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最新资讯 (2024-09-14)

我国秋粮收购平稳有序进度加快 稻谷价格整体趋稳运行

With the harvest of autumn grain, new season rice in the south has also been listed one after another. What is the current market price of rice? What is the enthusiasm of farmers to sell grain?

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小田变大田 高标准农田助力粮食增产、农户增收

In addition to the application of good opportunities and improved seeds, some areas in Hunan have also accelerated the process of promoting agricultural socialized services through the construction of high-standard farmland and increased farmers 'income from growing grain.

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新季稻谷香 全国秋粮收获过一成

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on September 13 that this year's overall growth preference for corn, soybeans, mid-and late rice and other crops is expected to have another bumper harvest in autumn grain.

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The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reforms and Promoting Chinese-Style Modernization" adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China focuses on building a socialist cultural power and puts forward the goal of deepening reforms in the cultural field at present and in the future.

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In the new era and new journey, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core adheres to the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, promotes the construction of the People's Congress system and the work of the People's Congress in the new era to achieve historic achievements, continuously develops people's democracy throughout the process, and provides a more solid fundamental political system guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

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文化中国行丨新疆库车龟兹小巷:漫步南疆“小巷” 品味“龟兹”华章

In recent years, Kuche City's Laocheng District has innovated protection methods, using "embroidery" skills that do not demolish and build but only add, to turn the neighborhood with the most complete street and alley pattern in the Laocheng District into an Internet celebrity alley "Qiuci Alley", attracting tourists.

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杭州余杭区:一教师存在师德失范行为 被警方采取刑事强制措施

Hangzhou's Yuhang District Education Bureau reported on September 14 that recent information on "a teacher's moral misconduct in Yuhang District" has been verified and the incident occurred at the end of May 2024, and the public security department and education department have launched an investigation and handling it as soon as possible.

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总书记刚刚来过这里丨青铜铸文明 文脉贯古今

On the afternoon of September 10, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Baoji Bronze Museum in Shaanxi Province for an inspection. He walked into the exhibition hall to listen to the introduction of the local history and culture of the Zhou and Qin Dynasties. He carefully inspected precious bronzes such as He Zun and Yupan to learn about strengthening the protection, research and utilization of cultural relics.

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文化中国行丨新疆伊犁六星街:百年文化沉淀 感受和合之美

Xinjiang's Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, located in the northwest corner of the motherland, benefits from the angle formed by the north and south Tianshan Mountains. The warm and humid air currents of the Atlantic Ocean that penetrate deep into the mainland stop here, nourishing the Ili River Valley into a "Jiangnan Outside the Great Wall" with rich products and beautiful scenery.

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铸牢共同体 中华一家亲丨“各民族同胞团结一心!”——西藏阿里地区学校教育见闻

On the banks of the Xiangquan River in the southwest of the motherland, the sun at 31 degrees north latitude shines on the stone tablet of "National Unity and Family" at the school gate. Several large characters shine brightly.

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国际观察丨南南合作谋发展 中国行动添动力

September 12 is the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation. It has been 20 years since the establishment of the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation in 2004. The theme of this year's United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation is "South-South Cooperation for a Better Tomorrow".

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北京推出住房租赁新政策 租房更安心

The reporter learned from the Beijing Housing Provident Fund Management Center on September 13 that starting from October 1, Beijing will officially implement housing rental rent supervision and deposit custody. In the future, after renters rent from housing leasing companies in Beijing and complete the lease registration, the rent and deposit they pay will be subject to regulatory protection.

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"This year is the first time that Ethiopia has set up an exhibition hall at the CIFTIS. China's promotion of high-level opening up has provided us with excellent display and exchange opportunities." Monteha Gemo, Minister Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Ethiopian Embassy in China, happily told reporters.

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便利境外人员出行 北京实现境外银行卡“直刷”坐地铁

In the past, foreign passengers who took rail transit in Beijing mostly used cash or wild-card POS machines to buy tickets at manual windows, self-service ticket vending machines. Starting from the 13th, the city-wide subway network in Beijing City has supported foreign visitors to China with foreign cards to swipe their cards across the network, at all times and at all gates.

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This episode "Moving forward in unison" vividly presents the iron-clad style of the People's Army.

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解锁云端观光新体验 首架国产载人飞艇交付

Today (September 14) morning, my country's first manned airship "Xiangyun" AS700 independently developed in accordance with airworthiness regulations was officially delivered to customers, marking that the development, production, evidence collection and delivery of domestic manned airships are fully completed and will soon start Commercial operations.

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Colonel Li Xi, spokesman of the Eastern Theater Command, said that on September 13, the German frigate "Baden-Württemberg" and the supply ship "Frankfurt" crossed the Taiwan Strait and publicly hyped it. The Eastern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army organized naval and air forces to follow and monitor the entire process.

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学习新语|九次座谈会 总书记聚焦区域发展战略

During nine symposiums, the General Secretary focused on regional development strategies.

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The Shanghai City People's Government issued the "Shanghai City Action Plan to Accelerate Green and Low-Carbon Transformation (2024-2027)", which proposes that by 2027, the proportion of green transportation trips in the central Urban area of Shanghai City will reach more than 75%. Accelerate the comprehensive electrification of urban public sector vehicles. By 2025, public transportation and cruise taxis will basically be electrified.

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Since 2024, in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security's "Clean Net 2024" special action, public security organs across the country have continued to carry out special actions to crack down on online violence and crimes, cracking down on online violence and crimes such as insults, rumors and slander, and privacy violations committed through the Internet. Criminal activities have achieved phased results.

2024年以来,按照公安部“净网 2024”专项行动统一部署,全国公安机关持续开展打击整治网络暴力违法犯罪专项行动,重拳打击通过网络实施侮辱谩骂、造谣诽谤、侵犯隐私等网络暴力违法犯罪活动,取得阶段性成效。
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