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最新资讯 (2024-09-13)


Five departments including the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Ministry of Human Resources and social protection, the National Health Commission, the National Medical Insurance Administration, and the State Food and Drug Administration jointly issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the High-Quality Development of County-level Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals." By 2025, more than 80% of county-level traditional Chinese medicine hospitals will strive to reach the level of second-level and above first-level traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, and about 500 county-level traditional Chinese medicine hospitals will strive to reach the level of third-level traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.

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At the Executive Committee meeting of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) held on the 12th local time in Turkey, Swiss independent prosecutor Cordier confirmed in his final review report that WADA's handling of the pollution incident among Chinese swimmers was not biased, and pointed out that WADA can further improve anti-doping rules and optimize the management system.

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北方降雨轮番来袭秋意浓 台风“贝碧嘉”中秋假期将掀强风雨

Since September, rain has hit frequently in the north. Starting tomorrow (September 14), a new round of rainfall will be launched in northwest, north China, northeast and other places. Attention should be paid to prevent secondary disasters.

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As CCTV Video actively arranges high-quality micro-short drama tracks, CCTV Video's first original micro-short drama,"Mr. Dongpo's Time for the Exam", is scheduled to premiere on September 11 and will be broadcast continuously for 8 days. After Su Xiaomei traveled through the world, she saw many talented people bickering and was mistakenly called "Su Xiaomei" by Su Shi. This wonderful journey has just begun for Su Xiaomei and the audience.

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致敬关山月,许钦松新作亮相“壮丽关山 礼赞辉煌”展追忆师长情谊

In order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Political Consultative Conference and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Political Consultative Conference, on September 9,"Magnificent Guanshan Praise the Glory-Guan Shanyue's Works and Exhibition of Famous Calligraphy and Calligraphy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" was opened on the third floor of the Guangzhou CPPCC Literature and History Exhibition Center. This exhibition brings together outstanding works by 80 elites in contemporary Lingnan painting circles, including Xu Qinsong, Li Jinkun, Lin Lan, Liu Sifen, Chen Yongqiang, and Fang Chuxiong.

为庆祝新中国成立75周年暨人民政协成立75周年,9月9日,“壮丽关山 礼赞辉煌——关山月作品暨粤港澳大湾区书画名家精品展”在广州政协文史展示中心三楼开幕。本次展览汇集了许钦松、李劲堃、林蓝、刘斯奋、陈永锵、方楚雄等80位当代岭南画坛精英的优秀作品。
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According to the official WeChat message of the Transportation Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is approaching, and people are concentrated on visiting relatives and friends, self-driving tourism, etc., and road traffic safety risks are increasing. When driving on highways, you must maintain a safe distance between vehicles and abide by the specified speed. In case of traffic congestion, you must not randomly insert or occupy emergency lanes.

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At 8 o'clock every day, CCTV will sort out the big and small events that happen around us within 24 hours.

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伊朗东南部发生一起袭击事件 恐怖组织“正义军”宣称负责

On September 12, local time, an attack occurred in the Mirjave area of Sistan and Baluchistan Province in southeastern Iran. Militants opened fire on local border police, killing three policemen and injuring one citizen. Iran is currently using intelligence to track down the perpetrators of this attack.

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On September 12 local time, according to the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of State had approved the sale of heavy tank trailers and related equipment to Israel worth US$164.6 million.

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On the 12th local time, US Republican presidential candidate and former President Trump said after his first presidential debate with current Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Harris that he would not hold the next presidential election debate with Harris.

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The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 02:19 on September 13, a magnitude 3.0 earthquake occurred in Kuche City, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang (41.37 degrees north latitude, 83.82 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 10 kilometers.

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On the 12th local time, the United Nations Security Council held an interim meeting to discuss the situation in Yemen in the Middle East and expressed concern about the attack on Greek oil tankers in the Red Sea waters and the current floods suffered by Yemen. Geng Shuang said that China is concerned about the recent attack on the Sounion oil tanker in the Red Sea waters, as well as the possible crude oil spill and potential ecological and environmental impact.

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Cuban Foreign Minister Rodriguez said in the capital Havana on the 12th that based on current dollar prices, the decades-long economic, financial blockade and trade embargo by the United States against Cuba have caused the country's cumulative losses to exceed 164.1 billion U.S. dollars.

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The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development released a report on the 12th, saying that since Israel launched military operations against the Gaza Strip in October last year, the Occupied Palestinian Territory has suffered severe economic damage.

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从一座桥、一座港、一条路看新时代交通巨变 交通强国建设迈出新步伐(奋进强国路 阔步新征程)

The total mileage of the comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network exceeds 6 million kilometers, the railway operating mileage is nearly 160,000 kilometers, and the total mileage of rural roads reaches 4.6 million kilometers... From China Bridge, China Port to China Road, since the new era, high-quality development of transportation has been solidly advanced., the construction of a transportation power continues to accelerate, and transportation has become a pioneer in Chinese-style modernization.

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古老文明扬中外 匠心妙手焕光彩

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the archaeological excavation of Qin Terracotta Warriors. In 1974, the discovery of the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses opened a chapter in the systematic archaeological work of the Qin Emperor Mausoleum. Over the past half century, generations of archaeologists have continued to explore and pursue, allowing the majestic military formation and lifelike pottery figurines that have been sleeping underground for more than 2000 years to be seen again, allowing the audience to appreciate the "Eighth Wonder of the World" and experience the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors Pit. The fruitful results of archaeological excavation, protection, research, activation and utilization.

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Recently, the 2024 World Robot Conference was held in Beijing. At the 2024 World Robot Expo held at the same time, nearly 170 domestic and foreign robot companies participated in the exhibition, and more than 600 innovative robot products were unveiled, including 27 humanoid robots.

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一个动作可自查淋巴结 揪出这种“会伪装”的肿瘤!

Eye pain and stomach pain. These seemingly ordinary minor problems have never been good, but I didn't expect it to be lymphoma! Experts say that lymphoma's early symptoms are atypical and diverse and can easily be confused with other common diseases. It is called a "disguise" tumor.

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The spokesperson of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong) severely condemned the British government's 55th so-called "Semi-annual Report on Hong Kong Issues", smearing "one country, two systems", slandering Hong Kong's National Security Law and Hong Kong's National Security Regulations, and grossly interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs.

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多地延长课间时长 如何真正让孩子们放心“动起来”?

At the beginning of the new semester this autumn, many places have extended the "10-minute break between classes" to 15 minutes or even 20 minutes, giving children more time to get out of the classroom. At the same time, schools in various places have taken various measures to make children have fun and parents feel at ease.

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