of highlights, and the market supply of daily necessities will be sufficient and stable at prices.

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"You are like an old scalper, silently working for the Chinese people. This also inspired me to devote my life to serving the people." In October 2001, Comrade Xi Jinping wrote this affectionately in a letter home to his father Xi Zhongxun.

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时习之丨勿忘国耻、奋发图强 习近平的这些话振奋人心

Don't forget the national humiliation and work hard to become strong. Xi Jinping's words are inspiring.

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