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最新资讯 (2024-09-17)

央广网记者实探三只羊集团 官方回应:后续仍会有通报

At noon on September 17, the Hefei High-tech Zone Market Supervision Administration issued a notice stating that an investigation has been filed into Sanzhiyang Network Technology Co., Ltd.'s suspected behavior of "misleading consumers" during the live broadcast and will be handled in accordance with the law and regulations based on the investigation results.

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The "Decision" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed: "Improve regular training, especially the basic training mechanism, strengthen professional training and practical training, and comprehensively improve cadres 'modernization capabilities." Cadres are the key to implementation. How to do a good job in building the capacity of the cadre team and encourage cadres to forge ahead and make contributions in promoting Chinese-style modernization? In order to thoroughly study and understand the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the reporter interviewed Xie Chuntao, vice president (vice president) in charge of daily work of the Central Party School (National School of Administration).

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中秋旅游火热 年轻人“追月”带动多地文旅订单翻倍

September 17 is the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is also the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. Based on reports released by several online travel platforms, although this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is sandwiched between the summer and the National Day holiday, the booking volume still exceeds that of other three-day short holidays during the year.

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There are two main types of vehicles damaged in typhoons: one is damaged by falling objects, and the other is flooded by water.

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女孩被弃34年寻亲:随身信纸提醒“不信迷信 注意卫生”

It was another Mid-Autumn Festival, and Ms. Luo wondered if her biological parents would remember on this day that they had a daughter named "Ma Chunhua".

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“十一”火车票部分线路秒光 机票价格还会“跳水”吗

Today's Mid-Autumn Festival coincides with the opening of train tickets on the first day of the National Day. The train ticket booking situation learned by the reporter from multiple platforms shows that the tourism market on the National Day this year is still hot. Tickets for multiple trains on the day before and on the first day of the holiday will be sold out within 1 hour after the issuance. Tickets from central cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Shanghai will be the most popular.

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At 1 noon on September 16, the sun was blazing, and three power workers climbed on three utility poles at the entrance of Bowen Village, Wengtian Town, Wenchang City, Hainan Province. They stepped on their ankles, tied their seat belts, put down the traction ropes, and with the cooperation of the workers under the pole, pulled and strung the strings. Like "Spider-Man","weaving" a new 400-volt power grid for the village meter at a time. In recent days, such work scenarios have appeared in more than 2000 natural villages in Wenchang, Hainan.

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Premier Li Qiang sent a congratulatory letter to the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency on September 16.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程|推动社会主义文化繁荣兴盛——新中国成立75周年文化发展成就综述

Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. Culture prospered the country, and the culture is strong and the nation is strong.

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The latest correction of casualties by the Ministry of Public Health of Lebanon said that on the afternoon of September 17 local time, pager explosions in many places across Lebanon have been confirmed to have killed 9 people and injured about 2750 people, not "11 people were killed and about 4000 injured" as stated earlier.

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On September 17, local time, the Haiti Ministry of Civil Defense reported that the death toll from a tanker explosion in Miragoane on the 14th had risen to 31.

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焦点访谈:“服”利全球 互惠共享

The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services will be held in Beijing from September 12 to September 16, focusing on the theme of "Global Services Reciprocal Sharing" and exploring new directions and new paths for development. In his congratulatory letter to this CIFTIS, President Xi Jinping pointed out that the CIFTIS is a vivid reflection of the high-quality development of China's service industry and service trade, and has made positive contributions to building an open world economy. What cutting-edge technologies and applications have this Fair brought together and what new achievements and trends in the development of service trade have been demonstrated? Let's go to the scene together to find answers.

2024年中国国际服务贸易交易会于9月12日至9月16日在北京举行,聚焦“全球服务 互惠共享”主题,探寻发展新方向新路径。国家主席习近平在给本届服贸会的贺信中指出,服贸会是中国服务业和服务贸易高质量发展的生动写照,为构建开放型世界经济作出了积极贡献。本届服贸会,汇集了哪些最前沿的技术和应用,展示出服务贸易发展哪些新成就、新趋势?我们一起去现场寻找答案。
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It is another Mid-Autumn Festival, when people are reunited with good flowers and full moon. A group of builders of major national projects have given up reuniting with their families, stuck to the front line of work, and wrote their "special Mid-Autumn Festival" with sweat and wisdom.

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Pari Town is located in the central and eastern part of Yadong County, Shigatse City, Xizang, backed by Zhuomurari Snow Mountain, with an average altitude of 4360 meters. The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, police officers Dan Zeng Duoji and Baima Cangjue from the Pari Border Police Station were busy in the kitchen, preparing to prepare a special Mid-Autumn Festival reunion dinner for the veteran police officers in the police station and the people in the town, thanking them for their help and encouragement.

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The Autumn Festival has a long and continuous history and is an important traditional festival for the Chinese nation. In the past few days, various activities have been held throughout our district to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival and promote China's excellent traditional culture, allowing cadres and the masses to experience the unique charm of traditional festivals.

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Global services, mutual benefit sharing. On September 16, the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services closed in Beijing. This year's Service Trade Fair has achieved nearly a thousand results, and the internationalization rate of offline exhibitors exceeds 20%. The "never-ending" Service Trade Fair writes a new chapter in open cooperation.

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综合消息丨月明人尽望 相聚话团圆——庆中秋节活动在全球多国举办

In recent days, Mid-Autumn Festival activities, which symbolize reunion, happiness and well-being, have been held in many countries around the world, becoming an important window for people from all over the world to understand Chinese traditional culture and promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

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中秋假期迎来返程高峰 铁路部门多措并举保障旅客安全便利出行

The reporter learned from the China Railway Group that on September 16, the country's railways transported 10.71 million passengers, and the transportation was safe, stable and orderly.

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The bright moon sends lovesickness, and the family and country are always related to each other. As one of the important carriers of China's excellent traditional culture, the Mid-Autumn Festival not only expresses the beautiful expectations of Chinese people at home and abroad for family reunion, but also carries profound feelings for hometown and national conditions.

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The State Council Information Office recently held a series of press conferences on the theme of "Promoting High-Quality Development". The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs introduced the relevant situation of vigorously promoting high-quality development of veterans 'work in the new era.

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