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最新资讯 (2024-09-12)


The reporter learned from CNOOC on the 11th that the cumulative oil and gas production of the Bonan Oilfield Group under the jurisdiction of Bohai Oilfield, China's largest offshore oil field, exceeded 100 million tons, which is of great significance to ensuring national energy security.

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The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission reported on September 12 that with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission launched a case investigation into Zhang Zulin, former member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Governor of the Yunnan Province Government, for serious violations of discipline and law.

中央纪委国家监委网站9月12日通报, 经中共中央批准,中央纪委国家监委对云南省政府原党组成员、副省长张祖林严重违纪违法问题进行了立案审查调查。
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With the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission launched a case review and investigation into Li Haitao, former member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Heilongjiang Province, for serious violations of discipline and law.

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On September 11, 2024, in Zhangye, Gansu Province, the Shandan Racecourse in the Gansu area of Qilian Mountains National Park was shrouded in clouds and mist. Mountains and rivers and the surging clouds complement each other, making it like a dream and a fairyland. Looking around, you can see mountains and clouds curling. Grasslands, lakes, and farmland are looming among the mountains and clouds of clouds, like a paradise. visual China

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On September 11, 2024 local time, wildfires continued to spread in California and other places in the United States. visual China

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On September 10, the Three Gorges Reservoir officially launched 175 meters of water storage in 2024.

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On September 11, the "Jiaolong" manned submersible completed the last dive operation of the 2024 Western Pacific International Expedition at the Weijia Seamount. During the scientific expedition, the "Jiaolong" completed 18 dives in the western Pacific Ocean, carrying more than a dozen Chinese and foreign scientists to explore the deep sea.

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美国施压韩国对华“芯片围堵” 韩国专家:无法100%与美保持一致

According to a report by the Korea Herald on the 11th, the United States is stepping up pressure on South Korea to cooperate with U.S. export controls to China, urging South Korea to only provide advanced chips such as high-bandwidth memory (HBM) to allies.

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时政现场说丨传承历史文脉 展现商周秦文明之光

On the afternoon of September 10, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Baoji City, Shaanxi Province to inspect the Baoji Bronze Museum to understand the local situation of strengthening the protection and utilization of cultural relics.

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深圳湾口岸出入境人数突破2600万人次 超去年全年总量

According to statistics from the Shenzhen Bay Border Inspection Station, as of September 10, the total number of entry and exit personnel inspected by the Shenzhen Bay Border Inspection Station in 2024 has exceeded 26 million, exceeding the total number of entry and exit personnel in 2023. At the same time, the number of non-Chinese nationals holding Hong Kong and Macao resident travel permits entering and leaving the country through Shenzhen Port has exceeded 11,000.

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Iraq President Rashid and Prime Minister Al-Sudani held talks with visiting Iranian President Pezehizyan in the capital Baghdad on the 11th.

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从“万物互联”向“万物智联” 中国推进移动物联网“快进”赋能千行百业

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently issued the "Notice on Promoting the Development of the Mobile Internet of Things Intelligent Connect"(hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") to accelerate the development of the mobile Internet of Things from the "Internet of Everything" to the "Intelligent Connect of Everything".

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科技感十足、亮点应接不暇 2024年中国国际服务贸易交易会开幕

The 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services will be held at the National Convention Center and Shougang Park from September 12 to 16, with the theme of "Global Services, Mutual Benefit Sharing". On the morning of September 12, the Global Services Trade Summit opened at the National Convention Center in Beijing. During the five-day event, supporting activities such as exhibitions, negotiation and promotion, and achievement release will be held here. For the latest situation, let's connect with Gao Xue, a reporter at the China National Convention Center, and ask her to introduce us to the latest situation.

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印媒:三星印度工厂遭遇“无限期罢工” 已严重影响工厂产量

India's "Business Online" website reported on the 11th that the strike of workers at the Samsung factory in Chennai in the country has entered its third day. Starting this week, hundreds of workers at the factory have begun an indefinite strike, demanding higher wages and improved working conditions.

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雨区分散内蒙古中部等地降雨较强 “贝碧嘉”继续向西北方向移动

Today, rainfall in Jiangsu and Anhui will be significantly weakened, and my country's rainfall areas will be relatively scattered in the future. It is expected that from the 12th to the 13th, there will be light to moderate rain or thunderstorms in Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and other places, and heavy rain in some areas in central and northern Inner Mongolia and other places, and local heavy rain.

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U.S. Secretary of State Blinken and British Foreign Secretary Lamy, who are visiting Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, announced a new aid plan for Ukraine on the 11th. The United States and the United Kingdom will provide more than 700 million US dollars and 600 million pounds in aid to Ukraine respectively.

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出口势头强劲 中国家电全球“圈粉”热销海外市场

This year, China's home appliance exports have strong momentum. Data released by the General Administration of Customs shows that in the first seven months of this year, domestic electric fans, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, LCD TVs and other home appliances exported a total of 409.19 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.1%. From major appliances such as televisions and air conditioners to "small artifacts" of personal care intelligence, China's home appliances have further explored overseas markets and "attracted fans" around the world.

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On the evening of September 10, local time, the 47th World Skills Competition opened in Lyon, France. At the opening ceremony, players from all participating countries and regions participated in the entrance ceremony. More than 1400 players from nearly 70 countries and regions participated in this competition. The Chinese delegation sent a total of 68 players to participate in all 59 events. This is the seventh time that my country has organized a team to participate in the competition. It is also the largest number of participants and the most complete entries since my country participated in the World Skills Competition.

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大连普兰店区发生3.7级地震 原震区短期内发生破坏性地震可能性不大

According to the China Seismological Network, a magnitude 3.7 earthquake occurred at 21:26 on September 11 in Pulandian District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province (39.42 degrees north latitude, 122.21 degrees east longitude), with a focal depth of 10 kilometers. Slight earthquakes were felt in Pulandian District, Wafangdian City and other areas. Communications, power supply, traffic roads, and gas conditions in the area were operating normally, and there were no casualties or property losses.

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受飓风“弗朗辛”影响 美国路易斯安那州已报告超10万次断电

On September 11, local time, data from the U.S. power tracking website showed that since Hurricane Francine made landfall, more than 100,000 power outages have been reported in Louisiana. As the center of the storm moved inland, Francine has weakened from a Category 2 hurricane to a Category 1 hurricane, with top winds falling to 145 kilometers per hour.

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