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最新资讯 (2024-09-16)

“百里挑一”! 全国1%人口抽样调查将于明年开展

The reporter recently learned from the National Bureau of Statistics that my country will conduct a national sample survey of 1% of the population in 2025 to help find out the changes in my country's population in terms of quantity, quality, structure, distribution and residence, and better grasp the population development trend and flow laws.

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Who believes it? These "common sense" is pseudoscience!

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In Nansha District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, the opening ceremony of Cybersecurity Week, Cybersecurity Summit Forum, Cybersecurity Expo and Product and Service Supply and Demand Negotiations, as well as a series of forums, symposiums, and theme day activities were held.

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On September 16, local time, The Russian Federation Security Service stated that a foreign citizen was arrested in Rostov Oblast who was suspected of arriving in Russia via a third country in accordance with the instructions of the Ukraine intelligence service and planning to carry out terrorist activities in Russia.

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德国科隆市中心发生爆炸 暂无人员伤亡报告

According to Germany's "Bild" newspaper, an explosion occurred in the center of the western German city of Cologne on the morning of September 16 local time. Local police said they were launching an operation and urged people to avoid the incident area when traveling. There are currently no reports of casualties or property damage, and the specific situation is still under investigation.

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A survey released by Japan's Kyodo News Agency on the 15th showed that nearly 80% of Japan's local governors support amending current regulations and no longer require couples to have a unified surname after marriage. According to Kyodo News, there are increasing calls among the Japanese public to abolish the law on unified family names for couples, and related issues will become one of the debate topics in the new presidential election of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party on September 27.

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Looking back on the past 70 years, let us use time as an axis and memory as a pen to jointly experience the magnificent journey of the People's Congress system. Adhering to the organic unity of the party's leadership, the people being the masters of the country, and the rule of law, the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics is getting wider and wider.

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金秋山河多锦绣 禾黍盈满“画”丰收

The autumn colors are colorful and the mountains and rivers are beautiful. What you are seeing now is the Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area located in Fukang City, Changji Prefecture, Xinjiang. It brings together snow-capped mountains, forests, grasslands, lakes... the landscape is magnificent and picturesque. Viewed from the sky, the Tianshan Tianchi Lake is like a piece of jade inlaid among the mountains. Visiting it by boat is like a fairyland. The plants by the lake began to gradually turn yellow, presenting a rich picture of autumn days. Tourists walked through it, changing scenery, and enjoying the beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

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On September 14, the State Council Information Office held a press conference to introduce the performance of the national economy in August 2024.

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上海已转移安置超41.4万人 全力以赴保障市民群众安全度汛

The reporter learned from the Shanghai City Flood Control Headquarters that as of 0:00 on the 16th, Shanghai had relocated more than 414,000 people and more than 800 sheltered ships. In the resettlement site, power supply, lighting equipment, drinking water, food and other materials are also fully equipped to ensure the lives of the relocated people.

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美国执意加码对华关税 多家国际媒体评论“一针见血”

Faced with strong opposition at home and abroad, the United States insisted on imposing a 301 tariff on China. The United States is rushing on the road of unilateral protectionism and disrupting the international trade order.

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September 16 is the second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. With the landfall of Typhoon Beibica, what impact will road and water travel be? Let's immediately connect with Tang Ying, a CCTV reporter at the Comprehensive Command and Dispatching Center of the Ministry of Transport.

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各地打造多元消费新场景 中秋文旅市场“热”起来

The Mid-Autumn Festival has driven a new round of cultural tourism consumption to heat up. Various activities allow people to visit scenic spots and taste delicious food, but also taste the "cultural and folk flavor" of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

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四川汶川突发泥石流致国道350线中断 已抢通部分道路便道

At 5:30 a.m. on September 16, mudslides occurred in K897+550 (Dashibao), Gengda Town, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province on National Highway 350, K912+370 (between Jianzhu No. 1 and No. 2 Tunnel), and K919+400 (Jinyin Trench) in Wolong Town. Traffic was interrupted, one vehicle on the site was trapped, and the personnel on board were safe.

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中国新地标 | “云上”开启“未来之城”新画卷 雄安实现华丽“蝶变”

As a key area to promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, three new cities in Xiongan New Area, above ground, underground and cloud, have begun to take shape over the past seven years. More than 4000 buildings have risen from the ground, and more than 500 kilometers of digital roads extend in all directions... Xiongan New District has realized a gorgeous transformation from "one piece of land" drawing "one map" to "one city". In the series of reports "China's New Landmarks" today (September 16), the reporter takes you into a building that combines wisdom and green.

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致力全面提升澳门医疗水平 澳门协和医院正式投入运营

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Macau Union Medical College Hospital held an opening ceremony on the morning of the 16th. The Macau Union Medical College Hospital has a total construction area of approximately 308,000 square meters, with 852 planned beds and 26 operating rooms. The building complex includes a general hospital building, an auxiliary facility building, a comprehensive service administration building, and a central laboratory building.

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半是秋景半是冬 新疆喀纳斯雪后风光宛如一幅“山水画卷”

Recently, large-scale snowfall has occurred in the Kanas Scenic Area in Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang. The unique scenery after the snow has made tourists linger.

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打造新场景、创造新体验 数字技术向“新”而行 激活消费新动能

The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services will close today (September 15) afternoon. This Fair focuses on displaying digital technologies such as telecommunications, computers, virtual reality, and mobile payments to create more experiential and interactive new scenarios. Scenes bring a better experience to consumers.

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台风“贝碧嘉”中心已离开上海 浦东机场和虹桥机场恢复通行

According to the "Shanghai Release" public account, at 12:00 today (16th), the center of Typhoon "Beibjia" had left the city. The first flight from Pudong Airport arrived in Hong Kong at 13:43, and the first flight from Hongqiao Airport arrived in Hong Kong at 14:11. Traffic resumed at Shanghai's two major airports. The first outbound flights at Pudong Airport and Hongqiao Airport are scheduled to be carried out after 15:00.

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文化中国行|探秘“凤凰故国” 曾楚文化经典艺术瑰宝惊艳亮相

During the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the National Museum launched an exhibition of Zeng Chu art in the Bronze Age, which gathered more than 200 precious cultural relics from five museums in Hubei, with as many as 45 national first-class works. The classic artistic treasures of Zeng Chu culture were made a stunning appearance.

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