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最新资讯 (2024-09-14)


On September 11, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Maijishan Grottoes to learn about the local promotion of the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage. Following the footsteps of the General Secretary, we walked into this "Oriental Sculpture Exhibition Hall" together, bathed in the misty rain of history and felt the transcendental "Oriental Smile".

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上海:受台风“贝碧嘉”影响 部分旅客列车将采取临时停运措施

China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. introduced that due to the impact of Typhoon No. 13 "Beibijia", in order to ensure railway transportation safety and passenger travel safety, the railway department plans to temporarily stop some passenger trains passing through the Xiaoyong Line from September 15 to 16. On September 16, some passenger trains passing through the Shanghai-Kunming Line, Xuanhang Line, and Shanghai-Nanjing Line will be temporarily suspended.

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Recently, the safflower lycoris in the Lovers Garden area of Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Scenic Area has taken the lead in entering its full bloom. It is gorgeous and charming when viewed from a distance. In addition, the safflower lycoris in the Cuizhou area is expected to bloom during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. (Cui Wenwen reporters: Yao Jiaqi, Guo Minmin filming support: Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Scenic Area)

近期,南京玄武湖景区情侣园区域的红花石蒜率先进入盛花期,远远望去,艳丽妩媚。此外,翠洲区域的红花石蒜预计将在中秋假期迎来盛放。(崔雯雯 报道员:姚嘉琪、郭民意 拍摄支持:南京玄武湖景区)
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The World Health Organization said on the 13th local time that it has approved an application for emergency use authorization for monkeypox vaccines produced by the Danish Nordic Bavarian company.

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Before the opening of the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum, Voice of America released an interview with a guest attending the meeting. The interview implied that there was no need for exchanges between China and the United States. Lord Tan found this guest at the scene and found that his words had been incorrectly quoted by VOA...

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For the first local inspection after the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping held a symposium in Lanzhou, Gansu-a symposium on comprehensively promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.

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Hello, good morning! Greetings from Anyang, Hometown of Oracle Bones (Ji Kun, Liang Qinyu, Ren Guiwei, Tian Qiqing)

你好,早安!甲骨文故乡·安阳的问候(冀坤 梁钦宇 任贵伟 田启青)
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111 suspects who committed electric fraud crimes in northern Myanmar were handed over to us.

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On September 13, local time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador issued a statement stating that the country's embassy and consulate in Venezuela will be closed on September 14. As Ecuadorian armed forces entered the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador and arrested former Vice President Grasse, which triggered condemnation from many Latin American countries, Venezuela protested against Ecuador's actions and withdrew its diplomatic personnel stationed in Ecuador.

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比利时布鲁塞尔发生持刀伤人事件 致1人死亡

According to reporters from the Central Committee, on the evening of the 13th local time, a knife wounding incident occurred in the Laken district of northwest Brussels, Belgium, killing a man.

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CCTV reporters learned on September 13 local time that court records showed that Kevin Michael Alstrup, a man who served as an official of the U.S. State Department's Foreign Security Bureau, admitted participating in the January 6, 2021 riots on Capitol Hill. He will subsequently be sentenced by a U.S. district judge.

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让互联网更好造福人民(奋进强国路 阔步新征程)

The doctor is in Zhejiang and the patient is in Xinjiang. In recent years, telemedicine and digital medicine have developed rapidly, which not only protects the health of the people, but also serves as a vivid reflection of using informatization to promote the equalization of public services and promote the inclusive and inclusive development of the Internet. Today, key common technologies such as optical storage, basic software, and core components have achieved important results. A series of key core technologies in the information field have continued to make breakthroughs, and the information infrastructure has become more and more complete to better benefit the people.

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"Theory + People + Literature and Art" characteristic lectures,"Returning to Hometown" social practice college student lectures, and "Famous Mouth Studio" have carried out lectures according to local conditions... In the past few days, propaganda teams from all over Beijing, Hainan, Anhui, and Hebei have gone deep into communities, enterprises, schools, and Grassroots units such as agencies have used various forms that the masses like to see, let the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China take root at the grassroots level, so that the masses can listen to, understand, and implement it.

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铁路中秋小长假旅客运输启动 预计发送旅客7400万人

On September 13, the Paper reporter learned from China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "China Railway Group") that the five-day railway Mid-Autumn Festival holiday transportation will start tomorrow. From September 14 to 18, railways across the country are expected to send 74 million passengers, with an average of 14.8 million passengers per day. September 15 is the peak day for passenger flow, and approximately 16.8 million passengers are expected to be sent.

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外卖员不满顾客态度 往餐食中小便?警方:拼凑编造

Recently, a news that a delivery clerk in Luoyang, Henan Province urinated during meals in retaliation for customers attracted attention online. Online chat messages showed that in a community in Wuhe District, Luoyang, Henan Province, a resident ordered takeout at a nearby rolling dough shop. The order receiving page of the suspected delivery staff showed that the customer who ordered the food required that the food should not make phone calls, press the doorbell, and the takeout should not be placed on the floor at the door... At the same time, the suspected delivery staff mentioned in the chat history that the customer was on the phone. The tone and attitude were not good, so he opened the takeout meal in it to defecate, and recorded the video and posted it online.

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法拍房市场规模水涨船高 “捡漏”背后有何风险?

"A small legal auction house is won","A female lawyer buys a legal auction house and steps into the pit","Can I buy a legal auction house?" This year, buying houses legally has become a hot topic on social media. Some people share their experience in buying houses, and others accidentally "step into the trap." This field, which was once far away from ordinary home buyers, is gradually moving towards the public eye.

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The "Mountains and Rivers Autumn Rhythm" 2024 national autumn tourism promotion activity was held in Zhongwei, Ningxia on the 13th. During the event, 10 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) including Shanxi, Jilin, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hainan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai, and Ningxia carried out autumn tourism promotion respectively, providing rich and diverse options for the public to travel in autumn.

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统计法完成修改 进一步防范和惩治造假、提高科学性

The 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress voted on the 13th to adopt a decision on amending the Statistics Law, which will take effect from the date of promulgation.

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On September 12, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) released to the world the complete review report of the Swiss independent prosecutor on the incident of trimetazidine involving 23 Chinese swimmers without fault.

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The Presidential Palace of Comoros issued a communiqué on the 13th, saying that President Azali was slightly injured when he was attacked with a knife while attending the funeral of a chief in the country that day.

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