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最新资讯 (2024-09-15)

新疆 奔跑在新时代西部大开发征程上

In order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xinjiang Daily joined forces with party newspapers and new media in the western region to jointly launch a joint report on "Striving to Write a New Chapter in the Development of the Western Region in Chinese-style Modernization." In various forms such as text, pictures, videos, posters, etc., it presents a comprehensive and three-dimensional presentation of the historical opportunities of western development in the new era, and thoroughly implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee. Measures to take advantage of the momentum to write a new chapter of high-quality development at a new starting point. As the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, Xinjiang is the top priority in the development of the western region in the new era. A video takes you to see: Xinjiang, how to run on the journey of the western development in the new era.

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【邂逅中国 爱上中国】“北京中轴线”CityRide:多国留学生赞叹传统与现代交织的奇妙之旅

Today, this website broadcasts the seventh issue of Short Video: "Beijing's Central Axis" CityRide: Students from many countries admire the wonderful journey of the interweaving of tradition and modernity." At the 46th UNESCO World Heritage Conference,"Beijing's Central Axis-A Masterpiece of China's Ideal Capital Order" was officially included in the World Heritage List.

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According to Fox Financial News Network reported on the 13th, JPMorgan Chase CEO Dimon said that in addition to recession,"the worst outcome for the U.S. economy in the future is stagflation." According to an August report by the U.S. Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC), Dimon believes that the probability of future stagflation is around 35%, which means that the possibility of a recession is greater.

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Ma Hauen, Chairman of the Asian Affairs Committee (CARI) of the Argentine Council for International Relations, recently accepted an exclusive interview with China News Agency's "East-West Question" to discuss China's contribution to global human rights governance. Jorge Eduardo Malena, Ph.D., Chairman of the Asian Affairs Committee of the Argentine Council for International Relations, Professor at the Catholic University of Argentina, and Visiting Professor at the China Foreign Affairs University.

阿根廷国际关系理事会亚洲事务委员会(CARI)主席马豪恩日前接受中新社“东西问”专访,探讨全球人权治理中的中国贡献。马豪恩(Jorge Eduardo Malena),博士,阿根廷国际关系理事会亚洲事务委员会主席,阿根廷天主教大学教授,中国外交学院客座教授。
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In Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang, on a mountain top at an altitude of 4800 meters in the Muztag Peak area of the Pamirs Plateau, stands a white "round ball" with a diameter of 6 meters. When the dome slowly opens, the 500-millimeter optical antenna inside points accurately into space, receiving valuable detection data from satellites at high speed.

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On September 15 local time, Jordanian Prime Minister Al-Khasawneh submitted his resignation to King Abdullah II of Jordan.

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The Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays are approaching, and some Chinese citizens plan to go abroad to visit exotic scenery and experience folk customs. The Consular Protection Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminds outbound Chinese tourists to travel safely and in a civilized manner, carefully formulate travel plans, actively make preparations before departure, and pay attention to precautions against various risks to ensure the safety of personal and property.

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Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Implementing the Big Food Outlook and Building a Diversified Food Supply System."

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The Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory updated the typhoon yellow warning signal to an orange typhoon warning signal at 17:00 on September 15, 2024.

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On September 14, the Philippine Coast Guard vessel No. 9701 evacuated the Simbin Reef Lagoon in China after repeated failure in transportation and replenishment. Previously, the ship sought to exist for a long time at Xianbin Reef by anchoring in an attempt to invade China's territorial waters.

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打糍粑、 博饼等特色民俗活动点燃假日氛围 各地以多样方式欢度佳节

On the occasion of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Shajing Village, Huimin Street, Banan District, Chongqing City held a Mid-Autumn Festival themed activity, with glutinous rice cakes and artistic performances. The lively village was filled with a happy festive atmosphere.

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湖北武汉:长江文化艺术季开幕式 绚丽烟花扮靓黄鹤楼

On the evening of September 14, 2024, the opening ceremony of the Yangtze River Culture and Art Season was held in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The gorgeous fireworks show and the beautiful Yellow Crane Tower set off each other. visual China

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北京:秋高气爽 大批外国游客游览故宫

On September 14, 2024, many foreign tourists flocked to the Forbidden City in Beijing to visit. visual China

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美国加州野火蔓延 动物转移“领地”

On September 13, 2024 local time, in the Palm Desert, California, USA, the Big Bear Zoo evacuated about 50 animals due to smoke from a fire on the bridge leading to the Palm Desert Living Desert Zoo and Gardens. One of them, Valentine, a bald eagle, was poisoned by DDT and was almost blind. The Big Bear Alpine Zoo, threatened by the Line fire, has evacuated animals to the living desert of the Palm Desert. visual China

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建设全国高校区域技术转移转化中心 推动高校与企业“双向奔赴”

The Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Province held the launching ceremony of the first "National University Regional Technology Transfer and Transformation Center" and the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation agreement in Beijing on September 14. To build a national university regional technology transfer and transformation center, the focus is to promote the deep integration of national advantageous universities and regional advantageous industries, stimulate the multiplier effect of school-local integration, and support national strategies and regional development with goals and organizations.

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As of 08:00 on September 15, 20 aftershocks of magnitude M0.0 or above had been recorded in the Feidong M3.9 earthquake in Anhui Province, including 6 aftershocks of magnitude M1.0 or above. The largest aftershock was the M1.5 earthquake at 09:16 on September 14.

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我国首个清洁煤电与平价光伏协同项目投产 中部地区供电稳定性进一步增强

Recently, my country's first coordinated development project of clean coal power and affordable photovoltaics-Unit 1 of the two 1-million-kilowatt clean and efficient coal power projects in China Datang Xinyu Phase II successfully passed 168 hours of trial operation and was officially put into operation.

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Ordinary alleys reflect the fireworks in the world. This Mid-Autumn Festival, we will go to a feast of national customs.

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游园看彩灯、“打卡”新科技、沉浸式旅拍 缤纷新业态激发文化消费热情

On the evening of September 14, the 2024 Beijing Mid-Autumn Festival National Day Lantern Festival held a lighting ceremony at the Beijing Garden Expo Park. The lantern festival will officially open to the public from September 15 and will last until October 31.

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China has indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands, including Xianbin Reef, and its adjacent waters.​​​

中国对包括仙宾礁在内的南沙群岛及其附近海域拥有无可争辩的主权。 ​​​
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