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最新资讯 (2024-09-15)


According to micro-information from an official of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, on September 15, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines answered reporters 'questions on the U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines's erroneous remarks related to the South China Sea.

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金秋九月处处“丰”景美 人间“烟火气”最抚凡人心

At present, more than 100,000 acres of rice in Gongqing Farm in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area have entered the harvest period. Growers are seizing the fine weather to carry out rice cutting and drying operations.

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国庆假期铁路运输即将开启 预计发送旅客1.75亿人次

The reporter learned from China Railway Group today (September 15) that railway transportation during the National Day holiday will begin on the 29th. In accordance with the 15-day advance pre-sales rule, tickets for the first day of transportation during the National Day holiday will be on sale today.

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"A big river has wide waves, and the wind blows rice and flowers on both sides of the bank..." On the evening of September 14, at the opening ceremony of the "Yangtze River Culture and Art Season", people along the Yangtze River sang "My Motherland" affectionately on the Wuhan Yangtze River cruise ship. In Zhejiang, focusing on the decoding and inheritance of cultural genes, through detailed investigation of cultural relics and decoding of cultural elements, the essence of the Yangtze River culture is rejuvenated in inheritance and shows vigorous vitality.

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人工智能等新业态快速发展 该如何守护我们的数字权益

The distinctive feature of new productivity is innovation, which includes innovation at the level of technology and business model, as well as innovation at the level of management and institutions. How can judicial practice keep up with the pace of the times and provide behavioral guidance for the healthy development of new business formats and technologies such as digital economy and artificial intelligence on the track of the rule of law?

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According to Myanmar's official media "Myanmar Global New Light" reported on the 15th, as of the evening of the 13th, severe floods had killed 74 people and disappeared 89 people in Myanmar. All parties have continued to carry out rescue and evacuation and relocation work, and various provinces and states have built temporary shelters to provide necessary medical services, food and drinking water to the affected people.

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万家灯火团圆时 军营中秋别样情

It is another Mid-Autumn Festival, when thousands of families are reunited with lights. In this happy moment of family reunion, the officers and soldiers are still accompanied by the bright moon, stick to their posts, and guard the lights of thousands of homes in the motherland. Although they cannot spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with their families, the Mid-Autumn Festival in the military camp has a unique flavor.

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地方特色引领中秋美味“食尚” 全国生活必需品市场货足价稳、供销两旺

The Ministry of Commerce's big business data monitoring shows that the purchase volume and transaction volume of 200 large agricultural and sideline product wholesale markets across the country increased by 6.2% and 4.5% respectively compared with a week ago.

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“赏月游+中秋游”各地铁路推出特色服务 多趟旅游列车助力假期出行

Today (September 15) is the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. Let's pay attention to Mid-Autumn Festival travel. During the five-day railway Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, tourism flow, family visit flow, and student flow are intertwined. From September 14 to 18, railways across the country are expected to carry 74 million passengers. Railways across the country have launched tourist trains during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

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All comrades in the party must understand and grasp these major reform measures from a strategic and overall perspective, understand the reform intentions, grasp the quasi-reform direction, and unswervingly advance them. On September 10, 2024, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited the Baoji Bronze Museum in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province on his way to Gansu.

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On September 15, 2024, the China Environmental Monitoring Station, in conjunction with the Central Meteorological Observatory, the National Joint Center for Air Pollution Prevention and Control, the Northeast, South China, Southwest, Northwest, and Yangtze River Delta Regional Air Quality Prediction and Forecasting Centers and the Beijing City Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, held a national air quality forecast consultation in the second half of September (September 16 - 30).

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According to a report on the British "Times" website on September 12, starting next year, junk food advertisements in the UK will be banned from being broadcast on social platforms and TV before 9 p.m.

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The 18th issue of "Qiushi" magazine published on September 16 will publish an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission,"Speech at the Second Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee." All comrades in the party must understand and grasp these major reform measures from a strategic and overall perspective, understand the reform intentions, grasp the quasi-reform direction, and unswervingly advance them.

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The website of Germany's weekly "Time" reported on September 13 that Zimbabwe plans to hunt 200 elephants due to severe drought and subsequent food shortages.

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假期旅游打卡石窟“宝藏” 感受古建的艺术魅力和文化积淀

As the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday approaches, tourism in the Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Shanxi continues to be popular. Many tourists choose high-quality tourist groups to take photos of ancient tours, appreciate the beauty of grotto art, and feel the unique charm of history and culture.

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万里江山 铁路纵横

On September 14, with the opening of the Longlong (Longyan, Fujian to Longchuan, Guangdong) high-speed railway from Meizhou West to Longchuan in Guangdong, the operating mileage of China's railways exceeded 160,000 kilometers and the mileage of high-speed railways exceeded 46,000 kilometers. The concept became a reality, with thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, railways vertical and horizontal.

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At 14:00 on September 15, the Shanghai City Meteorological Bureau upgraded the Typhoon Level I Incident Response Service.

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The "Decision" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is a programmatic document guiding my country to further comprehensively deepen reforms on the new journey. Li Zhiming: The "Decision" emphasizes the strengthening of inclusive, basic and comprehensive people's livelihood construction, which reflects the focus of further comprehensively deepening reforms in the field of people's livelihood.

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The Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays are approaching, and some Chinese citizens plan to go abroad to visit exotic scenery and experience folk customs. The Consular Protection Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminds outbound Chinese tourists to travel safely and in a civilized manner, carefully formulate travel plans, actively make preparations before departure, and pay attention to precautions against various risks to ensure the safety of personal and property.

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香港馆展示“八大中心”“双向通道”等优势 推动服务贸易高质量发展

Since the CIFTIS was held, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council has held exhibitions and participated every year. This year's Hong Kong Pavilion displays many cultural, creative and environmentally friendly products, with the theme of "Hong Kong Channel, Connecting the World", demonstrating its "two-way channel" advantages in international finance, investment, trade and other fields.

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