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最新资讯 (2024-09-15)


On the 14th local time, William Castillo, deputy minister in charge of anti-sanctions measures at the Venezuelan Ministry of Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade, said that with the recent entry into effect of the U.S. Treasury Department's sanctions on 16 officials of the Venezuelan government, the U.S. and Commission's unilateral sanctions increased to 947.

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中国新地标见证城市的更新与开放 老工业基地“华丽转型”不断焕发新活力

About 20 kilometers west of Tiananmen Square in Beijing, there is a century-old industrial base called Shougang Park. In order to welcome the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the century-old Shougang moved to Hebei. In 2022, Shougang Park will be transformed into a world-shaking arena for the Beijing Winter Olympics, and now it will become the permanent venue of the China International Fair for Trade in Services. The gorgeous transformation of Shougang Park has witnessed Beijing, a "Double Olympic City", continuously promoting the renewal and opening up of the city.

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【好评中国·追光青年】手绘 | 耕海图强的青年力量

Youth gather because of cities, and cities thrive because of youth. This issue of "Commendation of China·Chasing the Light of Youth" takes you into the colorful East to see how young people can innovate and explore, shape their character, and realize value in this hopeful land of supporting the sea.

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From September 10 to 13, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Baoji, Shaanxi Province, Tianshui, Lanzhou and other places in Gansu Province for inspection and investigation. Cultural relics protection, research and utilization and cultural heritage protection and inheritance are important itineraries for this inspection. On the afternoon of the 10th, on the way to Gansu, the General Secretary visited the Baoji Bronze Museum in Shaanxi Province and carefully inspected precious bronzes such as He Zun and Zupan to learn about strengthening the protection, research and utilization of cultural relics.

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The reporter learned on the 14th that the National Immigration Administration predicted that ports across the country will usher in a peak in entry and exit during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, with an average of 1.8 million inbound and outbound passengers per day, an increase of 21.9% over the same period last year.

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27 industry standards such as the "National Island Code" have been reviewed by the National Marine Standardization Technical Committee and reviewed and approved by the 6th Minister's Office Meeting in 2024. They are now approved and released, and will be implemented from December 1, 2024.

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中国文旅产业新观察 | 技术赋能:中国文旅产业催生新需求

Wearing VR glasses, Ailin, a travel blogger from Moldova, instantly "traveled" to Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Hainan and other places to experience the majesty of China's mountains, lakes and seas with melodious music in her ears.

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"There is a good night all year, and the bright time can be seen thousands of miles away." Every Mid-Autumn Festival, admiring the moon is the highlight. Astronomical science experts said that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is "the moon is sixteen full on the 15th" or a "super moon". Friends who like to admire the moon can enjoy this big round moon on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the evening of the 18th.

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黑龙江省同江市街津口赫哲族乡渔业村:赫哲故里 船歌悠扬

In the early morning, as the first ray of sunshine had just risen from the east, the villagers in the Fishery Village of Hezhe Township, Jingkou, Jiejiang City, Tongjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, hummed a fishing song passed down for generations to clean up their fishing nets and punt their boats offshore. When fishing boats, large and small, cut through the early morning mist and sailed towards the net beach with dense fish in the center of the river, the day in this thousand-year-old fishing village began.

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向“新”发展 共享商机 来听听服贸会的参展商们谈收获

During an interview in the comprehensive exhibition area of this year's Service Trade Fair, the reporter found that on this big stage that brings together the customs and cutting-edge achievements of many countries around the world, exhibitors have said that they have not only received new orders, but also gained unexpected experiences.

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客流、车流川流不息 假期里的中国彰显勃勃生机

The research and analysis report released by the Road Network Monitoring and Emergency Response Center of the Ministry of Transport shows that the proportion of medium and short distances on highways across the country is relatively high during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

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美发布提高部分对华301关税最终措施 中国商务部对此强烈不满、坚决反对

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Commerce that on September 13, U.S. time, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative issued an announcement on the final measures for the 301 tariff on China, announcing that it would increase the 301 tariff on some Chinese goods. In response, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce said that China is strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed to this.

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各行各业龙头企业纷纷亮出科技成果 服贸会成为新产品、新技术“首秀场”

September 15 is the fourth day of the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services. At this year's Fair, leading companies from all walks of life have showcased the latest and most dazzling scientific and technological achievements. The Fair has also become a new product and new technology. The "first show".

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增储近500万吨!我国稀土勘探取得新突破 产业控制能力进一步提升

The reporter learned from China Rare Earth Group that my country has made new breakthroughs in Liangshan, Sichuan, and is expected to add 4.96 million tons of rare earth resources.

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美执意对华加征301关税 经济学家和贸易团体等表达担忧和失望

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative issued a final decision on imposing a 301 tariff on China on the 13th. The relevant measures will take effect on September 27. Economists and trade groups expressed concern and disappointment in this regard, warning that this move will not help resolve the trade problems between the two countries, but will further harm the interests of U.S. companies and consumers.

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Recently, in the Dongxihu Park of Wuhan Xingang Airport Comprehensive Bonded Zone, a drone carrying cross-border e-commerce imported goods successfully took off after approval and customs clearance by Hankou Customs. It took just 20 minutes to deliver the goods to consumer Li 13 kilometers away. In Ms. hands. In previous cross-border e-commerce delivery models, this process usually took 1 to 2 days. This is the first time that Central China has achieved direct drone delivery of cross-border e-commerce imported goods.

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网上攒金珠靠谱吗 小心!背后或隐藏消费陷阱

In recent years, as gold prices have risen, saving gold beads has become a popular investment and financial management method. Some consumers said that they are keen on buying gold beads because compared to buying gold jewelry at one time, buying gold beads will not be very painful and will be more motivated to save them. However, behind this seemingly attractive trend of accumulating gold beads, there are some consumption traps hidden. Some consumers complained that some e-commerce companies had problems such as incorrect goods, overdue shipments, and inability to read back by customer service, which sparked discussions on social media.

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星空有约丨今年中秋“十五的月亮十六圆” 还是“超级月亮”

"There is a good night all year, and the bright time can be seen thousands of miles away." Every Mid-Autumn Festival, admiring the moon is the highlight. Astronomical science experts said that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is "the moon is sixteen full on the 15th" or a "super moon". Friends who like to admire the moon can enjoy this big round moon on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival and the evening of the 18th.

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The Road Network Monitoring and Emergency Response Center of the Ministry of Transport released a research and analysis report on the operation of the national highway network during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday on the 14th. This year's Mid-Autumn Festival holiday will run from September 15 to September 17, for a total of three days. Normal tolls for highways across the country, and medium and short distances. Self-driving accounts for a relatively high proportion.

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文化中国行|走进《金陵图》数字艺术展 体味天下文枢的深厚底蕴

"Jinling Painting" uses a long scroll of genre paintings more than ten meters long, focusing on the harmonious and happy life of the people of Jinling, vividly recreating the prosperous Jinling of the Song Dynasty on the most ordinary day.

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