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最新资讯 (2024-09-18)

广泛汇聚民意 彰显制度优势——全过程人民民主基层实践观察

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has deepened its understanding of the laws governing the development of democratic politics, put forward the major concept of people's democracy throughout the process, and provided guidance and compliance for the development of socialist political civilization. The whole process of people's democracy has demonstrated vigorous vitality and strong vitality in the land of China.

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With the approval of the Central Military Commission, the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, the Central Cyberspace Information Office, and the Central Radio and Television Station jointly produced the ideological interpretation and integration media film "Quenching".

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8月贸易逆差6953亿日元 日本连续两个月出现贸易逆差

Preliminary statistics released by Japan's Ministry of Finance on the 18th showed that Japan's trade deficit in August was 695.3 billion yen (1 US dollar is equivalent to 150.89 yen), a trade deficit for two consecutive months.

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加快打造设备更新“工具箱” 企业可感带动效应持续释放

Data from the National Development and Reform Commission shows that equipment updates in several key areas such as industry, agriculture, and construction are expected to lead to the formation of a huge market with an annual scale of more than 5 trillion yuan. Among them, the manufacturing industry is relatively large in size and has relatively large growth potential.

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The supply of cultural tourism is rich and colorful, and the popularity of tourism continues to rise. Data released by the Beijing City Culture and Tourism Bureau shows that during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday in 2024, Beijing received a total of 8.172 million tourists, of which, the total number of tourists received by the 212 key monitored tourist attractions (regions) totaled 7.691 million, a year-on-year increase of 13.6%.

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新职业 新风向:数字技术加持 动捕演员等新职业开启未来就业新方向

In recent years, with the development of domestic games, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies, many new professions have emerged. Among them, digital human characters with smooth movements and agile demeanor are the key to building a virtual world, and this is achieved by an emerging profession-motion capture actors.

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琴澳一体化深化融合 含“澳”量越来越足

On September 17, the management agency of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone celebrated its third anniversary of its inauguration. After three years of practice and innovation, the planning blueprint of the "Overall Plan for the Construction of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone" is gradually becoming a realistic picture.

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国家勋章和国家荣誉称号获得者 | 王小谟:自力更生,中国人能做成!

As the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China is approaching, a group of meritorious model figures who have made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of New China have been awarded the National Medal and the National Honorary Title. Academician Wang Xiaomo, the "People's Scientist", is known as the "father of China's early warning aircraft" and has led my country to achieve a leap from ground radar to airborne early warning command aircraft.

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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on the 18th: At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Malaysian Supreme Head of State Ibrahim will pay a state visit to China from September 19 to 22.

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On the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of the outbreak of the September 18th Incident, in order to jointly carry out research on Japanese bacterial warfare, Makoto Matsuno, a Japanese scholar and distinguished professor at Heilongjiang Foreign Languages University, also disclosed a new file of Unit 731 to the Crime Evidence Exhibition Hall of the 731st Unit of the Japanese Invaders. It was called "Army Senior Civil Servant List, Army Clerk, Army Technician".

九一八事变爆发93周年之际,为联合开展日本细菌战研究,日本学者、黑龙江外国语学院特聘教授松野诚也向侵华日军第七三一部队罪证陈列馆披露一份731部队新档案,名为《陆军高等文官名簿 陆军书记官 陆军技师》。
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新疆吐鲁番秋季晚熟哈密瓜进入采摘季 全国各地客商纷至沓来

In the golden autumn season, melons and fruits are fragrant. In the past two days, late-maturing cantaloupes in autumn in Turpan City, Xinjiang, have entered the picking season, attracting merchants from all over the country to purchase them.

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秋粮稳产 虾蟹满仓 金秋时节各地丰收又增收

As autumn becomes more and more intense, a bumper harvest of autumn grain is in sight, fruits are hung all over the branches, and fat shrimps and crabs are served on the table to see the harvest scenes in various places.

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Through data inventory of travel situations in various places, statistics from the Beijing City Culture and Tourism Bureau show that from September 15 to 17, there were 212 key tourist attractions (regions) monitored in Beijing, with a cumulative total of 7.691 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 13.6%, an increase of 1.4 times over 2019.

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中秋假期盘点:周边游唱主角 “2小时高铁圈”出行需求旺盛

During this year's Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, peripheral tours and short-distance tours have increased significantly. The "night tour" with the culture of appreciating the moon as its core has also become a new highlight of cultural tourism consumption.

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This year's No. 14th Typhoon Prasan (Tropical Storm Class) was located on the northwest Pacific Ocean about 570 kilometers east-south of Naha City in the Ryukyu Islands at 8:00 on the 18th. It is expected to move at a speed of about 45 kilometers per hour to the northwest. It moves rapidly and has increased its intensity. It moves into the eastern sea of the East China Sea tonight and will land on the coast of Zhejiang Province from tomorrow afternoon to night (Tropical Storm Class or Severe Tropical Storm Class), bringing significant wind and rain impact to Zhejiang Province.

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On September 18, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development"(State Sports General Administration).

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According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is characterized by a smooth and orderly family reunion, with a strong cultural atmosphere. Short-range tours and local tours dominate.

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国家体育总局:打造一批体育领域“中国智造”高端品牌 培育更多世界一流体育企业

In recent years, the General Administration of Sports has actively promoted the transformation and upgrading of the sporting goods industry and enhanced the innovation capabilities of sporting goods manufacturing enterprises. The General Administration of Sports has successively announced two batches of national-level specialized and innovative enterprises in the sports field and individual champion enterprises in the manufacturing industry.

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Recently, China has been continuously affected by typhoons "Capricorn" and "Beibijia". At 5:00 on September 18, the center of Typhoon No. 13 "Beibijia" was located in Zhoukou City, Henan Province. The intensity level was tropical depression and the maximum wind force was Category 6. It is expected to move slowly westward at a speed of 5-10 kilometers per hour. Affected by this, Henan Province expects light to moderate showers and thunderstorms in most parts of the country on September 18.

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It is the fine tradition and valuable experience of our party to lead innovation to solve problems and development by deepening reform.

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