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最新资讯 (2024-09-16)

奋战1000多天 渝昆高铁铜厂箐隧道近日安全贯通

After more than 1000 days of arduous construction by the builders, the Tongchangqing Tunnel of the Chongqing-Kunming High-speed Railway has been safely opened recently.

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It is estimated that from 14:00 on September 16 to 14:00 on September 17, there will be heavy to heavy rains in central and northern Anhui, central and southern Jiangsu, northwest Zhejiang, western Shanghai, eastern Henan, central Inner Mongolia, western Sichuan Basin, central and eastern Yunnan, northwest and eastern Guangxi, among which there will be heavy rains (100 - 160 mm) in parts of eastern Anhui and southern Jiangsu. Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20 - 50 mm, and local rainfall can exceed 60 mm), and local strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

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赏灯游园氛围浓 市民游客“流光溢彩”中喜迎中秋佳节

Appreciating the moon, viewing the lanterns, and visiting the garden have been festivals since ancient times. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the first "Beijing Lantern Festival" held in Beijing served citizens and tourists with a dazzling festival feast.

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September 15 is the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. The Ministry of Transport estimates that the cross-regional flow of people across society will be approximately 220 million, an increase of 14% from September 14. Among them, the number of people moving on roads is about 200 million, mainly for medium and short distances. In terms of civil aviation, 1.89 million passengers were sent on the 14th; the national railway ushered in a peak holiday passenger flow on the 14th, sending 16.8 million passengers and opening 896 additional passenger trains.

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On the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday (September 15), the Ministry of Transport estimates that the cross-regional flow of people across society will be approximately 220 million, an increase of 14% from September 14. Among them, the number of people moving on roads is about 200 million, mainly for medium and short distances. In terms of civil aviation, 1.89 million passengers were sent yesterday; railways across the country ushered in a peak holiday passenger flow yesterday, sending 16.8 million passengers and operating 896 additional passenger trains.

中秋假期第一天(9月15日),交通运输部预计,全社会跨区域人员流动量约2.2亿人次,比9月14日增长14%。其中公路人员流动量约两亿人次,以中短途自驾出行为主。 民航方面,昨天发送旅客189万人次;全国铁路昨天迎来假期出行客流高峰,发送旅客1680万人次,加开旅客列车896列。
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“贝碧嘉”已登陆上海浦东 江浙沪皖豫等地将有强降雨

According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the center of this year's No. 13th typhoon "Beibijia"(strong typhoon level) has landed on the coast of Lingang New City, Pudong, Shanghai around 7:30 today (16th). The maximum wind force near the center at the time of landing is 14 (42 meters/s), and the lowest central pressure is 955 hPa. At the same time,"Beibijia" also surpassed Typhoon 4906 "Gloria" and became the strongest typhoon to land in Shanghai since 1949.

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With the introduction of the delayed retirement policy, some people are worried that a large number of young people are facing employment problems. Will the adjustment of the retirement age affect young people in finding jobs?

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四川汶川突发泥石流 国道350线这些路段中断→

At 5:30 a.m. on September 16, mudslides occurred in K897+550 (Dashibao), Gengda Town, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province on National Highway 350, K912+370 (between Jianzhu No. 1 and No. 2 Tunnel), and K919+400 (Jinyin Trench) in Wolong Town. Traffic was interrupted, one vehicle on the site was trapped, and personnel were safe.

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台风“贝碧嘉”来袭 多地严阵以待全面展开防台工作

In the past two days, multiple departments in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other places have been waiting for a comprehensive anti-Taiwan work

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“科技+”赋能千行百业 服贸会上创新成果令人目不暇接

The 2024 Fair for Trade in Services ushered in its first public open day on September 15. In four days, the Fair for Trade in Services has held nearly 200 forum activities and released more than 100 integrated innovation results.

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Waste plastic lunch boxes turn waste into treasure, high-value recycled products are dazzling, and "replacing plastic with bamboo" helps zero-carbon green life... Being in the 2024 Service Trade Exhibition Hall, a green and low-carbon atmosphere is coming to your face.

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communication| Jointly advocate justice and join hands to defend human rights-Many developing countries are working together at the United Nations to counter unilateral sanctions against the United States and the West. Representatives of South Africa and Togo pointed out that unilateral sanctions violate the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international humanitarian law. International cooperation and constructive long-term dialogue remain the most effective means of resolving disputes.

通讯|共扬正义之声,携手捍卫人权——多个发展中国家在联合国合力反击美西方单边制裁 南非、多哥代表指出,单边制裁违反联合国宪章、《世界人权宣言》和国际人道主义法,国际合作和建设性的长期对话仍然是解决争端的最有效手段。
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新玩法、新体验撬动文旅消费新场景 这个中秋假期含“新”量十足

During the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, many people also choose to travel to relax, and the way people travel is also changing.

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From the Yan 'an Spirit to the Yan' an Ship, from the "Plan to Build China's Red Air Force" to the Air Force's systematic air and air blockade, from the million-dollar disarmament to the joint seizure and control of fortresses by multiple arms of the Army Aviation Force, the People's Army is constantly forging ahead on the road to becoming a world-class army. When the countdown to becoming a first-class army has begun, the entire army is working together to create a first-class army.

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中秋假期特色民俗活动精彩纷呈 民众沉浸式体验传统文化魅力

During this Mid-Autumn Festival, a variety of special folk activities were held in various places to enrich the holiday life of citizens and tourists.

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According to Yonhap News Agency on the 16th, a fishing boat carrying eight people capsized in the waters near Gunsan City, South Korea.

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假日交通总体平稳有序 各地各部门全力保障群众出行无忧

September 15 is the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and trips such as visiting relatives and friends, self-driving tours are concentrated. The Ministry of Transport predicts that on September 15, the national transportation passenger flow will increase significantly compared with normal days, and the overall situation will be stable and orderly.

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In the autumn of 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who went to Shaanxi for inspection, came to the former site of the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China. He looked at the farmers in the oil painting holding porcelain bowls in their hands and happily voting, and whispered this "Election Song".

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金秋九月希望的田野处处好“丰”景 乡村发展尽显蓬勃生机

The golden autumn of September is the harvest season. At present, there are busy harvests in various places, showing the vitality of rural development.

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The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four major traditional festivals in my country. It has been passed down for thousands of years and contains extensive and profound Chinese excellent traditional culture.

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