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最新资讯 (2024-09-16)


On the afternoon of September 11, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Lan 'Zhou City, Gansu Province. Whether attending important meetings or in-depth local inspections, General Secretary Xi Jinping has consistently attached great importance to rectifying formalism and reducing the burden on the grassroots. "This situation must be changed" and "cadres must be freed from some unnecessary affairs"... General Secretary Xi Jinping systematically planned, personally deployed, and played a combination of punches to promote the grassroots burden reduction work to be deeper and more practical.

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台风“贝碧嘉”影响部分高速公路和水上交通 各地积极应对保安全

At about 7:30 on September 16,"Beibijia" landed on the coast of Lingang New City, Pudong, Shanghai with a strong typhoon level, becoming the strongest typhoon to land in Shanghai since 1949. At the time of landing, the maximum wind force near the center was magnitude 14, and will move west by north at a speed of 20-25 kilometers per hour, and the intensity will quickly weaken. In response, the Central Meteorological Observatory updated and issued a typhoon warning at 10 a.m. on the 16th, turning it into an orange warning.

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第47届世界技能大赛闭幕 中国位居金牌榜和奖牌榜首位

On the evening of September 15, 2024 local time, the 47th World Skills Competition closed in Lyon, France. The Chinese delegation won a total of 36 gold medals, 9 silver medals, 4 bronze medals and 8 winning prizes in all 59 events in this competition, ranking first in the gold medal standings, medal standings and team total scores. visual China

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特朗普疑似遭遇“暗杀未遂” 案发时枪手距其400余米

On September 15, 2024 local time, the FBI issued a statement saying that the shooting incident near the golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida owned by former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump that day was suspected to be directed against Trump. The department is investigating the "attempted assassination" incident. visual China

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中秋小长假首日 全国铁路迎来客流高峰

On September 15, 2024, the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival short holiday, railways across the country will usher in a peak passenger flow during the Mid-Autumn Festival short holiday. According to data released by China Railway Group, September 15 is the peak day for railway transportation during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday across the country, with an estimated 16.8 million passengers being transported. visual China

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山东东营:滨海滩涂披“红妆” 翅碱蓬迎来观赏季

On September 15, 2024, in Dongying, Shandong Province, Suaeda ptera laid a "red carpet" on coastal tidal flats and became a unique scenery at the Yellow River Estuary in autumn.
Recently, as the temperature difference between day and night has increased, the Suaeda ptera growing on the tidal flats has begun to turn from green to red in large areas, ushering in their most beautiful season of the year. It is red from afar and naturally integrates with the tidal flats., forming a huge "red carpet".
visual China

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住宿体验花样翻新成为消费新“潮”流 文旅市场潜力明显释放

During this Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, medium-and short-distance travel has become people's main travel choice. At the same time, renovated accommodation experiences such as tent camps, RV B & B, and bamboo forest B & B have become the new favorite of consumption.

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各地组织形式多样的欢送仪式 助力预定新兵走好军旅“第一步”

In the second half of the year, the transportation of new recruits has been launched one after another. In the past few days, various places have carried out activities such as farewell to new recruits and pre-service education to further enhance the sense of pride, honor and mission of new recruits and help them take the first step in their military career.

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实现从退役到就业无缝衔接 多地为退役军人举办专场招聘会

In the past few days, special job fairs for veterans have been held in many places. Through heart-warming services such as policy interpretation, employment guidance, and job recommendation, they have actively broadened the career choice space for veterans and helped achieve high-quality employment.

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The "Decision" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is a programmatic document guiding my country to further comprehensively deepen reforms on the new journey.

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In China, all state power belongs to the people, and the people effectively exercise state power through the People's Congress.

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From the 13th to the 16th, the 2024 China Cultural Tourism Industry Expo will be held in Tianjin.

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According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory issued an orange warning for heavy rain [Level II/Severe] at 11:00 on September 16, 2024: Affected by this year's No. 13th Typhoon "Beibijia", it is expected that the cumulative precipitation in most areas of the city will reach more than 100 mm in the next 6 hours. The yellow warning signal for heavy rain will be updated to an orange warning signal for heavy rain. Heavy rainfall may cause urban waterlogging, flooding of farmland, traffic congestion, etc., the risk of disaster is very high. Please strengthen prevention in particular.

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花好月圆日 浓情寄中秋 各地文化活动实实在在惠民生、暖民心

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, a series of themed performances and drama performances were staged in turn in Beijing City. At the same time, a series of cultural consumption measures to benefit the people have brought benefits to citizens and tourists.

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Today, Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport plans to take off and land 539 flights and is expected to carry 85,000 passengers.

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鉴往知来,跟着总书记学历史 | 循着考察足迹,在黄河之畔读懂中国

Eighty-five years ago, when the country was in decline and the nation was in danger, the "Yellow River Cantata" premiered in the auditorium of the Northern Shaanxi Public School roared "defend my hometown, defend the Yellow River, defend North China, and defend the whole of China."

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服贸“新”发现丨科技赋能守护健康 感受智慧医疗新脉动

The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services will be held in Beijing from September 12 to 16. At the Service Trade Fair, new technologies and new trends in the field of health and medical care have been receiving much attention. This year's CIFTIS Health and Health Services Special Exhibition focuses on smart medical care and new quality productivity, and special traditional Chinese medicine health care.

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独家: 菲海警船撤离中国仙宾礁现场

On September 14, the Philippine Coast Guard vessel No. 9701 evacuated from China's Sembin Reef lagoon. Tan exclusively obtained several photos of the scene and found that the ship evacuated by the Philippines from Sembin Reef had been patched.

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独家: 菲海警船撤离中国仙宾礁现场

On September 14, the Philippine ship 9701 evacuated the Simbin Reef Lagoon in China. Insiders told Tan Zhu that during his stay, the Philippines failed to make transportation and compensation many times and frequently hyped China as inhumane. In fact, it was the Philippine government that was inhumane.

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七十五载奋进强国路 粤港澳大湾区建设迈出坚实步伐

The National Bureau of Statistics recently released the ninth in a series of reports on the achievements of New China's economic and social development in the past 75 years. The report shows that since 2019, the economic development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has achieved new breakthroughs, facility connectivity and rule connection have been continuously deepened, and the construction of the Greater Bay Area has taken solid steps.

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