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最新资讯 (2024-09-11)

《践行全过程人民民主 人大代表履职故事》 第1集

2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the National People's Congress. This film shows the vivid practice of people's democracy throughout the process from the perspective of telling the story of representatives performing their duties. The deputies to the National People's Congress described in this episode include: Wei Qiao, a new farmer who writes papers in the farmland, Zhu Guoping, information officer at the grassroots legislative contact point, Qian Haijun, a grassroots power manager who serves the masses, Liu Chuanjian, the "heroic captain" who protects flight safety, Cheng Weidong, the "trailer king" of the smart port, and Sun Xianzhong, a jurist who participated in the compilation of the Civil Code.

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The reporter learned that neonatal disease screening has been carried out in Beijing City for more than 30 years. Currently, 12 types of neonatal genetic metabolic diseases, congenital hearing abnormalities, congenital heart diseases, congenital developmental hip dislocation and deafness genes have been achieved. Free screening coverage, with a total of more than 3 million newborns screened.

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According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, as of 17:30 local time on the 11th, Typhoon "Capricorn" and its subsequent impact had caused 179 deaths and 145 missing in Vietnam.

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多领域释放积极信号为高质量发展蓄势赋能 中国式现代化前景广阔、力量磅礴

On September 11,"News Network" reported on some new progress, new achievements, and new breakthroughs that China has made in many fields such as medical insurance, economic and trade cooperation, aerospace science and technology, and opening up to the outside world. China's economy is forging ahead on the path of high-quality development and Chinese-style modernization is taking a solid step.

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According to the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce, since 2013, the average annual growth rate of trade between China and ASEAN has been 7.5%; China has remained ASEAN's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years, and ASEAN has remained China's largest trading partner for four consecutive years; as of July this year, the cumulative two-way investment between China and ASEAN countries exceeded US$400 billion.

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Actively promote the reform of the medical recruitment and procurement system, establish and improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism for the drug catalog. In the past six years, a total of 744 new drugs have been added. On the basis of ensuring the accessibility of commonly used drugs, the level of medication protection for major diseases and special groups has been improved.

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The "Several Opinions" propose that by 2029, a high-quality development framework for the insurance industry will be initially formed with steadily expanding coverage, increasingly comprehensive guarantees, continuous improvement of services, stable and balanced asset allocation, sufficient solvency, and sound and effective governance and internal control.

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【奋进强国路 阔步新征程】扎实迈向农业强国的宏伟目标

In Jiansanjiang Farm in Beidahuang on the northeastern border of my country, this newly completed digital integrated cloud platform can monitor the growth of Jiansanjiang Farm in real time. As an important commercial grain base in my country, Beidahuang Group's 48 million acres of land have completed the collection and mapping of all data, achieving full coverage of Beidou navigation terminals.

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铸魂育人 创新发展 奋力谱写教育强国建设崭新篇章——习近平总书记在全国教育大会上的重要讲话引发热烈反响

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the educational power we want to build is a socialist educational power with Chinese characteristics, and should have strong ideological and political leadership, talent competitiveness, scientific and technological support, people's livelihood security, social synergy, and international influence.

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On September 11, local time, French Prime Minister Michel Barnier arrived in Reims, France, to meet with representatives of the Horizon Party led by former French Prime Minister and Mayor of Le Havre Edouard Philippe. After that, he will continue talks with representatives of the presidential camp.

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The State Council recently issued the "Several Opinions on Strengthening Supervision and Preventing Risks and Promoting High-quality Development of the Insurance Industry"(hereinafter referred to as the "Several Opinions").

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经中央军委批准 《习近平关于新时代政治建军重要论述选编》印发全军

The "Selected Compilation" is the first chapter with Comrade Xi Jinping's speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission. Other manuscripts are arranged in chronological order. A total of 89 manuscripts by Comrade Xi Jinping on political army building since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are included, comprehensively reflecting the political development of the new era. The development context, rich connotation, requirements of the times and practical path of the army building strategy.

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Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Algeria have traditional friendly relations. In recent years, under our joint leadership, relations between the two countries have developed rapidly, cooperation in various fields has achieved fruitful results, close coordination and cooperation in international affairs, and continuous deepening of traditional friendship.

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Xi Jinping pointed out that women are important promoters of human civilization and social progress, and have written extraordinary achievements in all walks of life. Since the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Women's Forum was held, women from all over the world have adhered to the "Shanghai Spirit" and contributed to the construction of a closer Shanghai Cooperation Organization community with a shared future.

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The reporter learned from CNOOC Tianjin Branch on the 11th that the cumulative oil and gas production of the Bonan Oilfield Group in Bohai Oilfield exceeded 100 million tons.

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奋进强国路 阔步新征程丨向着科技强国加速迈进——新中国成立75周年科技事业发展综述

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China 75 years ago, my country's scientific and technological undertakings have made great progress and become a major scientific and technological country with important influence in the world.

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Yuan Chengsheng is in Taipei. He studied in the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University. He has always been keen on studying the history of ancient Chinese political thought. In 2005, through a cross-strait student exchange activity, he came to the mainland for the first time. His first stop was Yuelu Academy in Changsha, Hunan.

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Education is the foundation for building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. The National Education Conference held from September 9 to 10 sounded a new clarion call for building a powerful education country.

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The State Council recently issued "Several Opinions on Strengthening Supervision and Preventing Risks and Promoting High-quality Development of the Insurance Industry."

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There are 6 episodes of "Quenching", which are "The Oath Under the Military Flag","Fighting for War and Training Soldiers","Glory Shines on a New Journey","Moving forward in unison","Fighting the Water in the Mid-stream" and "Working Together to Create First-Class".

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