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最新资讯 (2024-09-13)

集章 | 玉兔月满人团圆,中秋限定款印章不容错过!

When the flowers are full and the moon is full, it is the right time to gather chapters! Beijing Han Meilin Art Museum calls you to stamp the Mid-Autumn Festival limited seal!

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服贸会4.0版亮眼纷呈 “科技+文化”激活文旅消费新活力

There are more than 800 exhibitors in this year's CIFTIS Cultural Tourism Services Special Exhibition, with an exhibition area of over 10,000 square meters. The theme is "Technology Empowers New Cultural Tourism Creatives to Lead New Life". What are the outstanding new technologies and new ideas in the cultural tourism service topics in 2024?

本届服贸会文旅服务专题展参展企业超过800家,展区面积超1万平米,以“科技赋能新文旅 创意引领新生活”为主题。2024年的文旅服务专题都有哪些亮眼的新科技、新创意?
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A team from the Japan Institute of Physical Chemistry reported in a new issue of the journal Intersectional Science that they found in fruit flies that the structure and gene expression of specific regions of chromosomes change as individuals age when stem cells in intestinal tissue are depleted. This result will help unravel the molecular mechanisms of stem cell depletion and deepen the understanding of the aging process.

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As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, major seafood markets and supermarkets in Qingdao, Shandong Province are ushering in the peak season for pre-holiday sales. Relevant departments assess market demand in advance to ensure adequate supply of goods and stable prices.

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政策落地看变化 科技创新提速吸引更多“耐心资本”

Difficulty and expensive financing have always been pain points for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Especially for small and medium-sized innovative enterprises with high intellectual property value and few collateral, financing is even more difficult. In July 2024, the Ministry of Finance and other four departments jointly launched a special guarantee plan to support scientific and technological innovation. At present, more than a month after the plan was implemented, new changes have taken place in the market.

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中秋将至 “菜篮子”供应充足、价格总体稳定

At the Ningbo Agricultural and Sideline Products Logistics Center in Zhejiang, the local government has increased the transportation and storage of vegetables to ensure adequate supply and stable prices of vegetables during holidays.

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国家主席习近平签署主席令 在中华人民共和国成立七十五周年之际授予15人国家勋章和国家荣誉称号

President Xi Jinping signed a presidential order on the 13th, according to the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on awarding national medals and national honorary titles on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, adopted by the 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress on the morning of the 13th.

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国防教育法完成修订 将于9月21日起施行

The 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress voted on September 13 to adopt the newly revised National Defense Education Law, which will come into effect on September 21, 2024.

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应对“两癌”的最佳手段:定期筛查 早诊早治

The "two cancers" are cervical cancer and breast cancer, which are the two major malignant tumors that endanger women's health.

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人民代表大会制度70年 | 吸纳民意、汇集民智 提升立法质效

In September 1954, the first session of the First National People's Congress was held in Beijing. The Congress adopted the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, marking the formal establishment of the People's Congress system, the country's fundamental political system. A new political system in which the people are the masters of the country has since taken root and blossomed in New China. It has been 70 years since then.

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On September 12, the 2024 CIFTIS International Forum on Public Health was held in Shougang Park, Beijing. With the theme of "Innovation Promotes Access to Global Health Equity", this forum jointly discussed and shared innovative practices and future development trends in the field of public health.

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7.0%、11.5%、7.9%……结构优、质效升 “数”看投资发展

On September 12, the National Bureau of Statistics released a series of reports on the economic and social development achievements of New China over the past 75 years. The report pointed out that since the founding of New China 75 years ago, the scale of fixed asset investment has continued to grow and the structure has been gradually optimized, effectively promoting high-quality economic development.

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Wang Xiaoping, Minister of Human Resources and social protection, introduced that postponing the legal retirement age is based on the actual development of my country, fully considers social concerns, embodies the principles of voluntariness and flexibility, and adopts a gradual approach.

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习近平在甘肃考察时强调 深化改革勇于创新苦干实干富民兴陇 奋力谱写中国式现代化甘肃篇章

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, emphasized during a recent inspection in Gansu that Gansu must thoroughly implement the Party Central Committee's decisions and arrangements on the development of the western region, ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, focusing on strengthening ecological protection and restoration, accelerating green and low-carbon transformation and development, further comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, promoting comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, and strengthening people's livelihood security. Efforts should be made to promote national unity and other aspects, accelerate the construction of a happy and beautiful new Gansu, continuously create a new situation for enriching the people and rejuvenating Gansu, and strive to write a chapter in Chinese-style modernization of Gansu.

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中秋假期迎出入境高峰 全国口岸日均出入境将达180万人次

The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is approaching. According to the National Immigration Administration's forecast, cross-border tours during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday will be combined with the flow of compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and overseas Chinese returning home for reunion. Ports across the country will usher in a peak in entry and exit, with an average of 1.8 million inbound and outbound passengers per day. Compared with the same period last year, the increase was 21.9%.

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At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce held on September 12, He Yongqian, spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the Chinese government has introduced a series of measures to optimize the foreign investment environment, which will bring new opportunities to more European companies investing and operating in China. opportunities.

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On September 12, the 2024 Global Industrial Internet Conference opened in Shenyang. The latest results in the development of my country's industrial Internet were released at the conference. At present, the number of "5G+ Industrial Internet" projects in my country has exceeded 14,000. The Industrial Internet is fully integrated into 49 major national economic categories, achieving full coverage of major industrial categories.

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中国服务贸易创新激活经济增长“新引擎” 奏响向质而行“新乐章”

75 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, China has attached great importance to the development of the service industry and launched a series of reform measures to promote the development and growth of the service industry. The service industry has gradually grown into the largest industry in the national economy, unleashing new momentum, releasing new vitality, and becoming an important force for China's stable economic growth.

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文化中国行 | 不忘本、不守旧 古韵生生不息

Ji 'an tea-picking opera, a local opera in Jiangxi, originated in the Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty, and Qing Dynasty. It is based on Ji' an folk songs, folk songs and folk dances, and integrates other opera forms and has been passed down to this day. In 2021, Ji 'an tea-picking opera will be listed as the national intangible cultural heritage representative list expansion project list.

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In 2024, the per capita financial subsidy standard for basic public health service funds will be 94 yuan.

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