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最新资讯 (2024-09-11)

“AI科学家”登场 科研自动化时代来了?

Japan's Sakana AI company has joined hands with scientists from Canada and the United Kingdom to create an "artificial intelligence (AI) scientist" based on a large language model. From reading literature to proposing new hypotheses, to trying various solutions and writing papers,"AI scientists" can do it in one go throughout the research cycle.

日本Sakana AI公司和加拿大、英国科学家携手,创建了一种基于大语言模型的“人工智能(AI)科学家”。从阅读文献到提出新假设,再到尝试各种解决方案并撰写论文,整个研究周期,“AI科学家”能一气呵成。
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The children have started school, and breakfast is a very important meal among the three meals a day. Not eating breakfast can cause many problems. Failure to eat breakfast for a long time can easily lead to deficiencies in energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates and certain micronutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin A and other nutrients, and this deficiency cannot be compensated by eating lunch. Only by eating a good breakfast can we meet the energy needs of a morning's study tasks. How to prepare breakfast has become a big problem in the family.

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坚守三尺讲台 潜心教书育人

Recently, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Education jointly organized and carried out the 2024 National Teaching and Education Model Publicity Campaign, and selected a total of 12 national teaching and education models. Some of them deeply cultivate ideological and political education and spread the party's innovative theories; some take root at the grassroots level to support students 'dreams of becoming talents; some innovate teaching methods and continuously improve their teaching and educating skills

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The Russian National Space Corporation announced on its official website on the 11th that the Russian "Soyuz MS-26" manned spacecraft docked with the International Space Station that night. Arriving at the International Space Station aboard the Soyuz MS-26 spacecraft were Russian astronauts Alexei Ovchinin and Ivan Wagner, and American astronaut Donald Petit.

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外商独资医院进入 带来“鲶鱼”效应 看病有何不同?来看记者探访

Recently, the National Health Commission and other three departments jointly issued the "Notice on Carrying out Pilot Work on Expanding Opening-up in the Medical Field", which plans to allow the establishment of wholly foreign-owned hospitals in nine places including Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai. What are the differences between foreign-funded hospitals and domestic public hospitals, and what is the medical experience?

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全力以赴保供电 “电力侠”在台风灾后抢修一线24小时不停工

Typhoon Capricorn has caused heavy losses to power supply facilities in many places in Guangdong. In recent days, the power department has been making every effort to carry out emergency repairs.

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General reporters learned on the 11th local time that police in Ottawa, Canada, recovered the stolen well-known portrait of the late British Prime Minister Churchill "The Roaring Lion" in Italy. This photo was taken in 1941 by internationally renowned photographer Youssef Cash. In August 2022, it was stolen from the Lori Palace Hotel in Ottawa.

总台记者当地时间11日获悉,加拿大渥太华警方在意大利追回了被盗的已故英国首相丘吉尔的知名肖像照《愤怒的丘吉尔》(The Roaring Lion)。这张照片由国际知名摄影师优素福·卡什于1941年拍摄,2022年8月,它在渥太华洛里耶宫饭店被盗。
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俾斯麦海发生6.3级地震 震源深度10公里

The China Seismological Network officially determined that at 0:46 on September 12, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake occurred in the Bismarck Sea (3.40 degrees south latitude, 146.25 degrees east longitude) with a focal depth of 10 kilometers.

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As the "hometown of bronzes", Baoji owns China's first bronze culture museum named after bronzes-Baoji Bronze Museum, which collects, studies and displays bronzes from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. In the Baoji Bronze Museum in Shaanxi Province,"He Zun", an early Western Zhou bronze wine vessel with rich shape and exquisite craftsmanship, shines brightly.

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A spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce answered reporters 'questions on Canada's announcement that it plans to impose additional taxes on some Chinese batteries and other products to solicit public opinions.

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On the 11th, the Ministry of Natural Resources stated that since 2019, 25 provinces across the country have implemented more than 1500 pilot projects for comprehensive land improvement across the region, invested more than 670 billion yuan, completed a total renovation scale of more than 7.2 million acres, and achieved 660,000 new cultivated land.

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On September 11, local time, the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) issued a statement announcing sanctions on three individuals, five companies and two ships, saying they were suspected of creating income for Hezbollah in Lebanon by smuggling oil and liquefied petroleum gas. As of now, Hezbollah in Lebanon has no response.

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海南定安灾后路面清理工作基本完成 中小学复课

The power supply lines in Ding 'an County were seriously damaged. 113 10-kilovolt power grid lines were shut down due to failures, 1210 transformers were affected, and 122,000 electricity users were affected. At present, after emergency repairs, 72.6% of the 10-kilovolt power grid lines that have been shut down have been restored, 75.7% of the affected transformers have been restored, and 70% of the affected power users have been restored. Emergency repair of unrestored power facilities and lines is being promoted.

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远程开门,换脸换声?AI时代 如何保障安全?

Cybersecurity is related to many aspects of production and life. In recent years, the high-profile artificial intelligence technology has not only brought many conveniences to people, but also brought many new challenges to cybersecurity.

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On the morning of the 11th, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Nanshan Huaniu Apple Base in Maiji District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province for inspection and investigation to learn about the local development of modern mountain fruit industry with characteristics.

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From the afternoon of September 10 to the morning of September 11, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Baoji City, Shaanxi Province and Tianshui City, Gansu Province for inspection and investigation. In Tianshui City, Xi Jinping inspected Fuxi Temple, Nanshan Huaniu Apple Base in Maiji District, and Maiji Mountain Grottoes to learn about the local situation in promoting the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage and developing characteristic modern mountain fruit industries.

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习近平陕西行丨青铜铸文明 周礼润华夏——走进宝鸡青铜器博物院

On the afternoon of September 10, Xi Jinping came to Baoji City, Shaanxi Province to inspect the Baoji Bronze Museum to learn about the local situation of strengthening the protection and utilization of cultural relics. Baoji Bronze Museum is located on Shigu Mountain on the south bank of the Weihe River in Weibin District, Baoji City. It is the first bronze culture museum named after bronzes in my country. It is also a national first-class museum focusing on collecting, researching and displaying bronze wares of the Shang Dynasty and Zhou Qin Dynasties.

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From the afternoon of September 10 to the morning of September 11, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Baoji City, Shaanxi Province and Tianshui City, Gansu Province for inspection and investigation. In Tianshui City, Xi Jinping inspected Fuxi Temple, Nanshan Huaniu Apple Base in Maiji District, and Maiji Mountain Grottoes to learn about the local situation in promoting the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage and developing characteristic modern mountain fruit industries.

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From the afternoon of the 10th to the morning of the 11th, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Baoji City, Shaanxi Province and Tianshui City, Gansu Province for inspection and investigation.

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习近平陕西行丨守护生态之美 实现“一泓清水入黄河”——走进宝鸡市渭河生态公园

On the afternoon of September 10, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Baoji City, Shaanxi Province to inspect the Weihe River Ecological Park to learn about the local ecological protection and management of the Weihe River. The Weihe River Ecological Park is located in the center of Baoji City, close to the north bank of the Weihe River. It integrates water, embankments, roads, gardens and squares to create a riverside ecological landscape with "four seasons of prosperity and decline, and natural wildness".

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