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最新资讯 (2024-09-12)

古老文明扬中外 匠心妙手焕光彩

2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the archaeological excavation of Qin Terracotta Warriors. In 1974, the discovery of the Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses opened a chapter in the systematic archaeological work of the Qin Emperor Mausoleum. Over the past half century, generations of archaeologists have continued to explore and pursue, allowing the majestic military formation and lifelike pottery figurines that have been sleeping underground for more than 2000 years to be seen again, allowing the audience to appreciate the "Eighth Wonder of the World" and experience the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum and Terracotta Warriors Pit. The fruitful results of archaeological excavation, protection, research, activation and utilization.

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Recently, the 2024 World Robot Conference was held in Beijing. At the 2024 World Robot Expo held at the same time, nearly 170 domestic and foreign robot companies participated in the exhibition, and more than 600 innovative robot products were unveiled, including 27 humanoid robots.

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一个动作可自查淋巴结 揪出这种“会伪装”的肿瘤!

Eye pain and stomach pain. These seemingly ordinary minor problems have never been good, but I didn't expect it to be lymphoma! Experts say that lymphoma's early symptoms are atypical and diverse and can easily be confused with other common diseases. It is called a "disguise" tumor.

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The spokesperson of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong) severely condemned the British government's 55th so-called "Semi-annual Report on Hong Kong Issues", smearing "one country, two systems", slandering Hong Kong's National Security Law and Hong Kong's National Security Regulations, and grossly interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs.

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多地延长课间时长 如何真正让孩子们放心“动起来”?

At the beginning of the new semester this autumn, many places have extended the "10-minute break between classes" to 15 minutes or even 20 minutes, giving children more time to get out of the classroom. At the same time, schools in various places have taken various measures to make children have fun and parents feel at ease.

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On the afternoon of the 12th, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on comprehensively promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin in Lanzhou, Gansu Province and delivered an important speech. On the afternoon of October 22, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping hosted a symposium on further promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin in Jinan, Shandong Province and delivered an important speech. On September 18, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin in Zhengzhou, Henan Province and delivered an important speech. What have the three symposiums held in five years been conveyed?

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The two-day 9th "Belt and Road" Summit Forum closed in Hong Kong on the 12th, reaching a total of 25 cooperation memorandums, setting a record high, demonstrating Hong Kong's advantages as a "super value-added person". Liu Huiping, vice president of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, said that many countries jointly building the "Belt and Road" have strong development momentum of new energy industries, bringing potential to green and sustainable development projects.

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On the morning of September 12, local time, police in Springfield, Ohio, USA received a bomb threat and took a large-scale operation. It is reported that the bomb threat was "sent to multiple agencies and media outlets" via email. Local governments asked communities to avoid areas near City Hall during investigations and report any suspicious activity to local police stations.

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台风“贝碧嘉”预计15日前后进入我国东海 最新研判→

This year's 13th typhoon "Beibijia" was formed on the northwest Pacific Ocean on the night of September 10. It is expected to enter the East China Sea around the 15th. Its maximum intensity can reach strong typhoon level, which may land head-on or seriously affect Zhejiang Province.

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“叫孩大屏”、等候座椅……新型“接娃模式”引关注 冬暖夏凉还配“叫号系统”

Some time ago, the new "baby-picking model" of a school underground parking lot in Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province attracted a lot of attention. In the video, the campus parking lot is equipped with equipment such as "big screen for calling children", facial brushing machines, and waiting seats, making it warm in winter and cool in summer without being crowded.

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The Mid-Autumn Festival is in five days. The so-called "health mooncakes" such as "sugar-free mooncakes" and "stomach-nourishing mooncakes" you just saw in the video are favored by many consumers, especially young people. The reporter saw on some shopping websites that "health mooncakes" are selling well, and the promotion methods are also varied. Some have been given multiple effects by merchants, and even claimed to have therapeutic effects. So, what are "health mooncakes"? Do the best-selling "health mooncakes" on the Internet really maintain health? Does the addition of Chinese medicinal materials in comply with the Food Safety Law?

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The ToSun press team also followed the General Secretary's footsteps to Maijishan Grottoes, where they met several cultural relics restorers to see how they used ingenuity and love to protect the cultural treasures here for years.

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时政现场说丨做好文物保护与利用 推进继承与创新

Maijishan Grottoes, one of the four major grottoes in China, are world-famous for their exquisite clay sculpture art and are known as the "Oriental Sculpture Exhibition Hall". In recent years, with the increase of state support, local cultural relics protection departments have gradually explored scientific and comprehensive protection measures that combine rescue and prevention. At the same time, make full use of digital technology to actively promote the inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese sculptures.

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时政现场说丨打造“致富果” 让老百姓的日子红红火火

Nanshan Huaniu Apple Base in Maiji District is a large-scale Marshal apple production base in the country and a modern agricultural demonstration park integrating fruit production, scientific and technological demonstration, leisure and sightseeing, and diversified education. The existing apple planting area is 150,000 acres. This year, the local Huaniu apple output has increased by 20% compared with the same period last year. The average yield per mu is more than 8000 kilograms, and the average income per mu exceeds 20,000 yuan, driving the increase in income for the majority of fruit farmers.

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焦点访谈:新专业 新趋势 新未来

Cultivating talents and creating scholars is the foundation of the country. Subjects and majors are the core pillars of the higher education system and the basic platform for talent training. This year, 24 new majors have been officially included in the 2024 undergraduate majors catalog of general colleges and universities. They have strong cutting-edge and interdisciplinary colors, and have obvious cross-integration characteristics. It is the school season in September, and the first batch of new students are welcomed in the new majors. What do these new majors learn? What is the basis for professional dynamic adjustment? What new trends in talent training are revealed?

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【奋进强国路 阔步新征程·老区行】河北阜平:牢记嘱托推进乡村全面振兴

Fuping County, Hebei Province, an old revolutionary base area located deep in the Taihang Mountains, was the seat of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region Government. Shortly after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a mobilization order to the entire party and the country to fight poverty. Today, the villagers who have been lifted out of poverty are continuing to struggle in the direction of comprehensive rural revitalization, striving to create a path of county industrial development that is in line with local realities and has strong development momentum.

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This episode focuses on strengthening training and preparation for war. It tells the story of the officers and soldiers of the entire army resolutely eliminating the "accumulated shortcomings of peace", focusing all their energy on war, and devoting all their work to war, demonstrating the sense of urgency of the officers and soldiers of the entire army in training and preparing for war.

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Tan Zhu sorted out the consultation process of seven typical trade dispute cases, including the US-Europe aviation subsidy dispute and the US-Japan trade dispute, and found that the results of the consultations were all different. Some were successful, some were unsuccessful, and some were still under discussion. In response to this issue, the Spanish Prime Minister called on the European Union to abandon its plan to impose additional tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles.

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寻找戈壁熊丨一路迁徙至新疆 环境恶化 蒙古国戈壁熊搏命远征

In order to find and rescue the extremely dangerous species Gobi bear, reporters from the Central Committee and a joint expert team from China and Mongolia went deep into the Gobi no man's land of Mongolia. The mountain sacrifice ceremony of Mongolian people, the traces left by Gobi animals, the days and nights of accidents in no man's land... Continue to follow the third episode of the station's scientific adventure series "Looking for Gobi Bears"!

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Recently, reporters from Taiwan and the joint expert team of China and Mongolia traveled 4000 kilometers, crossing grasslands, Gobi and deserts, deep into the Gobi hinterland of Mongolia, eating, living and living together in no man's land, tracking and recording the team's search for Gobi bears. The entire process. Poke the video and follow the reporters from the main station to continue to go deep into no man's land to feel the desperate survival of extremely dangerous species!

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