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最新资讯 (2024-09-11)


The reporter learned from the Shenzhen Border Inspection Station that as of September 10, the total number of entry and exit personnel inspected by the Shenzhen Bay Border Inspection Station of the Shenzhen Border Inspection Station in 2024 has exceeded 26 million, reaching more than 26.217 million, exceeding the total number of entry and exit personnel in 2023.

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结构持续优化、实力日益增强 我国服务业成为经济社会发展的主引擎

The National Bureau of Statistics today (September 11) continued to publish the fourth report in the series of reports on the achievements of New China's economic and social development in the past 75 years. The report pointed out that in the 75 years since the founding of New China, the scale of my country's service industry has gradually accounted for half of the national economy, and the service industry has become the main engine of economic and social development.

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The screening rate for neonatal genetic metabolic diseases, hearing screening rate, deafness gene screening rate, and the screening rate for five key diseases of vision, hearing, intelligence, limbs and autism in children aged 0-6 all reached more than 99%.

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突发!以色列空军一直升机在加沙坠毁 2名士兵死亡

According to Agence France-Presse, on the 11th local time, the Israel Defense Forces announced that an Israeli Air Force helicopter crashed overnight in the Rafah area of the Gaza Strip. Two Israeli soldiers were killed in the accident and seven others were injured. According to reports, the Israeli military said in a statement that "preliminary investigations show that the crash was not caused by enemy fire... Two Israeli soldiers were killed in the crash."

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“斗月饼”找回童年回忆 别样民俗迎中秋

Near the Mid-Autumn Festival, in Tangqi Town, Linping District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, the Mid-Autumn Festival "mooncake competition" is seen again.

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On September 11, President Xi Jinping sent a message to Abdelmajid Teben to congratulate him on his re-election as President of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria.

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充满谎言、怨言和谩骂的90分钟 哈里斯和特朗普首场辩论无赢家

At 21:00 local time on the 10th, US Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Harris and Republican presidential candidate and former President Trump held their first televised debate in Philadelphia.

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农业兴、农村美、农民富 金秋时节田间地头处处好“丰”景

Water caltrop is an aquatic plant widely distributed in the Yangtze River Basin of my country. At present, water caltrop is in the harvest season in Jiayu County, Xianning City, Hubei Province. Let's go and have a look.

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Xi Jinping sent a message to congratulate Teben on his re-election as President of Algeria.

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The National Energy Administration issued a statement saying that recently, some people used the name of officials from the National Energy Administration's service center to defraud money. All localities, units and individuals are requested to be vigilant against criminals pretending to be staff members of the National Energy Administration's service center to engage in illegal activities.

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中国积极致力于同各方开展合作 共同维护网络空间安全

The action plan adopted at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation mentioned that China and Africa will strengthen cooperation in the field of cybersecurity. At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held today (11th), spokesperson Mao Ning said that China will continue to cooperate with all parties to make the Internet better benefit people around the world.

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整治非法破解加油机计量计税芯片等作弊犯罪 公安部公布5起典型案例

During the operation, the public security organs also joined forces with multiple departments to inspect 758 gas stations and found more than 790 million yuan in tax evasion. In order to deter crimes, the Ministry of Public Security announced five typical cases of cracking down on tanker cheating in accordance with the law.

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Today (September 11), Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez concluded his four-day visit to China. After visiting the Spanish Industrial Park in Kunshan, Jiangsu, Sanchez held a press conference to introduce the results of the visit.

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中秋佳节将至 各地特色美食纷纷“登场”供需两旺

The Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. In the past few days, villagers in Nanling Town, Jincheng, Shanxi Province have set up stoves in their small farmyards and begun to make the Mid-Autumn Festival specialty food-firewood mooncakes. Let's take a look at local practices.

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台风过后疾控部门启动环境卫生治理 保障群众生产生活安全

Affected by this year's 11th Typhoon Capricorn, Hainan's water supply system suffered damage and caused pollutants such as sediment, sewage, garbage and animal manure to flood into reservoirs, causing water pollution. The local government quickly launched environmental sanitation management actions to ensure the safety of local people's production and life.

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On September 8, the kick-off meeting of the pediatric autism (autism) research group organized by the China Association for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research, Mingfang and Famous Medicine Scientific and Technological Achievements Transformation Branch was held in Beijing.

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商业航天、载人月球探测获重大突破 中国“太空梦”跑出加速度

At 12:00 on September 11, the test arrow of my country's independently developed reusable rocket Suzaku-3 completed a 10-kilometer vertical take-off and landing return flight test at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, marking the use of my country's commercial aerospace industry in reusable launch vehicle technology. A major breakthrough has been made in technology, taking a key step towards achieving large-capacity, low-cost, high-frequency, and reusable space launches in the future.

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第47届世界技能大赛开幕 中国选手将参加全部比赛项目

On the evening of the 10th local time, the opening ceremony of the 47th World Skills Competition was held in Lyon, France. Li Ning, a member of the Chinese delegation and an expert on fashion technology projects, said before the opening of the competition that the experts of the delegation will work together and work side by side with the contestants and translators to work tenaciously to achieve level, excitement, and friendship.

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From September 11 to 13, 2024,"Practicing the Whole Process of People's Democracy-Stories of the Performance of People's Congress Deputies" will be premiered on the China Central Radio and Television Station's Comprehensive Channel (CCTV-1) at 18:10, and will be broadcast simultaneously on CCTV Video and CCTV. com, and will be replayed on the Society and Law Channel (CCTV-12) at 21:30 from September 12 to 14.

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“摩羯”过后 疾控部门多举措保障当地群众生产生活安全

Affected by Typhoon Capricorn, Hainan's water supply system was damaged, causing water pollution. The local government quickly launched environmental sanitation management actions to ensure the safety of local people's production and life.

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